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Rhinoplasty, or more commonly known as the “Nose-job” is one of the most requested cosmetic procedures in the plastic surgery business. It is often performed for either beauty or medical reasons. A good nose job adjusts the shape while making it appear as natural as your original look. Whether it is a small button nose, or a straighter edge, Gartner plastic surgeries produces the best and most reliable results for your dream nose job. However, any Rhinoplasty procedure shouldn’t be gotten without foreknowledge on what to expect. Here are 5 things to know before going in for a Nose Job.


Rhinoplasty is done through multiple incisions on the nose and a readjustment of the bone based on the patient’s requested look. There are multiple kinds of Rhinoplasty, mainly through either a closed or an open procedure. A closed Rhinoplasty procedure involves incisions made inside of the nostrils. An open Rhinoplasty involves one incision made under the nasal tip. The Open Rhinoplasty is performed for more detailed procedures.


As mentioned earlier, Rhinoplasty can be used for more than just personal appearance. It can be for medical reasons as well. A nose job is often used for repairing someone’s broken nose after an accident or altercation. It may also be used to help someone breathe better due to an accident or birth defect.


There is no standard nose that every surgeon compares yours to when operating. Every person is different and their nose job is based on their respective taste. Doctor Gartner takes your ideal nose instruction and creates it in appropriate proportions with your face. Therefore, there really is no right or wrong way to shape the nose. The only standard to be held up to is your own personal taste when you look in the mirror.


Some side effects include bruising around the eyes and swelling around the eyes and nose. These side effects are generally guaranteed, but some a few other potential ones may include nasal blockage, skin necrosis, bleeding, and infection. Proper anesthetics are provided to reduce risk of infection. Side effects may vary depending on your procedure, so it is best to get consultation from Dr. Gartner beforehand.


A Nose Job is normally done outpatient, meaning that you can stop by for the day and be out in the same day. It is not an extensive job, so your recovery will begin the same as the procedure. The nose will have a splint on it to protect the nose for its adjustment period (which generally is only needed for the first week). But either way it is recommended that you relax and not do anything strenuous for the next few weeks. Although there will be slight discomforts for the first few weeks, the nose job will settle and be just as you imagined it. And as life goes on, the nose will age naturally as you do. It will be as though you’ve had that shape all your life.


Cosmetic surgery is a wonderful blessing of modern science. It can provide wonderful makeovers for aesthetic appearance, or body repairs for accidents and birth defects. However, sometimes it feels like one procedure is not enough. One might not turn out the way you want, or one might turn out good but you feel like you want another. There are many reasons for multiple plastic surgeries, but when should we say enough? How much is too many and how much is reasonable?


As mentioned earlier, cosmetic surgery has been incredibly beneficial for modern science. But too much of a good thing can become an abused thing. It is important to remember that cosmetic surgery is a very delicate art, and it can be easily abused with too many procedures. Now, if you did go for a form of surgery and are not happy with the final result, then it is okay to give it one more go. Just be sure to consult with Doctor Gartner on if it is both wise and healthy enough to undertake such a procedure again. Everyone’s body is unique to themselves, and some can handle multiple tries at a nose job while others can not.


On the flip side, a patient will come out loving their new nose job. It came out just the way they wanted, but now they realize that their breasts are a little too big. With plastic surgery proven to be such a miracle worker, it is tempting to go back for another job. Once again, it is okay to go for more than one procedure. Some procedures are even recommended to accompany others, such as liposuction accompanying a Tummy Tuck. But it is very easy to fall into a trap of constant reworking.

It is important to remember that the body works as a unit. If one part is affected by something, it can carry on to the other. For example, two different plastic surgeries that both manipulate body fat can potentially do some damage to the body’s fat percentage.


Dr. Gartner understands how delicate a person’s body is. He works to adjust and rework their body with respect to their body’s natural process. The one thing that all experienced plastic surgeons have in common is that they recommend for the client to be as realistic with their results as possible.

It may not be our responsibility to know when science says enough is enough, but it is our responsibility to look in the mirror and know when enough is enough. Many of us go in for multiple plastic surgeries because we are unsatisfied with who we are. But no surgery can satisfy us unless we are already satisfied in ourselves. Plastic surgery is an augmentation on your own natural beauty; it does not create our natural beauty. With that as a framework, one can easily go in for multiple surgeries, because they know what they would like to have, not what they need to have.


In this day and age let’s face it, most people are trying to look their best and they are doing whatever it takes. We live in the age of slim bodies, proportionate faces, and beautiful figures. 

From the Victoria Secret models to the commercials with the pretty women, lots of women are trying to step their game up and look like a bombshell from Beverly Hills. In fact, there is nothing wrong with wanting to look your best, most people innately want to look good, it makes sense; if you look good you usually feel good – welcome to the age of plastic surgery.

When people decide they want to make a change in their lives they will make the necessary changes to make that happen. They will eat healthy, pump weights at the gym, but sometimes that isn’t enough. Sometimes there is certain genetics which prevents a girl from getting a butt as bootylicious as J-Lo’s butt.

Many critics try to give plastic surgery a bad rap by showing surgery horror stories. The fact of the matter is that the only stories you will hear from a legitimate certified plastic surgeon are success stories.

Reasons to Try Plastic Surgery

  1. Can give you a career boost: Although people don’t like to admit it, sex sells. Not always, but you will generally see the younger prettier women rank up quicker in their field of work. Good looks will generally lead to higher confidence which will in return give you more of a voice in your company.
  2. Can help get rid of baby flaps: Having a baby can take a toll on a mother’s body. Abdominoplasty, aka a tummy tuck, is a procedure generally given to women after giving childbirth or to people with excess skin from an extreme amount of weight loss. There is nothing you can usually do with excess skin except hide it. Surgery is a great way to take care of the issue and tighten the skin back to your muscles.
  3. We like big butts: Sir Mix-A-Lot was speaking for the whole when in ‘Baby Got Back’ he echoed the famous anthem ‘I like Big Butts and I cannot lie’. Most women and men appreciate the shape of a nice butt! Nothing gives a girl pop like seeing her walk down the street strutting her beautifully shaped figure.
  4. Fix natural physical deformities: We always say to embrace every imperfection, but sometimes there is an abnormality which is outside the realm of a normal look which in turn can cause feelings of inadequacy or insecurities. Take for example someone having a severely crooked nose due getting it broken in a fight. The only solution for this is a Rhinoplasty surgery which will straighten up the nose.
  5. Get the look you’ve always wanted: In combination with eating and exercising right, a plastic surgery can become a great addition in your make-over plan. A plastic surgery can give a person the confidence to be themselves or to fix an insecurity that has really been bothering them. Make sure the person is able to distinguish the motivation behind the surgery. If they are depressed, or have a serious psychological issue, it is important to be leery on proceeding with the surgery.

Now that we gave you reasons to try plastic surgery it is up to yourself to find out if you are ready to make the leap or not! if you are interested in plastic surgery, we hope you marinate it over and talk to a professional. If you happen to be in the New Jersey/NYC  tri-state our center would be perfect for you since we have locations in Eatontown, Paramus, and Manhattan.

We are a premier plastic surgery center with our double board certified and highly qualified plastic surgeon, Dr. Gartner. If you are interested in giving plastic surgery a shot feel, give us a call at: (201) 546-1890 to book your consultation.


Deciding between a butt lift and a butt implant really requires understanding and comparing the differences between the two options. Nowadays, everyone wants Kim Kardashian’s or Jennifer Lopez’s butt and there are different ways to go about trying to achieve this look. Cosmetic surgery has become a very popular means to this end over recent years and there are now multiple options available to those looking for a plumper, perkier behind. Whether you decide on a Brazilian Butt Lift or Butt Implants, you’re in good hands with the best plastic surgeon in the NYC/NJ area. Look no further, your butt is in good hands!


We’ve found that in the NYC/NJ area, many people prefer the Brazilian Butt Lift because it does not require anything foreign to enter the body, unlike the procedure for butt implants. Brazilian Butt Lifts use fat from either your back, thighs, flanks or abdomen. The fat is retried by using a cannula, similar to a liposuction procedure. The fat is then purified and injected into the areas of the butt that you are looking to be enhanced and add greater volume. Occasionally more than one procedure is needed to obtain the full results you would like due to the fact that during the fat transfer some fat cells do not survive and are removed by the body’s natural immune process. The Brazilian Butt Lift gives a much more natural look and feel as opposed to implants, and reduces the risk of any complications or ruptures that implants can cause.


Butt Implants, also known as gluteal implants, are exactly what they sound like. An implant is inserted into the buttocks to add volume. There are different implant shapes and textures depending on the natural structure of your butt, similar to that of a breast implant. The majority of butt implants are filled with solid silicone to decrease the chances of any rupturing. Gartner Plastic Surgery is experts in butt implants in the NYC/NJ area and is able to give you a natural looking and feeling buttocks with the use of implants. Everyone’s body is different and everyone has different looks they are trying to achieve which is why both of these options exist. Whether you choose a Brazilian Butt Lift or Butt Implants, Dr. Gartner will make sure to give you the best possible results. Be sure to contact Dr. Gartner for more information.


Having kids is an incredible gift but it is no secret that pregnancy can take a toll on a woman’s body. As the baby grows, your skin and abdomen stretch, causing stretch marks and loose skin post-delivery. Hormonal changes cause the breasts to become larger and may distort your natural shape. As mothers, you of course want to nurture and care for your babies, but mommies deserve a little self-care also! Here in our NJ and NYC office, mommy makeovers are gaining a lot of attention. Mothers want and deserve to feel good. Mommy makeovers give women the opportunity to get their bodies back to where they are comfortable.


The mommy makeover is a combination of services meant to restore and contour a woman’s body to where it was before their pregnancy, or even better than ever before! It usually entails procedures to treat the abdomen area, breasts, and fat removal. This treatment plan is customized to your individual needs and concerns. The mommy makeover can include a combination of a tummy tuck, liposuction, breast lift and augmentation, butt lift, and/or facial procedures.


Breast enhancements such as breast implants or breast augmentation can bring a more youthful and perkier appearance you once had or increase the size of your breasts. Liposuction can help to remove unwanted fat that may have built up during your pregnancy or over time. A tummy tuck is beneficial to people who want to firm and tone their abdomen. Many moms hope a butt lift will help to enhance the shape and size of their buttocks. Lastly, as the face naturally ages the skin begins to lose its elasticity causing it to drop. Facial procedures such as a brow lift, facelift or facial injectables can correct some of these concerns.


Mommy makeovers are becoming a norm among NJ and NYC moms and Gartner Plastic Surgery’s office knows how valuable your time is as a parent. Depending on the treatments you choose, you may be able to have the procedures completed on the same day. Many times the mommy makeover can have you back at work within three to two weeks, depending upon the treatments chosen. Dr. Gartner offices in NJ and NYC specialize in mommy makeovers by using an individualized combination of surgical and nonsurgical procedures. Reclaim your confidence and self-esteem by giving yourself some much-deserved self-care! Get the body you once had or always wanted!

How Much is a Mommy Makeover?

The price of a mommy makeover varies depending on your custom treatment plan, at Gartner Plastic Surgery we know how much a toll having a new child can have on your finances. Having to cough up money for a surgery can be very difficult, especially with the expenses of raising a child or children. The good news is that we offer financing to those who need it!


Double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gartner is an expert in any and all types of Mommy Makeover procedures. To talk with someone at our office about scheduling a consultation with Dr. Gartner give us a call at: (201) 546-1890


Realizing you have cellulite can be scary but going under the knife can be scarier. Luckily we have reached a day in age where non-surgical cellulite removal is possible! People are much more comfortable with non-surgical cellulite reduction treatments which allow for significantly less down time and a quicker recovery, without all the risks that come with surgery. If cellulite is one of your aesthetic concerns, then you should know that there are non-surgical cellulite reduction treatments available that are even more effective than surgery.


Exilis is the top of the line choice for non-surgical cellulite reduction. It uses technology to properly tighten skin and reduce unwanted stubborn fat. This treatment uses advanced technology to smooth and remove cellulite over a series of sessions. This procedure melts fat in the area of concern while also rebuilding collagen leaving you with smoother and firmer skin. Gartner Plastic Surgery wants our clients to receive the most effective non-surgical cellulite reduction treatments, which is why we offer Exilis. It uses technology to properly tighten skin and reduce unwanted stubborn fat. This is a great alternative to Liposuction which can result in complications during the healing process. Exilis was originally used to smooth wrinkles in the face but it is now commonly used to re-contour areas of the body such as the arms, back, buttocks, thighs, and abdomen.


At Gartner Plastic Surgery, we take pride in having the ability to offer our clients options that are both safe and effective. Non-surgical cosmetic procedures are gaining awareness because they help eliminate that fear of having invasive surgery. Exilis uses controlled radiofrequency to reach deep into the skin while still keeping the surface of the skin cool so there is no need to worry about burning. The heat from these sound waves causes the skin’s innermost layers to contract and shrink while also producing collagen to keep skin healthy and tight. This non-surgical cellulite reduction treatment is pain-free and requires no anesthetic. One session lasts about 20-30 mins and most people require 4-6 sessions total. Everyone is different and has varying concerns which is why number of sessions may differ for each person. Sessions should be spaced about two weeks apart for best results. We have seen great results with Liposuction over the years but going under the knife is not for everyone. Luckily with all the advanced technology available these days you now have other options. Let Gartner Plastic Surgery help you get rid of cellulite without surgery and restore your body so you can look and feel your very best!

We have two offices in New Jersey and one in Manhattan, feel free to give us a call for a free cellulite removal consultation today: (201) 546-1890


While most celebrities may never admit to having their nose altered, a quick before and after picture comparison will usually let the cat out of the bag. One simple google search of ‘blake lively nose job’ and you will see all the blogs and people gossiping about the possibility of a plastic surgery. A before and after of Blake Lively’s nose and you will see that there was a nose job that took place.

Her transformation and subtle transformations like hers are the types we get requested the most. An ideal nose job is going to want to correct any imperfections or deformities without inducing too much of a physical change. The ideal nose job is one that no one knows actually happened. The nose is an important part of one’s facial structure and needs to be tailored to each individual’s face. As an expert in the world of nose jobs in NYC, we have a lot of people coming into the office requesting a nose job mirroring their favorite celebrity.


Many celebrities have been rumored to have had a nose job or the surgical term rhinoplasty. The celebrities rumored are Kim Kardashian, Halle Berry, Kate Middleton, Blake Lively, Jennifer Aniston and Cameron Diaz. One simple search of “Kim Kardashian Plastic surgery”  and the change in her nose over the years is obvious although she will not admit to having rhinoplasty. It is clear that her bridge has been narrowed and the tip has been significantly refined. Jennifer Aniston admits to having a nose job that helped to define the tip of her nose, remove the bump and also fix her deviated septum. Natalie Portman’s nose, which is also rumored to have been tailored, is one of the most requested by those considering rhinoplasty. Women are not the only ones with popular celebrity noses. Patrick Dempsey and Tom Cruise also had work done on their noses to better fit their facial features.


What people find so appealing about these celebrity noses is their natural look and their proportion to the rest of their face. Common requests we get for nose jobs in our NJ and NYC and LGBTQ rehab offices is to decrease the size of nasal bumps, refine nasal tips or narrow bridges. These requests seem to be inspired more and more by celebrities. More often than not people come to our office with a picture of a celebrity nose they hope to obtain. It is important to remember that your nose is specific to your face and rhinoplasty needs to be customized to your own needs.

The main goal of rhinoplasty is to create symmetry amongst your own facial features so that no one facial feature is more prominent than another, a point we touch up upon more on 5 Things to Know Before Getting a Nose Job. The best celebrity nose jobs are the ones that are not obvious but that make the overall face more aesthetically pleasing. Plastic surgeons can help restore self-esteem by bringing balance to the face while still maintaining a natural look that won’t drastically change your face.


At Gartner Plastic Surgery we are no stranger to quality work. As a surgeon to the stars, and one of the most prominent plastic surgeons in Manhattan and the tri-state you’ll be sure to be in good hands.

Feel free to give us a call for a free Rhinoplasty consultation today, give us a call at: (201) 546-1890


With today’s technology, we have the world at our fingertips. 

 Anything you could ever hope to know can be learned by a simple Google search on your smart phone, and anything you could ever hope to buy can probably be delivered to your door in under an hour.  Living in a world where our options for anything and everything are just about limitless, however, has its detriments.  How are we as human beings supposed to keep up and be nearly as entertaining, desirable, and exciting when better, faster, smarter versions of us are available in the palm of your hand?  Well as it turns out, apps, phones, and tablets aren’t the only ways in which technology is advancing, and the world of cosmetic surgery won’t go down without a fight.  Finding ways to stay fabulous and continuing to evolve into the best you that you can be is easier now more than ever.  If you feel like you may be losing your mate to the technological wiles of the day, consider these simple procedures to stay fresh, trim, and hot.

Breast Augmentation

We’re starting off with a big one here–no pun intended.  Your breasts are one of the first things that people see by virtue of the fact that they’re noticeable regardless of what you’re wearing.  You shouldn’t be self-conscious of them, they should be an asset that makes you feel more confident.  Implants are a great option for women who feel their breast size is hindering their confidence, and if you notice that your partner may be yearning for a bit more, could be a huge boost in your relationship.  If you’re worried about the perceived “unnaturalness” of silicon implants, then consider fat transfer breast augmentation.  This transfers fat from other parts of your body and transfers it to your breasts: like a liposuction two-for-one deal, which brings us to our next procedure…


Liposuction is by far one of the most common cosmetic procedures had by Americans today.  Whereas other cosmetic procedures can be noticeable if done poorly (a bad face lift, a shoddy rhinoplasty, think Joan Rivers), liposuction is typically more of a reliable–and noncommittal–cosmetic procedure.  Getting in shape can be hard, and though liposuction works best when accompanied with proper diet and exercise, it can be a hugely important jumping off point to getting fit.  Appearing attractive to your partner should be important, and shows them that you care in ways beyond what they may expect.  Keeping fit and sexy will make them feel good with a renewed sense of love and lust for you.

Non-Surgical Cellulite Reduction

Maybe going under the knife is a little daunting, but you still want the body that you’ve always dreamed of.  Pesky cellulite, though sometimes unnoticeable, can shake your confidence.  Even if the only people aware of your cellulite are you and your partner, why let it go that far?  If you feel that your cellulite is getting in the way of your romantic life with your partner, non-surgical cellulite reduction can be just the treat that you two need to put the life back into your sex life.

Fractional Skin Resurfacing

No procedure makes you look younger and fresher more quickly than fractional skin resurfacing.  FSR essentially transforms your face into a clean slate.  Say goodbye to acne, say goodbye to blemishes, and say goodbye to wrinkles.  Nothing will get your partner going like looking how you did when you first started out, when lust was paramount and love was an afterthought. 

As far as cosmetic procedures go, this doesn’t even begin to cover the possibilities.  There are hundreds of different ways to breathe life back into your relationship, and though cosmetic procedures certainly aren’t a fix-all to romantic issues, they can certainly give you a boost in the bedroom.  Consult your doctor to see what procedures might be right for you, and contact Gartner Plastic Surgery today.


A good way to think about a body lift is like a full tune-up for your body.  It combines all of the most common post-weight-loss procedures–a tummy tuck, thigh lift, and butt lift–into one surgery. 

The surgery works to tighten skin, eliminate cellulite, and keep everything sculpted to look how you want it to.   There are reasons, however, to consider a body lift beyond recent weight loss, and it can do wonders for your self esteem. 

Why Might You Need One?

A body lift eliminates excess skin that may be inconvenient or unsightly.  There is nothing more disappointing than losing a ton of weight and still not being happy with your body.  That is where a body lift can really help.  After large amounts of weight loss, skin can begin to gather and show stretch marks.  However with a body lift, excess skin is taken up and hidden to give you the body you’ve always wanted.  Even if recent weight-loss isn’t your reason for inelastic skin, a body lift could still be right for you.  Age, sun damage, pregnancy, and genetic factors can cause poor skin elasticity that will result in sagging skin.

What About Liposuction?

Many people choose to receive a body lift following liposuction, as the sudden weight loss can cause skin to sag.  Whereas liposuction will get rid of the fat on your body, a body lift is more meant to make you look good after the fat has been eradicated.

The Procedure

As with any surgery, you should know exactly what will be happening to your body before it happens.  For a body lift, you’ll be placed under anesthesia and incisions will be made in a bikini-like pattern around your body to remove skin from your waist, groin, thigh, buttock, and abdomen.  Those incisions will then be closed by deep support sutures that aid in keeping everything together.

A body lift is typically quite expensive, but you’re going to be getting a lot for your money.  Surgical recovery isn’t always easy, and going in for each of these operations individually is going to cost you a lot not only in cash, but in the opportunity cost of missed work and opportunities.  Doing a large number of procedures at once consolidates your recovery time and sets you on the fast track to getting the body that you want.


As the surgical world continues to improve, so to does the ease and safety with which operations can be carried out.  With modern innovation, surgery of any type is typically safe and routine for most surgeons, and the surgeons at Gartner Plastic Surgery know what they’re doing.  With years of experience in the country’s most popular and common cosmetic procedures, you know that you’re in good hands with us.  So what are the most popular and common cosmetic procedures for people to have done in the United States?  Let’s find out.


Depending on how much fat you want removed, liposuction can be a quick and easy operation.  Also called “body-sculpting”, liposuction can help you get rid of stubborn and unsightly pockets of fat on your body that you don’t want.  The surgeon makes a small incision from which the fat in your body is sucked out through a vacuum.  The procedure is safe, routine, and simple, with most people reporting being able to return to work and their normal daily activities within a few days.  There may be bruising, swelling, or other possibly alarming symptoms post-surgery at the site of the operation, but they should not be cause for concern as they’re to be expected.  Liposuction can not only make you feel better about yourself, but start you on a road to better health by encouraging further weight-loss behaviors like diet and exercise.

Breast Enlargement

One of the most popular cosmetic surgeries, breast enlargement is a great option for women who are self-conscious about their chest size.  A simple and easy procedure, surgeons will place bags filled with saline between the breast tissue and chest muscles or chest muscles and chest wall.  Much like liposuction, the patient should be able to be able to return to work and normal activity only a few days following surgery.  However, vigorous exercise should be avoided for two to three weeks given the strain it may place on your chest and back, especially if your bust has increased in size.

Eyelid Surgery

As you age, you may begin to notice the skin around your eyelids sagging.  Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, aims to fix that problem.  Blepharoplasty removes bagginess and tightens the skin around the eyelid to prevent wrinkles, but is unable to eliminate fine lines.  The surgery is slightly more debilitating than the others as the swelling and bruising that naturally occur with surgery is now occurring near your eyes.  This can make your sight blurry for a few days, and swelling may not go down for a week to ten days. 

For consultations for these and any other cosmetic surgeries you may be interested in, contact Gartner Plastic Surgery today!



Happy patient
I had a breast augmentation and my results are amazing. They look so natural nobody can tell. I am so happy my friend referred him and she is too!
Happy patient
Dr Gartner is amazing!!! I had a mommy makeover and I love my results, its an incredible transformation. Dr Gartner and his staff are extremely professional and he is a true artist.
Happy patient
I am so happy with my new face. I was at my daughter’s wedding and I felt great. I look 15 years younger. I had a face lift 8 months ago. The recovery was quick and the results were instant.
Happy patient
Gartner Plastic Surgery is the best practice you can go to. The team of office staff, nurses and patient care coordinators are the best in the business.
Happy patient
I had a breast lift under local anesthesia and it was amazing. I was comfortable through the procedure and afterwards. Staff is excellent and friendly.
Happy patient
I had a breast augmentation and my results are amazing. They look so natural nobody can tell. I am so happy my friend referred him and she is too!
Happy patient
Dr Gartner is amazing!!! I had a mommy makeover and I love my results, its an incredible transformation. Dr Gartner and his staff are extremely professional and he is a true artist.

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