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Breast augmentation (AKA Augmentation Mammoplasty or “Boob-Job”), is a popular surgery for adjusting the texture, size, and/or shape of a woman’s breasts. Depending on the needs of the procedure, breast augmentation also works for men as well as women. It is a highly rejuvenating process that lines up to your desired shape. However, before going in for a boob-job, there are a few things to know in order to fully prepare for the procedure.


A Boob-job is the process of using either breast implants or natural fat to reshape a woman’s breast. It can make breasts appear larger, smaller, or in a different position. The procedure normally takes about 1-2 hours to complete. It starts with by applying anesthesia, multiple incisions (depending on the type of the adjustment), making the adjustment (which may include either inserting or removing implants or fat) and then finally closing the incision.


Breast augmentation offers more than just cosmetic benefits. It can also be used to increase a woman’s health and balance. Back-pain can be relieved through either enlarging or reducing the breasts. Also, studies have shown that women satisfied with their breast augmentation have a more enjoyable sex-life.


When it comes to breast implants, there are two types for the procedure: silicone and saline. Silicone implants contain a plastic gel, while saline is filled with sterile salt water. Another option for breast enlargements is through fat transferal.


Doctor Gartner will first consult you in order to see if you are eligible for breast augmentation. If you are, then he will advise you on the proper medical and physical preparations. Certain medications will have to be avoided, while others might be prescribed. It is important to schedule your ride home from the surgery, since you may not be physically capable of driving that day. You should also plan out the next few weeks post surgery so that your daily tasks will not hurt your recovery.


During the beginning of the recovery time, be sure not to do any physically taxing activities (i.e. heavy lifting). There will likely be swelling in the area that was operated on, however that will pass in the recovery time. You will likely need to wear a surgical bra during the healing process. This bra will help reduce the swelling. You may also require drainage tubes for the beginning healing process, but those will be removed in merely a few days. Generally the full recovery period lasts up to 6 weeks. You will be able to resume your regular activities a few days at a time.

Be sure to check out further information on our previous breast augmentation results, or our other body treatments options.



With advancements in diet, exercise, and modern technology, there is no reason for unwanted fat to linger on us. Dr. Gartner provides multiple avenues to adjust your body’s shape and appearance, and one of the most popular forms is the liposuction procedure. Liposuction is the process of removing unwanted fat deposits in your body through a device that sucks out the targeted fat deposits. It is a very effective technique, but it can only be enacted if you are healthy enough for it. Be sure to check out these facts about liposuction procedure before meeting with Dr. Gartner.


Consult Dr. Gartner about your current health condition to see if you are properly eligible for the procedure. You may not be eligible if you have any health problems such as diabetes, heart trouble, or smoking. You are eligible if you are close to your ideal weight (about 35-25% close) and have sound, logical expectations. If you have any further questions about eligibility, be sure to contact Dr. Gartner.


Although we promote the use of liposuction for removal of fat deposits, it is recommended that you try diet and exercise first. Whether the weight is lost through exercise or lipo, you will have to maintain healthy living either way. One cannot rely on liposuction to permanently keep their weight at bay.


As mentioned before, Liposuction (A.K.A. lipoplasty or liposculpture) is a procedure where the fat deposits in targeted areas of your body are removed through a suction device. Dr. Gartner tailors his techniques based on your own body’s specific needs. One of the most common techniques is the laser-assisted procedure. This technique melts the fat away and therefore makes the suction easier with less blood loss. You will be offered to take the procedure either under local or general anesthesia. Local anesthesia keeps you awake, while general anesthesia makes you fall asleep for the whole procedure. Whichever is administered depends on the strength and size or the procedure. Either way, the anesthesia will prevent you from experiencing any pain.


Dr. Gartner will speak with you on what to expect with your customized liposuction. During the meeting, he will instruct you on what you will need to do in order to prepare for said procedure. Certain preparations vary depending on what kind of procedure you are getting, but generally there are a few measures that apply to most kinds of liposuction procedures.

It is best to refrain from smoking drinking, or taking any medications that promote bleeding two weeks prior to surgery. You must make preparations to be driven home after the surgery, since you will not be able to safely drive yourself home. Do not drink or eat anything eight hours before surgery (this includes bread and water).


After the surgery, there are a few requirements for a smooth recovery. You will need a repression garment to wear for the first few weeks. This will control swelling. You will be able to go back to work four to seven days, depending on Dr. Gartner’s instructions. It is expected to have swelling, soreness, and bruising during the first few weeks of recovery, but these will easily subside.


The eyes are one of the most active parts of your face. As a result, your eyelids can get easily worn out as the years go by. However, you don’t need to get used to a consistently saggy and tired look. An Eyelift (also known as blepharoplasty or an eyelid lift) can readjust your whole appearance by reforming your lower and upper eyelids to be less saggy and decrease fat bulges. Although this is a wonderful procedure, it shouldn’t be taken without prior knowledge of what to expect. Here are Five things to know before getting an Eyelift procedure.


The Eyelift surgery is custom fitted to your specific condition. Dr. Gartner will determine the proper amount of fat and skin that needs removal. From there on we will ultimately remove any bags or drooping of the eyelids above or below the eyes. Think of it as a Tummy Tuck procedure, but for your eyes instead. You will be under local anesthesia, which leaves you awake but numb enough to not feel anything during the procedure.


Once this procedure is finished, you will appear more awake, alert and youthful. Your skin will have less wrinkles, drooping, and excess fat in the eyelid area. This not only helps your appearance but can also improve your sight if the saggy skin was previously obstructing your vision. Less drooping will also allow for your eyes to have the proper of amount of light going into them since the eyelids will now be in their healthiest positioning.


Before going in, Dr. Gartner will consult you on your specific needs. No surgery comes pre-tailored, so you will have the chance to sit down and discuss how much to leave in and how much to take away. Be sure to plan ahead your work and life schedule in order to allow time to rest and recover. You will definitely need to make preparations to be driven home after the surgery, since you will likely not be in the right condition to drive. You will have to avoid certain medications two weeks prior to surgery. These medications include the following elements: Vitamin E, Aspirin, St. John’s Wort, Ibuprofen, and ginseng. You cannot eat or drink anything eight hours prior to the procedure. You also cannot have any make up on before going into surgery.


After your eye-lift surgery is complete, there will be a few side effects, but they will dissipate within a few weeks. The conditions are not too taxing; the only real discomforts you may experience are bruising and swelling. Tightness and dryness in the eyes might be briefly apparent as well.


An Eyelift is extremely beneficial for both your focus and appearance. However, if other portions of your face are sagging and require a make-over, the eyelift surgery can accompany other those procedures as well. These include brow lifts and dermal filler injections. All together these help reduce bags and sagging around the eyes and forehead that the eyesight cannot reach. Be sure to ask Dr. Gartner if you are ready for this, or if you’ll be better off with a single procedure.


A Tummy Tuck is often a good solution for those who have tried to reduce abdominal fat with diet and exercise, but unfortunately their body was too stubborn to work with them. However, regulation is still required to maintain your new look. But when should we start, and what exercises are right for us after the procedure? Are some too strenuous? Take a look here for some recommended information on when and how to exercise after having an Abdominoplasty Procedure.

Note: Every person is different, so this article is merely a guideline for what to possibly expect. These instructions can change depending on the specific of procedure you get. Ultimately your doctor will be the authority on what is best. If you choose Dr. Gartner as your plastic surgeon, he asses your body’s current condition and prescribe the necessary actions before and after surgery.


You will be asked to take short walks the day after the Tummy Tuck surgery. These are meant to help increase blood flow and adjust your body to its new condition. However, it is recommended not to walk alone, since you may still need help adjusting to your balance. Every day you should gradually increase the length of your walk, but only slightly every time. Don’t push yourself beyond a reasonable limit of activity. Listen to your body and don’t try to ignore its fragile condition.


It is best to avoid any heavy lifting post the initial surgery. Usually, your exercise regiments beyond walking will be allowed after the first six weeks. From there on you can begin more active cardiovascular exercises. Any weight lifting should be minimal, since it is easy for weights to stress out the sutures from your procedure. However, as the days go by you will be allowed to gradually increase your weight-lifting regiment, much like your gradual walking exercises. Treat yourself as if you were exercising for the first time all over again. You may know that you can do more, but your abdomens need baby steps before getting back on your usual track.


In the end, you will absolutely be able to go back to your regular exercise routine. It is just going to take some time to allow your body to readjust itself. Within 2-3 months, you will be just as active as you were before, with a flatter and more productive tummy. Besides, a tummy tuck is not a permanent means of having a flatter stomach. Continued diet and exercise will allow those abs to keep getting better and better after the initial procedure.



Cosmetic surgery goes back a lot farther than most realize. Professional medicine has a long history of figuring out the best and most beneficial ways of modifying and healing the body, and plastic surgery is no different. Procedures such as Rhinoplasty go as far back as ancient Rome, and the gradual advancement of said procedures were mostly due to the drive to serve the patient best, even if that meant challenging contemporary surgeons. If we take a look back, we will begin to see the real depth of how much time and effort has been put into perfecting the art and science of Plastic Surgery.


Many think that Plastic Surgery is a recent form of medicine. But in fact it goes all the way back to Ancient Egypt. Egyptian medical text dated around 2000 B.C. describes physicians used reeds to hold nostrils open to allow them to heal post reconstruction. Although a primitive procedure, this principle of integrating inanimate materials with the human body helped inspire a new form of medical procedure across the globe. First century B.C. Rome was known for using cosmetic surgery to heal gladiators who were scarred and broken post-battle. This was also the first time we saw breast reduction and Rhinoplasty (“the Nose job”) in action.

Rise in Europe

By the time we get around to the 16th century, Italian surgeon Gaspare Tagliacozzi popularized the use of reconstructive surgery in Europe. He was known for his innovative form of Rhinoplasty, which would use flaps of arm skin and transferring them to the nose. He was also the first to write a full textbook on plastic surgery.


By the turn of the 20th century, Plastic surgery gained some criticism from the medical community. Dr. Charles Miller’s book The Correction of Featural Imperfections was among the books that general surgeons condemned as nonsense.

Wartime Necessity

Despite this plastic surgery continued to grow, mainly out of necessity due to wartime wounds and damaging. These went beyond simple facial reconstruction, since a extensive number of soldiers received bodily damage. In 1946, the first medical journal for plastic surgery became a reality. From then on plastic surgery only rose in recognition. It gained a spike in popularity around the 1960’s, noted by the development of Silicone. The use of it was bounced around for a little while until finally being utilized in a breast implant device by Dr. Thomas Cronin. Since then, silicone breast implants continue to be one of the most popular plastic surgeries.

Modern Innovation

Plastic surgery has come a long way, not only using reconstructive procedures, but also enhancements for beauty/aesthetic purposes. With scientific procedures always advancing, it is exciting to think about what will be the new hot innovation in cosmetic surgery.


America has been having a love affair with plastic surgery for many years now, but, until recently, butt implants have not really been a part of it. In fact, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, in 2015 butt implant surgery didn’t even break the top 10 most popular cosmetic procedures performed. However, the heightened attention surrounding celebrities that flaunt their curves has lead to a greater interest in cosmetic procedures that enhance the behind. With a few cosmetic procedures available to choose from- a lot of people want to know- are buttock implants permanent?


The buttock implant procedure involves placing a gluteal implant under each gluteus maximus muscle. The implant is made of a soft-solid silicone rubber and is, therefore, permanent. Because of the permanent nature of this procedure, it should only be performed by a board certified plastic surgeon. There are different sized implants to choose from based on the appearance that the patient is looking for along with what the surgeon determines to be the safest option. Butt implants add volume but do not possess the ability on their own to reshape or contour the butt.


While butt implants are a great permanent solution for those looking to add a little oomph to their behinds without reshaping, butt injections, also called a Brazilian Butt Lift, offer an alternative for those who are hesitant to go all the way with implants. Butt injections involve taking fat from another area of the body, usually the abdomen or thighs, and injecting it into the buttock to shape and enhance it. The results from this procedure are generally permanent, however, if the patient loses weight, the fat injected into the buttocks is at risk. Since it is natural fat, the body will lose weight normally, so the possibility of losing the fat injected into the buttocks is there.

Whatever procedure is chosen, the decision should be between the patient and the surgeon. Dr. Gartner is a double board certified plastic surgeon with offices in New Jersey and Manhattan and has extensive experience in these procedures. You can schedule a consultation with Dr. Gartner sending us a message or giving us a call.


One client might be eligible for a Tummy Tuck, while at the same time he or she might be non-eligible for a Nose-job. Generally your plastic surgery eligibility is based on two elements: your procedure of choice, and your personal health conditions. Although you can contact Dr. Gartner for any specific questions, you can save some time by seeing if you are eligible for some of our most popular surgeries described below.

Note: As for all cosmetic procedures, the candidate must have reasonable expectations and understanding of the risks, as well as a fair reason for the augmentation in the first place. For instance, we can’t give someone a nose job if there is no bump, droop, blemish, or anything else wrong with their nose.


The candidate should not be pregnant nor breastfeeding. It is recommended to get a Tummy Tuck after pregnancy rather than before. They need to currently be at a reasonable and healthy weight. If you smoke, you will need to quit at least four weeks prior to the plastic surgery procedure.


It is ideal for someone to be fully grown before getting a nose-job. However, our procedure will allow the nose to age as you age after the plastic surgery. You have to be a non-smoker if you intend to get a nose adjustment. If you used to smoke but previously quit, please contact Dr. Gartner for further details.


It is recommended that your breasts be fully developed before surgery. Young women whose breasts are still growing will effect the augmentation over time. If a woman is planning on getting pregnant after the plastic surgery, they should ask Dr. Gartner if their breast augmentation would affect their pregnancy and breast-feeding capabilities.


Anyone considering getting the Brazilian butt lift procedure should be in good physical health, and should already at his or her ideal weight. It would be wise to practice diet and exercise prior to getting this procedure, just in case you can get your ideal buttocks through more natural means. The person should have the proper amount of excess fat in order to be moved to the buttocks.

For any form of cosmetic surgery, it is always best for your surgery to be your decision. This surgery is permanent, so you should never get a procedure because someone else is pressuring you or if you only need it temporarily. If that is the case looking into an addiction treatment would be appropriate. It’s not uncommon for people to get addicted to plastic surgery. Cosmetic surgery is about your taste on your own personal appearance, and that level of understanding is one of the main reasons you are approved in the first place.


Plastic surgery doesn’t always seem like a fun idea. With all of the ruined faces we see among celebrities, it can be pretty scary to go for a surgical make-over. However, what needs to be addressed is that those celebrity malfunctions are mostly due to overuse and abuse of the surgery. Here at Gartner Plastic Surgery, we put the patient’s needs and concerns as our highest priority. Beauty is our expertise and there is nothing to be afraid of when looking for a new look. In case you’re a bit unsure of going for a cosmetic procedure, here are ten celebrity plastic surgeries that went so well, you’ll forget that they looked any different in the first place.


At first you’d think, huh? Then you take a look at young Diane, and then you realize the difference. Diane’s breast enhancement is a perfect example of surgery that looks so natural, that you forget she didn’t always look like that.


From Scary Movie to CBS’ Mom, Anna still looks like she is in her mid 20’s, when in fact she is 39. Anna’s look has definitely changed since those early films, when she underwent surgery for lip injections, and breast augmentation.


Guys, this is Kelly Rowland! Come on yall. If she doesn’t give me confidence then I don’t know who will. With hit after hit, her image has grown to be a symbol of empowerment and beauty. But even still, her simple breast enhancements make her feel even more empowered. She didn’t have to get it, but with wise counseling from her family, she did and it totally paid off.


Julia is currently 48 and still looks 38. Like Catherine Zeta-Jones, Julia’s image is set in the 90’s days of Pretty Woman. Her surgery involved botox, rhinoplasty, and a very successful facelift.


Patrick looks like he ages extremely slowly, since he appears right at 40, the sweet spot between distinguished maturity and youth. I swear he probably found the fountain of youth. His nose job and botox injections have worked wonders for him since Grey’s Anatomy.


Ashlee never officially confirmed which kind of procedure she took; she has made it pretty clear that she underwent a nose job. And my what a good job it was! The singer and TV personality underwent a cosmetic procedure to straighten out her nose and reduce the curviness of her original nose. She already looked adorable before, but now she is downright stunning!


Jillian is the popular face of determined fitness. The instructors and TV host is known for enhancing one’s natural body. But she is comfortable admitting that she had gotten a nose job when she was a teenager. Formerly bullied for her nose, she has since made it clear that although you shouldn’t let your physicality define you, there is nothing wrong with making a few changes to feel more confident.


That’s right. The ROCK! Dwayne Johnson, the symbol of strength, has undergone a procedure in the past. As impeding as the guy is, he once felt that his pecks were a bit too imposing. He underwent a breast reduction, and guess what? The Rock is still the Rock, looking better than ever.


Enrique’s procedure is a perfect example of less is more. Surgery can be as simple as a mole removal, such as Enrique’s. The singe rand actor became well known for his mole, but take a look at him now. It is as if it was never there. Cosmetic surgery can be for more than just tummy tucks or facelifts. A simple blemish job may be all you need.


I find it impossible for someone not to love Jennifer. She carries herself with mature confidence but still looks 32. Jennifer is 47. Are you kidding me? Her immensely successful procedure involved fillers Botox. The reason her make-over is the best is because it uses one of the most well known surgeries (Botox) and yet you can’t even tell the difference. You’d assume she just aged naturally. She is also rumored to have had a nose job.


Living healthy is harder than it seems. With family, work, and stress, your body just isn’t what it used to be. Although diet and exercise is always the key to a healthy lifestyle, there is nothing wrong with jump-starting your new life with a Tummy Tuck. Tummy Tucks are all the rage in modern plastic surgery. The surgery gets rid of any pesky fat, loose skin, and allows for your natural muscles to shine through. But before you jump onto this exciting procedure, it would be best to know some information regarding what to expect.


Abdominoplasty, better known as the Tummy Tuck procedure, is performed by removing skin and fat from the abdomen area. This is how your stomach gets smoothed out. We also remove any separation in the abdominals to tighten the wall muscles. We administer liposuction while your tummy tuck procedure is happening. This allows for better improvement of your midsection. We also reshape your waist and back, as well as removing any love handles or unwanted weight.


The long-term benefits of Tummy Tucks are more than looks. Aside from a flatter and well-toned stomach, you will also have better posture and a loss of extra skin. Women who have given birth may experience Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI), which creates uncontrollable leakage in the bladder. Although there is a separate procedure for treating SUI, it can be treated with a Tummy Tuck by creating a bladder obstruction in the Pelvic area that blocks the leakage.


There are a few potential complications that can result from Tummy Tuck surgery. These can include: lasting discomfort, necrosis, blood clots, wound separation, seroma and hematoma, infection, under or over correction, and dissatisfactory results. However, these results are preventable based on the health of the patient, and with proper consultation with your surgeon, this can be easily avoided.


The best way to prepare for the Tummy Tuck is to make sure that you are both healthy for the procedure, and free for the recovery. Although the recovery process is only about four weeks long, it is still best to preplan your recovery weeks in advance. For the procedure itself, you will need to preserve your current weight, cease any smoking four weeks prior, consume less sodium, and take any other custom health requirements recommended by your surgeon.


It is important to acknowledge that you will experience some discomfort in the first few days of recovery. These symptoms will include bruising, swelling, numbness and possible mood swings. However, these side effects will subside in a few weeks. You will be able to take a shower, however you should avoid the incisions while scrubbing. Ask your surgeon before taking any pain relief medication post surgery. After about a month, most side effects will subside and you can enjoy your new form.


The Brazilian butt lift is one of the most sought after surgical procedures. It does wonders by giving your buttocks the well-defined sensual shape you’ve been dreaming of. Dr. Gartner’s careful, well-trained techniques have produced success stories time after time. But before deciding if you are ready for the procedure, there are some facts regarding the butt lift surgery that you may want to know about.


There is a big difference between a standard butt lift and the Brazillian butt lift. The standard Butt lift surgery is usually meant for removing large amounts of skin on the buttocks. It is not meant for removing fat. But the Brazillain Butt lift is a procedure where the patient’s own fat is injected into their buttocks in order to enhance their shape and volume. It would be best to determine your desired amount of skin and fat before picking a butt lift procedure. Too many people go into a standard butt lift procedure before they hit their ideal weight, which causes problems later on when they want to either loose or gain weight.


The Brazilian butt lift is not for everyone, but it is a definite help for anyone with buttocks in need of reshaping. This procedure helps adjust any flat, sagging, or asymmetrical buttocks. And the best part is that it uses your own natural fat to adjust the shape. We begin with a liposuction procedure, mainly from any unwanted fat areas (i.e. hips and stomach). The fat is filled in the upper area of the cheeks, creating the lift effect.


Besides a more sensual, hourglass figure, the Brazilian butt lift offers a number of health benefits. First off, the results last for a longer period of time due to our micro-droplet technique. This uses small cannulas that spread the fat across the buttocks. There is also a far lower risk of infection with our procedure, since we use your own body fat rather than any artificial implants. Our recovery process is far quicker, lasting for only about a week, when others can last up to a month.


First and foremost, the patients should always consult their surgeon if they are healthy enough for the procedure. Patients should refrain from both smoking and taking any blood thinners a month before the butt lift. Once the procedure is complete, you will have to remain mostly stationary for at least a month. So it is best to take care of any plans or tasks beforehand so that they do not get in the way of your recovery.


Once we finish the procedure, we close it with sutures that absorb into the skin. This keeps the incision from being seen, even though we make our incisions in the bikini line. There may be some small tubes to be put under the skin under the temporary bandages. These temporary tubes are just meant to absorb any excess fluids post procedure. As for the recovery process, the patient should not sit on their buttocks for a small period of time. This is necessary in order for the fat graft to settle.

For further information, see our Brazilian butt lift treatment page.



Happy patient
I had a breast augmentation and my results are amazing. They look so natural nobody can tell. I am so happy my friend referred him and she is too!
Happy patient
Dr Gartner is amazing!!! I had a mommy makeover and I love my results, its an incredible transformation. Dr Gartner and his staff are extremely professional and he is a true artist.
Happy patient
I am so happy with my new face. I was at my daughter’s wedding and I felt great. I look 15 years younger. I had a face lift 8 months ago. The recovery was quick and the results were instant.
Happy patient
Gartner Plastic Surgery is the best practice you can go to. The team of office staff, nurses and patient care coordinators are the best in the business.
Happy patient
I had a breast lift under local anesthesia and it was amazing. I was comfortable through the procedure and afterwards. Staff is excellent and friendly.
Happy patient
I had a breast augmentation and my results are amazing. They look so natural nobody can tell. I am so happy my friend referred him and she is too!
Happy patient
Dr Gartner is amazing!!! I had a mommy makeover and I love my results, its an incredible transformation. Dr Gartner and his staff are extremely professional and he is a true artist.

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