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For those who have dreamed of shifting fat from their perceived problem regions to other parts of the body, a brazilian butt lift might be the solution for their problems. The process makes use of fat stored inside your own body to shape your backside into the shape you want. To understand more about the procedure, continue reading this article, or call the brazilian butt lift professionals at Gartner Plastic Surgery in greater central NJ to book a consultation…

A Brief Overview Of The Brazilian Buttlift’s History

Known as a brazilian butt lift, this procedure is a sophisticated fat transfer technique that enhances the size and contour of the buttocks without the use of implants. Liposuction is used to remove excess fat from the hips, abdomen, lower back, or thighs, and a part of this fat is then carefully injected into the buttocks to get the desired results.

With brazilian butt lift surgery, a trained cosmetic surgeon may improve the proportions of the whole lower body, assisting a patient in losing fat in frequent “problem areas” and enhancing the buttocks, with effects that endure for years.

How Brazilian Butt Lifts Are Conducted

There are several different sorts of cosmetic treatments available for the buttocks. In short, fat is displaced from the buttocks during the brazilian buttlift procedure, which may be accomplished by grafting or injection. Liposuction is a procedure in which your surgeon removes fat from other parts of your body, such as your abdomen, hips, or thighs. Once the fat has been prepared, it is transplanted into the desired regions on your buttocks. It differs from traditional butt lift operations, which lower the volume of your behind by removing extra fat and skin – often in patients who have lost a significant amount of weight would opt for that type of procedure.

What Are The Advantages Of A Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure?

Many benefits are available to ladies who prefer a more proportional form as well as increased buttock contours with the use of the brazilian butt lift procedures. When it comes to precise changes, diet and exercise are seldom as effective as personalized liposculpture and brazilian butt lifts are. Most of the time, genetics and obstinate fat distribution make it difficult for women to get the more feminine form and natural-looking curves that they want; this is particularly true in the buttocks. The following are some of the advantages of the brazilian butt lift procedure:

  • Using liposculpture, unwanted fat may be removed from specific regions of the body, resulting in smoother, more slender outlines in the places where fat has been collected.
  • The proportions of one’s body may be adjusted to a modest or large degree.
  • Transferred fat may be used to produce a certain buttock form, size, and projection that the patient wants.
  • Long-term benefits are achieved by using modern fat purifying procedures.
  • Liposculpture may be used to contour the buttocks prior to the implantation of fresh fat for the best possible outcomes.
  • Transferred fat may be used to elevate and fill up parts of the buttocks that have become deficient as a result of age-related changes in body composition.
  • The final results are personalized to seem very smooth, soft, symmetrical, and natural in every aspect.

Safety Of Brazilian Buttlifts Procedures In NJ

Butt lifts are considered to be safe, while they do include certain risks, as do any surgical procedures. These are the most often reported adverse effects: bruising, asymmetry, edema, discomfort, and infection in the treated region. It is possible to reduce these risks by working with a trained and experienced surgeon such as Dr. Gartner in NJ and by following your aftercare instructions carefully.

Who Are Candidates For Brazilian Buttlifts

If you’re self-conscious about that part of your body, you could be a good candidate for a brazilian butt lift procedure. Along with being in excellent physical and mental condition, you should also have reasonable expectations for the treatment. If your weight has fluctuated up and down over time, or if you don’t have much extra fat in other regions, you aren’t as good of a candidate for this type of procedure in NJ. Consult with your doctor if you have a chronic health condition such as heart disease, depression, or diabetes, since these conditions might increase your risk of problems from the procedure. Again since every patient is different we always recommend getting a consultation with Dr. Gartner and talking about what kind of options you have regarding your treatment type.

How Is A Brazilian Butt Lift Performed?

The brazilian butt lift procedure at Gartner Plastic Surgery is often done in our approved surgery center on an outpatient basis under local anesthetic and sedation. Liposuction is used to remove excess fat cells from the belly, lower back, inner and outer thighs, and hips before the brazilian Butt Lift surgery may be performed. This enables the technique to be really customized to meet the specific requirements of each person. Before the buttocks region is enhanced, it is shaped using a contouring tool. It is then carefully re-injected into the region of each buttock that has been targeted for therapy after the fat has been extracted and purified. Normally this process is done by eliminating any excess fluid from it. The incisions made during the procedure are exceedingly tiny, and the scarring that results is often scarcely perceptible.

It is vital to note that Dr. Gartner does not just use liposuction to remove the fat away; instead, he employs high-definition liposculpting to get outstanding results. Anatomical contouring is done initially, with the help of the VASER ultrasonic cannulas, in order to define your shape and accentuate your natural features.

Getting Ready For A Brazilian Butt Lift In NJ

Choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon who works in an approved facility and has particular butt augmentation expertise is critical for a successful outcome.

In addition to being qualified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, board-certified Dr. Gartner has received specialized training as well as substantial experience doing brazilian buttlift procedures among other surgical procedures.

Always ask as many questions as you need to in order to feel comfortable with your choice to have a brazilian butt lift performed. You should also be informed of the expenses, recovery time, potential hazards, and other specifics of the surgery before scheduling an appointment.

Before having a brazilian butt lift, you may be requested to refrain from taking certain drugs, particularly blood thinners such as aspirin. Patients should avoid smoking before and after the treatment, since the habit might cause recovery to be slowed and put them at risk for additional issues, such as infection.

Finding The Right Size For You

The brazilian butt lift technique is often misunderstood, with many people believing that its only objective is to increase the buttocks as much as possible. In actuality, concentrating just on obtaining the “largest buttocks” via fat transfer to the buttocks may have the unintended consequence of distorting your total body proportions.

In the case of fat transfer to the buttocks, if you were to look at projected photographs of how you would want to appear after the procedure, you would most likely note that there would be a lovely natural curve of the lower back, around the hip area, and down the buttocks.

The construction of excessively huge buttocks with a brazilian butt lift is not required in order to achieve these delicate features. When it comes to improving the transition between the back and the buttocks, relatively little augmentation is usually necessary to provide a stunning result. It is possible to enhance the look of the buttocks in certain circumstances by lowering the size of the flanks and belly, which may be accomplished by liposuction.

Performing cosmetic surgery on one portion of the body, such as fat transfer to the buttocks, is sure to have an effect on the contours of the rest of the body. This is a benefit that our patients appreciate! The combination of treatments such as liposuction and the brazilian butt lift, which may be performed at the same time, has a fantastic synergistic effect, resulting in an enhanced appearance that seems natural-looking when executed correctly.

Results Of The Brazilian Butt Lift

It is possible that you may feel significant edema after your procedure. Because some of the fat injected dissolves, don’t be concerned if your buttocks seem to be bigger than you expected at first. Your final effects will become more visible when your body recovers and 15-35 percent of the fat melts, depending on your starting point. The results of a brazilian butt lift are often quite natural-looking, and most patients are glad that they chose to have the surgery done.

Variations On The Brazilian Butt Lift

Buttock augmentation is not always a single treatment that is carried out in the same method on every patient in the same way. In addition to fat transfer to the buttocks, there are a variety of other procedures that may be employed to generate stunning, natural-looking results.

A buttock lift may improve the look of drooping skin and tissue in the buttock area. While the brazilian butt lift technique may be used to enhance the buttocks, the lifting procedure is similar to the tummy tuck procedure in that a strip of skin is taken from the lower back region in order to raise the whole buttock.

Lifting may also be done on its own, without the need for fat transfer to the buttocks in order to improve shape.

Buttock contouring may be performed in conjunction with the brazilian buttlift surgery. This procedure includes the removal of excess fat from one or more regions of the buttocks and the transfer of fat to other places in order to improve the buttock’s natural, attractive curvature.

Learn More About Brazilian Butt Lift Procedures In NJ

Fat transfer to the buttocks and liposuction are only two of the procedures offered at Gartner Plastic Surgery as well as we offer plenty more to ensure we can achieve the exact results that you’re looking for.

The ultimate aim of any procedure or combination of procedures—whether a brazilian butt lift or another kind of surgery—is to have a physique that gives you a sense of pride and confidence in yourself.

Our team at Gartner Plastic Surgery understands the importance of feeling and looking your absolute best. If you have any questions or want to learn more about the brazilian butt lift procedure, contact our team and we would be happy to set you up with a one-on-one consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gartner!


Among the body contouring choices, Brazilian Butt Lift surgery is a popular technique that has earned a lot of attention through the recent years. It’s understandable, given how many individuals seek a quick fix to improve their looks permanently.

BBL also known as Brazilian Butt Lift  is a treatment that gives the appearance of an hourglass body. Purified fat cells from other regions of your body are transferred to locations on your buttocks and thighs where you may lack volume or curves. For people who are self-conscious about how they appear in their clothing, it may help eliminate cellulite and produce more shapely hips and a buttocks area.

This article will go over all you need to know about Brazilian Butt Lift surgery, including what the surgery entails, how long it lasts, and what to anticipate after ten years following the procedure. Let’s get started!


You may have heard about this procedure from friends or on social media, or you may have seen certain celebrities undergoing a BBL procedure on television. To improve the contour and size of the buttocks, Brazilian Butt Lift includes injecting autologous fat cells into the buttocks derived from your body. BBL, buttock augmentation, or gluteoplasty are all terms used to describe the procedure in the medical field. The BBL surgery is performed under general anesthesia in an outpatient setting and takes one to four hours to complete.

Liposuction procedures are often used to remove fat cells from pre-selected locations such the belly, hips, thighs, and lower back. The fat is subsequently purified and the healthiest fat cells are taken from the fat. To generate fuller and more appealing buttock shapes, the harvested fat cells are injected into the buttocks at the precise places and in the proper volumes.

This surgery may be performed anywhere from the waist to the thighs, although the hips and buttocks are the most typical areas treated. The reason for this is because the Brazilian Butt Lift has been shown to decrease back discomfort by strengthening the muscles in that region.


Most cosmetic surgeons will tell you that what a patient does following Brazilian buttlift surgery has an impact on how long fat stays in the buttocks and how long the results endure.

Only a little amount of fat remains in the buttocks once the fat is transplanted. The amount of fat that remains is determined by a number of variables, including the volume transferred, the elasticity of the skin in the buttocks, and how you act throughout the healing phase.

If you follow these guidelines, you can increase your long-term BBL results:


You should not smoke and attempt to avoid secondhand smoking if you want your BBL results to last five years or more.

Smoking impairs oxygen flow and the absorption of nutrients in the circulation in the treatment region. To live in the treatment location the cells must develop a blood supply when the fat is transported to the buttocks.


Your surgeon may advise you not to drive for six to eight weeks. Sitting on the treatment region may damage the transferred fat.


After surgery, you should avoid sitting on your back for three to four weeks. If you need to sit, a special BBL cushion that protects the treated region should be used as much as possible.

If you need to sit, a BBL pillow inserts a little cushion beneath your lower thighs to relieve strain on your buttocks. That being said, we still do not recommend using it until three to four weeks post-op.


Drink lots of water after your BBL surgery to wash out toxins and provide your body with the nutrients it needs to recuperate quickly.

Some doctors advise adding Himalayan salt to your drink for a few weeks following surgery to replenish critical salts and minerals in the body.


You should consume nutrient-dense meals to ensure that your body receives the vitamins and minerals it needs to recuperate after BBL surgery.

Avocados, salmon, butter, olive oil, coconut oil, and walnuts are some foods that may aid in the healing process.


After BBL surgery, most surgeons suggest sleeping on your stomach. You may sleep on your side as well, but make sure you don’t fall asleep on your back.

It’s not a good idea to sleep on your back for at least two months following surgery.


After surgery, and in the years ahead, you should aim to maintain your weight. Your BBL results may be affected by fluctuating weight.

If you acquire too much weight, fat may likely develop in regions where fat was not eliminated during liposuction for the BBL procedure. If your surgeon removes fat from your stomach for your BBL, for example, you may acquire fat in your thighs or arms as you gain weight.


After the surgery, your surgeon may offer you a BBL shaping garment, which you should wear according to their recommendations.

Also, during the first two months following the treatment, wear loose-fitting clothes. Wearing tight garments at this period may cause the freshly transplanted fat cells to die.


It’s understandable to be concerned about whether BBL is permanent or how long the effects will endure. BBL outcomes vary from person to person and may last anywhere from a few years to decades, depending on how the buttock is treated after surgery and throughout recovery.

About 30-40% of the fat cells injected during the surgery are naturally absorbed by the body, with the remaining fat cells staying for the rest of one’s life. In the buttocks, more fat cells will regenerate, resulting in an increase in volume and form that will last for a long period of time.

The butt form is more or less permanent after the fat cells have healed and integrated, and the fat cells function like any other fat cells in the body. To get the best long-term benefits from the BBL surgery, you must maintain a healthy weight thereafter. They will shrink or change accordingly as you lose or gain weight.


In general, if done well, the effects of a BBL may last for years, if not decades. The BBL process is tailored to each patient’s individual physique, and various factors impact the long-term BBL outcomes.

The following are key aspects that will make a difference:

  • Plastic Surgeon’s Skills: To accomplish great fat integration, a skilled BBL surgeon will inject purified fat in the proper volumes and at the right areas in the butt. It will provide the groundwork for a long-term and fruitful result.
  • Patient Profile: Patients who get a fat transfer BBL operation at a younger age should expect to experience the effects for at least 10 years. Long-term effects are also influenced by other variables including health issues, skin tone and thickness, and genetic composition.
  • Healthy Lifestyle: For the most part, the care during the recovery period determines the duration of BBL outcomes. Following the surgeon’s aftercare guidelines and keeping a healthy body weight through a balanced diet, an active lifestyle with a regular workout program, and a healthy and stress-free lifestyle can help you optimize and maintain good results for the next ten years or more.


Because most women select Brazilian Butt Lift or enlargement treatments at a younger age, the majority of patients may continue to have outstanding results for the following years to come. During this period, the body is incredibly adaptable and robust, giving it a better chance of producing a long-term, sustainable result.

After ten years, your buttocks should have the same perky and curvy form as they had after surgery. You may observe long-lasting improvements even after ten years if you don’t acquire excessive weight or have substantial weight changes. A healthy diet, an active lifestyle, and a stress-free lifestyle can help you achieve and sustain long-term success.

BBL does not treat sagging skin. If skin laxity develops, you may choose to have a touch-up operation at a later date. Due to the natural aging process, having the BBL treatment at a later age will affect the outcomes over time and impair butt shape.


If you’ve been dissatisfied with the appearance and shape of your butt and are considering a Brazilian Butt Lift, it’s crucial to understand the procedure’s long-term effects and what it will look like in 10 or 20 years.

You should ask your cosmetic surgeon to provide you with all you need to know about your requirements, concerns, and expected long-term BBL outcomes. Educating yourself about the technique will enable you to make an educated choice.

Following a few pointers to follow following your BBL surgery in NJ:

Adherence: To influence the look and duration of your case’s outcomes, it’s essential to follow your plastic surgeon’s pre-op and post-op instructions and recuperation advice. Following the post-operative instructions carefully can help you attain long-term advantages.

Healthy, Balanced Diet: Eating nutrient-dense meals in suitable amounts, including lean proteins, vitamins, and minerals, can aid in recuperation and improve long-term BBL effects. A high-carbohydrate, sugary, or fatty diet, on the other hand, will promote fatty deposits and compromise the butt shape.

Regular Exercise Routine: After your surgeon has approved you, you may begin doing specialized lower body exercises to assist with preserving your new buttock shape and proportion. After your BBL surgery, a fitness teacher may be able to assist you in getting the greatest results possible.

Recurring Follow-ups: Following up with your surgeon on a regular basis in the early years can help you establish the BBL’s long-term viability and ensure that you are properly maintaining your results.


It’s understandable to have questions about BBL, such as how long it lasts and if a fat transfer BBL after 10 years will also last. You should ask your plastic surgeon this question at your first consultation: Is BBL permanent? Even while BBL long-term outcomes are largely durable, surgeons who are upfront in their technique will tell you that age effects will eventually catch up.

When you ask your surgeon how long a BBL will last, they will most likely tell you an estimate of how long it will last after two years, five years, ten years, and more. However, it’s vital to keep realistic expectations in mind and understand that, although BBL is permanent, the aging process in your body is dynamic and irreversible. Over time, your body will alter form, fat storage, and skin elasticity all of which will affect your look. Using the tools described in this article will help guarantee that you are taking all of the necessary precautions in order to maintain those long-term benefits and enjoy your BBL for many years to come.


The Brazilian Butt Lift technique is quite popular among men and women who wish to augment the size and volume of their buttocks. While this surgical procedure offers specific aesthetic advantages, it’s crucial for you to maintain those results through proper care following the surgery.

Look for surgeons with BBL experience and knowledge, such as our very own Dr. Gartner, a board-certified plastic surgeon with decades of experience in the medical field. During your appointment, be open and honest with the surgeon about your desires, concerns, and expected outcomes. Get pre- and post-surgery images of former patients so you know what to expect.

If you are a good candidate, you must be dedicated to maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle after the treatment. How the surgeon conducts the surgery and how attentively you follow your surgeon’s post-op recommendations throughout the recovery time have the most effect on how the outcomes turn out. By following these simple tips, you will be able to experience your wonderful outcomes for the years and decades to come.


Have you been contemplating breast augmentation to enhance the look, fullness, and contour of your breasts? Look no further because we’ve created this ultimate guide that will provide you with all of the information you need about the procedure. We’ll address all of your concerns, from the first consultation to post-operative recuperation to commonly asked questions, so you feel at ease before having breast augmentation surgery. Let’s get started…


First things first: why do individuals have breast augmentation surgery? A woman may choose to get breast augmentation to improve the size and appearance of her breasts for a number of reasons, most of which are apparent.

The decision to get breast implants is often made by women for aesthetic reasons. Other women decide on breast augmentation to enhance symmetry as well as reducing size discrepancies between their breasts, especially when one breast is noticeably bigger than the other. These factors make breast augmentation the most common cosmetic surgery operation, performed on approximately 287,085 women annually.


The process always starts with a consultation with your surgeon. You will discuss your reasons for obtaining breast implants, as well as your unique requirements, concerns, and expectations, with Dr. Gartner during the appointment.

You’ll go into further depth about the exact body areas you’d want to enhance, such as nipple size reduction or increased breast volume, for example.

Dr. Gartner will also have you “try on” several implant sizes during your appointment. Bring a change of clothes, such as your favorite attire, a bra, a shirt, or a top, so you may try on various implant sizes.

It’s important to remember that the consultation is a great time to discuss your concerns and ask any questions that you may have. The ideal time to prepare those questions to ask the doctor is while you’re waiting for your consultation date. You should also talk to Dr. Gartner about your medical background and your future goals as well. We will also want to make sure you are in good enough health to undergo breast augmentation surgery in particular.

After examining you, Dr. Gartner will go through the suggested surgical technique and assist you in selecting the right implant type. Surgery will then be booked for the appropriate date after that.


Now that we’ve gone over what you can expect during the initial consultation, let’s go into more detail about the type of implants that are available. We provide two types of widely used breast implant options: silicone and saline.

Both approaches give women who wish to improve volume and form options that are safe, natural in both appearance and sensation, and do not compromise their natural bodies.


Simply put, empty silicone shells known as saline breast implants are put into the breasts and then filled with a sterile, safe saline water solution. Saline implants are less likely to produce scars since smaller incisions are possible.

Since the FDA does not permit silicone for use in women under the age of 22, saline implants are also advised for those between the ages of 18 and 22.

Saline may provide realistic-looking, natural-looking breasts, yet anecdotally, it’s often said that silicone implants are the most lifelike. Another advantage is that patients will be aware right away if the implant ruptures because the breast deflates. The patient will then be aware of the need to replace their implant right away and call their physician.


Because silicone is seen to have a more realistic appearance and feel than the other two alternatives, it is the more popular option.

Saline costs a little less than silicone as well. Compared to saline implants, silicone implants must be placed entirely inside the body and need longer incisions, which results in greater scarring.

Women must also be at least 22 years old, according to FDA rules, before obtaining these implants.

Modern implants are referred to as “gummy bear” implants because their gel is self-cohesive and semi-firm like a gummy bear candy. They are safer than earlier silicone versions because, in the event of a rupture, the silicone will attach to itself and not seep into the breast tissue around it. That said, silicone implant ruptures are harder to detect than saline implant ruptures, which are easily identified by a deflated breast.


The materials used to make today’s breast implants are tougher and safer, allowing them to endure longer than before. Breast implants are not, however, regarded as “lifetime devices” by the FDA. Breast implants are supposed to endure for at least ten years on average.

There is no “shelf date” or expiry date for breast implants itself. The biggest issue with aged implants is often their propensity to burst over time. But as we said, safer materials are utilized in today’s implants to reduce the negative consequences of ruptures.

Depending on their age, the majority of women who have breast augmentation surgery will need at least one revision procedure in their lifetime.


In order for you to test out various implant sizes, Dr. Gartner will provide you with different sized implants that fit what you’re looking for in order to determine which one you like the best for your body type. Then, depending on your body type, he will discuss with you reasonable expectations and outcomes. Every patient has to be aware that since everybody is unique, certain breast enlargement objectives may not be feasible.


This is a very common question due to the fact that some people don’t want to get implants but still want an augmentation. By performing “fat grafting,” it is possible to increase breast size without implants. Liposuction is used in fat transfer augmentation to remove fat from your thighs, buttocks, or sides and inject it into your breasts. After being extracted from your body, the fat is cleansed before being injected to enlarge your breast. If this is an option that you are considering, make sure to bring it up with your surgeon at your consultation if it is something that interests you. He will be able to tell you whether or not you are considered a candidate for the procedure in question.


Some patients may just want to be fully asleep throughout surgery, which is possible with general anesthesia. However, some patients may not want to get general anesthesia and opt for the awake breast augmentation technique; which Dr. Gartner is one of the only surgeons who specializes in this technique. Only a patient’s brainstem is awake enough to enable independent breathing. This is why awake breast augmentation is favored – it’s safer for the patient and doesn’t need breathing tubes.

This kind of sedation is far safer for you and makes the recovery process much easier on the body. Patients’ fears and anxiety are also eased by this type of sedation. In short, lidocaine injections are utilized to numb your breasts where the incisions will be made in addition to the sedative’s relaxing effects. If you’ve ever had a dental filling, you are well aware of the numbing properties of lidocaine injections. Furthermore, when you “wake up” from your sedation, your breasts will briefly remain numb, preventing you from experiencing discomfort.


In most cases, the breasts’ surgical wounds will finish healing and recovering after 6 to 8 weeks. Dr. Gartner will provide you with guidance throughout this time so that your recovery goes well. Your breasts will be entirely recovered after eight weeks. But it will take a few more months for the implants to settle and give you your ultimate results. The “drop and fluff” phenomena describes this. The implants “drop” and “set” into place in about 6 to 8 weeks, and they “fluff” in the subsequent months, expanding the surrounding tissue to provide further fullness.


As we’ve mentioned, about 6 to 8 weeks will pass as you heal. It’s stated that the crucial weeks of your recuperation are the first two.

It’s crucial that you delay taking a shower for a few days after surgery. This prevents your surgical tape and sutures from becoming moist and potentially opening.

You should also refrain from any activity that can cause your breasts to move while you’re recovering. Walking is considered to be a mild kind of exercise. But during this period, you must not raise any weights or other things above your head. Your wounds won’t be able to withstand excessive stretching while they’re healing since they’ll be too delicate.


Plastic surgeon Dr. Gartner is a highly skilled surgeon who has worked extensively in the field of breast augmentation over the course of his career. We are aware that you might still have some inquiries regarding the breast augmentation procedure, which is why we encourage you to get in touch with our practice so that you can have a conversation with one of our specialists. After that, they will make an appointment for you to meet with Dr. Gartner for a consultation, during which you will have the opportunity to go through your very own surgery plans. You can get in touch with us right away by giving us a call or submitting a contact form.


Dr. Gartner is the ideal board-certified cosmetic surgeon for you to choose if you are looking for someone who is not only dedicated to his work but also possesses the great ability and credentials necessary to perform a wide variety of aesthetic surgical procedures. If you are in the market for someone like this, Dr. Gartner is the ideal board-certified cosmetic surgeon for you.

Dr. Gartner is generally recognized as one of the greatest cosmetic surgeons in the New York and New Jersey region. This is mostly because of the many years of expertise and education that he has accumulated. In point of fact, a significant number of individuals from different parts of the globe go to his clinic, which is known as Gartner Plastic Surgery, in order for him to carry out their plastic surgery treatment.

In this article, we will go over additional aspects of Dr. Gartner’s expertise, his credentials, as well as the reasons why selecting a board-certified surgeon is always the best decision to make sure and guarantee that you will receive the outcomes that you really deserve as a result of your surgical procedure.

What Does It Mean To Be A Doctor Who Is Qualified By Two Different Boards, And Why Is It Important To You?

We are aware that finding a doctor may be a stressful and time-consuming process for patients, and we are here to help. There are a large number of surgeons available, each with their own specialized knowledge and set of skills; having said that, it is of the utmost importance to select a surgeon who has been subjected to stringent testing, exams, and has extensive experience in order to make certain that you have the most positive experience possible with your surgery.

Dr. Gartner, a double board-certified plastic surgeon, has completed extensive training in both the cosmetic and medical fields, making him one of the few surgeons in the New Jersey and New York area who is qualified by both of these boards. To add, he is also a member of the American Board of Plastic Surgery. We have included some of Dr. Gartner’s medical background information below in order to provide you with further context and specifics.

Doctor Gartner’s Medical Background And Experience

The following is some information on Dr. Gartner’s educational history and cosmetic surgery experience. Dr. Michael Gartner has full certification from the American Board of Plastic Surgery in the specialty of plastic surgery, as well as full certification from the American Board of Surgery in the general surgical specialty.

He is one of the few plastic surgeons in the US to have certification from both the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Surgeons, and he is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons as well.

A pioneer in the area of aesthetic cosmetic surgery, Dr. Gartner is recognized all over the globe for his work. He has perfected his surgical skills in order to give an approach that is less intrusive, which means that you won’t have to cope with protracted times of recuperation that are excessively unpleasant.

The University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey is where Dr. Gartner earned his medical degree so he may practice medicine. After finishing a rotating internship that lasted one year at the Atlantic Medical Center, where he served as the Chief Intern, he went on to complete a general surgery residency that lasted five years at the Monmouth Medical Center in Long Branch, New Jersey, where he served as the Chief Resident in the final year of his training.

Dr. Gartner initially had an interest in cardiothoracic surgery; however, he ultimately decided to pursue a career in plastic surgery rather than cardiothoracic surgery not only due to the wide variety of surgical procedures available but also because it satisfied his artistic and creative sensibilities. In addition to his initial education, he received extra instruction in hand and microsurgery throughout the course of one more year at the illustrious Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia.

Interesting Facts About Dr. Gartner

Dr. Gartner has certification from both the Plastic Surgery Board and the General Surgery Board. This indicates that he has broad knowledge of all sections of the body, ranging from the surface soft tissues to the interior organs, and that he has been educated to undertake surgical treatments that target both areas for the purpose of therapeutic improvement as well as aesthetic enhancement. Because of expertise, he is able to manage even the most difficult situations, including any difficulties that you may have had with previous cosmetic surgeons.

Dr. Gartner is always working to improve surgical methods in order to make them less invasive, less stressful for patients, and less time consuming for their recoveries. During cosmetic treatments such as breast augmentation, breast reduction, and liposuction, for instance, it is customary to provide general anesthetic in order to ensure the patient’s comfort and safety.

Patients who are good candidates, however, now have the option of undergoing these surgeries with just a local anesthetic because of the innovative methods that Dr. Gartner has developed. This not only eliminates the hazards associated with general anesthesia, but you may also discover that you will suffer much less pain and discomfort throughout your recovery, and you may also get your ideal results sooner as a consequence of this.

Why Should You Make Sure To Choose A Plastic Surgeon Who Is Board Certified Such As Dr. Gartner?

Now that we’ve discussed some of Dr. Gartner’s significant background with cosmetic surgery, let’s go over the reasons why it is so crucial to choose a plastic surgeon who is board-certified for your procedure.

To successfully improve the appearance of your body via cosmetic surgery, you will need to have a significant degree of faith in your surgeon. Before beginning any therapy, it is essential to get familiar with your physician’s history and to have full faith in his or her qualifications, some of which we have already listed in this article.

Did you know that any licensed physician in the United States may legally conduct cosmetic procedures? However, plastic surgeons who have been certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery have undergone specialized training in the field of plastic surgery. Take into consideration the following factors in favor of selecting a board-certified plastic surgeon before deciding on a specialist for your procedure:


Although all doctors undergo extensive training throughout the course of their careers, only some of them specialize in surgical procedures. A physician must finish at least five years of surgical training after graduating from medical school in order to become board certified as a plastic surgeon. This training must include participation in a plastic surgery residency program. You can be certain that a board-certified plastic surgeon has undergone the kind of specialized training that is necessary to assist you in accomplishing your aesthetic objectives.


Plastic surgeons have years of training in reconstructive surgery as part of their education, which helps develop their sense of both function and form. Plastic surgeons are educated to do surgery on both the body and the face. A comprehensive understanding of the human anatomy, keen attention to detail, and a highly developed sense of aesthetics are all requirements for successful plastic surgery.


In order to get board certification as a plastic surgeon, candidates must, in addition to having completed years of specialized study in the field of plastic surgery, pass a series of challenging tests and satisfy any other conditions laid out by the board. You may have peace of mind knowing that a board-certified plastic surgeon has undergone extensive training and passed rigorous examinations.


Once a physician has achieved board certification, they are required to engage in ongoing education programs in order to keep their position. As a direct result of this, board-certified plastic surgeons actively participate in continuing education throughout their careers.


Acquiring a medical degree and a license to practice medicine are prerequisites for board certification; nevertheless, board certification is entirely optional and must be pursued via a rigorous and time-consuming procedure. This points to the fact that the plastic surgeon in question is dedicated to providing the best possible level of care and safety for their patients.

Learn More About Double Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Gartner

If you are considering having work done on your breasts, body, or face, you will want to ensure that you are in capable hands throughout the process. You’ll need previous surgical expertise, technical prowess, and aesthetic discernment to succeed. When contemplating cosmetic surgery, it is essential to keep in mind the many advantages associated with board certification, as we’ve mentioned in this blog.

Get in touch with us so that we can set up a consultation with Dr. Gartner, a cosmetic expert and board-certified plastic surgeon who can genuinely give you the safest surgery that is possible while also helping you get the results that you have dreamed of.

You may get in touch with our staff by giving us a call right now or scheduling an appointment using the Contact Form on our website. Your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Gartner himself will be scheduled as soon as possible, and we can’t wait!


Now that you have decided to have cosmetic surgery after doing a significant amount of research, it is time to look for a plastic surgeon who will assist you in achieving the most desirable results in the safest manner possible. This search should begin as soon as possible after you have made the decision to have cosmetic surgery. That said, there are several compelling reasons why you should only collaborate with board-certified plastic surgeons.

How Does One Obtain Board Certification As A Plastic Surgeon?

Specialty boards are organizations that establish criteria for physicians in a certain medical speciality and certify physicians in that specialty. These organizations are responsible for the certification of doctors. One example of this kind of board is the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

After graduating from medical school and finishing an authorized residency program, a surgeon must next take and pass an exam in order to meet the standards necessary to become board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. A plastic surgeon’s board certification has to be updated every 10 years to demonstrate that they are keeping up with the latest knowledge and that they are continuing their education throughout their career.

In addition, board certification demonstrates experience since, after finishing their school, surgeons are required to work in the field for a minimum of two years before becoming eligible for certification. When doing your research on physicians, check to see if the ones you are contemplating have board certification in plastic surgery and not in another medical specialty such as dermatology, gynecology, etc.

Is Board Certification Required For All Plastic Surgeons?

It’s a common misconception that all plastic surgeons have board certification, but that’s not always the case. In the United States of America, plastic surgery is a procedure that may be lawfully performed by any licensed medical practitioner so long as they are familiar with the fundamental operating procedures. However, it is possible that these physicians may not have a sufficient grasp of the more complicated concerns or processes that are essential to execute cosmetic treatments successfully.

How Should I Go About Selecting A Plastic Surgeon Who Has Board Certification?

Reviewing a plastic surgeon’s before-and-after images allows you to see the kind of outcomes they’ve accomplished for prior patients after you’ve established that the physician in question has a board certification in their specialty. Reading reviews is another beneficial resource that provides you with direct input from genuine patients.

In recent years, it has been more usual for patients to pick a plastic surgeon who best meets their requirements regardless of where they are situated. This trend has been fueled in large part by the rise in popularity of cosmetic procedures. Flying in for surgery is always a possibility, and it is certainly one that should be taken into consideration while searching for a dependable, professional, and board-certified plastic surgeon.

Patients travel from all over the globe to see Gartner Plastic Surgery in New Jersey, and many of them start their trip by making an appointment for a virtual consultation with Dr. Gartner.

Why Choose A Board-Certified Surgeon?

You should consider working with a plastic surgeon who is board-certified for the following reasons…


When you go with a board-certified plastic surgeon, you won’t have to worry about whether or not your surgeon lives up to the greatest of expectations since you already know that they do. An individual of this caliber will:

  • Have accomplished all of the standards that were set out by the surgical board.
  • Have achieved a high level of notoriety within the medical community.
  • Will do all in their power to ensure that your surgical procedure goes as smoothly as possible.

Although working with such a skilled expert may come at a greater financial expense, the value of your safety and wellbeing cannot be quantified in monetary terms.


When you collaborate with a plastic surgeon who has been qualified by a board, you can anticipate that they will have completed at least 5 years’ worth of surgical procedures. A residency program with an exclusive emphasis on plastic surgery will be a part of this.

What exactly does this entail? Your board-certified surgeon will have the necessary education as well as the experience to ensure that your operation is both safe and successful. They will also have a lot of information based on hands-on experience, which will allow them to provide you with the best possible outcomes.


Plastic surgeons who have received board certification have extensive expertise performing a variety of surgical procedures. A facelift may help you seem younger, liposuction can help you get rid of stubborn fat, and breast augmentation can give you the body shape you’ve always wanted. All of these procedures and more are available with your board-certified plastic surgeon.

During a comprehensive consultation, your plastic surgeon will evaluate your health, lifestyle, and aesthetic objectives in order to guide you toward the cosmetic surgery that will best meet your needs.

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Visit To The Plastic Surgery Clinic

It is essential, if you want to get aesthetically pleasing results from your cosmetic surgery, to choose a surgeon who has the level of education and experience required for your particular procedure.

Before determining whether or not to work with a certain cosmetic surgeon, there are three things that you absolutely must take into consideration:


If you are looking into getting cosmetic surgery, you should make sure that the plastic surgeon you choose is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

This ensures that they have received the proper training and that they fulfill the following requirements:

  • A minimum of five years of training in plastic surgery is required to be completed.
  • Successfully completed the certification exam required by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons and is specifically competent to conduct cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery.
  • Has the ability and permission to work in a hospital if needed.

You can rest easy knowing that your doctor will always be working with the most recent information and techniques regarding the procedure you want because board-certified plastic surgeons are required to continue their education. This means that you can be certain that your doctor will always be working with the most recent education.


It is essential to search for a plastic surgeon who has expertise doing the cosmetic operation that you are interested in having done. This is due to the fact that various areas of cosmetic surgery demand different talents.

Among the most important questions to ask are:

  • How long have you been trained in this particular kind of aesthetic enhancement?
  • How many times have you successfully carried out this procedure?
  • How long have you been carrying out this particular procedure?


You may be certain that whatever kind of plastic surgery you choose, it will be a rigorous operation that will need a substantial amount of time for you to recuperate.

Because you will be spending a significant amount of time with your cosmetic surgeon both before and after the procedure, it is essential that you choose a physician who makes you feel at ease discussing your medical history and habits and that you trust so that they can make suggestions for your surgery that are both safe and effective.

What Is Awake Breast Augmentation And Why Is It Important To Choose A Board-Certified Surgeon?

A breast augmentation surgery that is conducted while the patient is awake and under the influence of a local anesthetic is referred to as a “awake breast augmentation” in the state of New Jersey. Some surgeons will also provide you with some sedative to help you relax throughout the procedure, while others will not.

During this treatment, a solution of local anesthetic will be injected into each of your breasts. The individuals who advocate for this method say that you will recuperate from the operation more quickly and that you will be “engaged in the size selection” of your implants throughout the treatment.

Having said that, it is of the utmost importance that you choose a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive expertise to carry out this operation, just as it is with any other cosmetic surgical treatment. The reason for this is that they will have a greater amount of experience in the procedure in addition to the training that they have received. Because of the complexity of this awake method, it can only be performed by an experienced surgeon.

Contact Gartner Plastic Surgery To Learn More

If you are thinking about getting cosmetic surgery, whether it be a breast reduction, facelift, or operation to shape your body, the board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gartner and our staff are here to assist you. Visit our website and fill out a contact form and one of our medical experts will be in touch soon!


If you are considering breast enlargement, commonly known as breast augmentation or a “boob job,” then you have most likely done a significant amount of study on the topic.

Regardless of the reason that someone is obtaining surgery in the first place, they should never go into the procedure without having all of their questions answered. In this blog we are going to go over some facts of things you need to know if you are considering this surgery in NJ. Let’s get into it.


In breast augmentation surgery, either breast implants or fat grafts are utilized to expand the size of the patient’s breasts. Breast augmentation surgery is also known as mammoplasty. It is often used in the process of augmenting the size of the breasts following pregnancy or weight reduction. The surgery may also be performed in order to improve the breasts’ symmetry or to alter the shape of the breasts themselves.

Due to the fact that it enables patients to both restore any lost volume and shape their breasts in the manner of their choosing, this procedure is a very popular option among a great number of female patients in the state of New Jersey.


Because there is a lot that you need to learn and comprehend in regards to breast augmentation, let’s go over some of the things that you need to learn:


If you have had a mastectomy in the past, the only way for your breast augmentation surgery to be covered by insurance is if it is performed at the same time as breast reconstruction surgery. The reason behind this is because the surgery is being done for cosmetic or aesthetic reasons and not health reasons. If your surgery is considered to be a breast reconstruction there may be a chance that your surgery will be covered.


When performing a breast augmentation treatment, surgeons might choose from one of four distinct kinds of incisions. These include:

  1. Under the armpit; sometimes known as transaxillary,
  2. Inframammary which refers to the area under the breast,
  3. On the areola,
  4. Trans-umbilical, referring to a path that goes around the navel

There Are Many Different Implant Options
You have the option of selecting implants made of saline, silicone, cohesive gel, or even your own autologous fat.

Every option has both positive and negative aspects. Silicone-based implants have a tendency to be the most natural, and they are also good at maintaining their form. It is possible for saline to induce ripple effects on the breast and to make the breasts feel heavy.

Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or younger than 22 years old are not eligible to have cohesive gel implants, which are also known as gummy bear implants. When using fat implants, it is often necessary to inject around three pounds of the patient’s own fat; however, the good news is that there is no scarring.


First, despite the negative connotation that was attached to silicone implants in the 1980s, their total lack of risk has been looked over in a large number of studies that are held in high regard, and the FDA has given its approval to their use.

Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. Silicone implants are not constructed of liquid silicone as their predecessors were; instead, they are softer and have a more natural feel than saline implants. The most recent silicone implants are made using a semi-solid silicone polymer throughout the manufacturing process. On the other hand, they need to be changed about every ten years.

Saline implants are not as soft as silicone implants and may create rippling in women who are thin; nevertheless, they do not need to be changed until they leak, which is easily identifiable when it occurs.

As you can see, both options come with their fair share of benefits and drawbacks; nevertheless, in the end, you and your surgeon will be the ones to choose which option is most suitable for your particular needs.


In the event that you decide to obtain a silicone implant, the size of the implant will be decided before the procedure. It is necessary to make the incision big enough to accommodate the insertion of the implant into the breast.

Saline implants, on the other hand, are filled with saltwater and inflated to the desired size after they have been surgically implanted into the breast. Because of this, the incision for saline implants is far less invasive than the one for silicone implants.


It is hardly feasible to go directly from a size A cup to a DD without experiencing some kind of transition period. A change of such magnitude would be physically impossible for the body to take on all at once since it would be too strenuous. Instead, you may move from an A cup to a C cup, and then increase again after some time has passed, perhaps a few years, which would give your body more time to acclimate. If you have second thoughts after getting implants, you may always get them removed and changed, just as a lot of famous people have done.


It is quite likely that you will have further breast augmentation procedures in the future. Depending on the kind of implant, its lifespan might range anywhere from ten to fifteen years. The amount of weight you lose, whether you breastfeed or not, and even gravity may all have an effect on the size and volume of your breasts. There is a possibility that scarring may cause the form of the implant to alter over time; in this case, new implants will be required to correct the issue. For this reason, it is always a good idea to keep a contingency fund, just in case anything unexpected happens.


A common misconception of breast augmentation is that you won’t be able to nurse after the surgery. If the incision that you have is located a sufficient distance from the nipple, then the milk ducts and glands should not be damaged in any way by the procedure. This is because the implants are placed beneath the breast tissue rather than on top of it. Therefore, you do not have to postpone getting breast augmentation surgery until after you have finished having children.


During breast augmentation surgery, the nerves in the nipples are stretched, and as a result, it is possible for them to go numb for many weeks after the procedure. This lack of feeling will ultimately go away, and you should gradually start to experience all of your senses again.


It’s possible that the first time you see your new breasts they may frighten you. This is due to the fact that they can be much bigger than you anticipated. Most likely, this is merely edema that resulted after the surgical procedure. There is a good chance that there will be bruising as well. Within four to six weeks, both will have reached their ultimate states, and your new breasts will have their definitive form.


After having breast augmentation surgery, you shouldn’t expect to be back at the gym within a week or two at the earliest. After the procedure, it is quite likely that your doctor would advise you to refrain from physical activity for at least six weeks. You can feel lightheaded from the anesthesia and pain medicine when you go back to your house after having surgery. Because of this, it could be helpful to have someone stay over at your house to assist you in moving from one room to another.

It is also essential to keep in mind that the top plastic surgeons will have board certification and will always be honest with you about the dangers involved in your specific situation as well as the expectations you should have. They will make you feel at ease, explain how their method of cosmetic surgery will align with your individual objectives, and they will always be honest about the fees that are associated with the procedure.


When you book an appointment for a consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon, we will go over all of your available choices, explain what outcomes you may anticipate from the surgery, and devise an actionable strategy that will assist you in achieving the outcomes you want.

If you feel you are ready to talk about getting breast implants, please get in touch with us as soon as possible to schedule a consultation!


Breast augmentation is one of the most common cosmetic operations performed by Gartner Plastic Surgery. For some women, correcting breast irregularities, restoring youthful volume, or feeling more feminine is a life-altering experience. We intend to provide a concise summary of essential information for ladies contemplating this treatment in this blog, read along to learn more.

1. Your Cosmetic Surgeon Should Be A Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon With Experience

Don’t give in to high-pressure sales techniques – choose the proper cosmetic surgeon.

This is one of the most significant considerations women must make. Only skilled and knowledgeable surgeons can advise you on breast augmentation operations, related dangers, and aftercare. Choose a board-certified plastic surgeon from the American Board of Plastic Surgery such as our very own Dr. Gartner.

The certification confirms that the plastic surgeon has acquired considerable training and is proficient with sophisticated cosmetic methods. Nevertheless, during the appointment, you may inquire about surgical techniques, success rate, and process complications. View their prior cases and before-and-after photographs in their portfolio.

Examine the plastic surgeon’s ratings on Google, RealSelf, and Healthgrades. On RealSelf, you may search for Verified physicians, who have received positive feedback and are experienced in cosmetic surgery. You want someone with a five-star rating. Multiple negative evaluations imply that the surgeon is subpar.

2. How Much Do Breast Jobs Cost?

What implant you and your plastic surgeon chose will affect the cost. The least costly implants are saline, while the most expensive are gummy or silicone. These will all be tailored specifically to the patient’s goals and body during your consultation.

3. How Does Your Surgeon Handle Complications?

This is one approach to judge your plastic surgeon’s skill. Ask him how often he conducts breast revision surgery after an initial breast augmentation. If they do not have an immediate response or are not being truthful, these are both significant red flags.

4. What Are The Many Types Of Breast Implants?

There are several kinds of breast implants that offer women distinct forms, appearances, and textures. The most prevalent kinds of implants are saline, silicone, gummy bear, and structured. Typically, ladies go either teardrop or circular forms. Women who like a natural appearance often choose the teardrop. When a less natural form is desired, spherical implants are used.

Before undergoing surgery, it is essential to discuss your chosen implant type with your doctor.

5. Safety Of The Implants

Implants have been the subject of several disputes; thus, it is crucial for your safety to learn which implants your surgeon will use and why he picked them.

6. Inquire About Matters Other Than Muscle Implants?

The submuscular implant pocket is the most prevalent breast implant pocket.

Implant pocket is the most significant predictor of prognosis and is characterized by the implant’s connection to the pectoral muscle on the chest. The pec muscle is a flat, fan-shaped chest muscle connecting on three sides to the front of the chest (collar bone, outside border of the breast bone, and along the ribs near the lower part of the breast). The muscle does not attach to the chest wall on the side toward the armpit (you may squeeze the muscle between your fingers on the side), as it crosses the armpit to link the chest to the upper arm. Implant placement above this muscle is referred to as subglandular or prepectoral.

The placement of an implant below the muscle is known as submuscular or subpectoral, and may be further distinguished by whether the implant is totally beneath the muscle (total submuscular) or partially under the muscle. When an implant is inserted under the muscle, the operation is more painful and more pain medication may be required. However, for the vast majority of women, the discomfort is transient and there is no difference in long-term suffering. By altering the pocket, the overall breast appearance and the short- and long-term risks and advantages of the surgery may be altered. During your appointment, your plastic surgeon should assist you in selecting the optimal implant pocket.

7. Dimensions And Form Of Implants?

Although most women are concerned with implant volume, implant pocket and implant dimensions are more significant factors to consider, particularly if you have a certain “look” in mind. In this regard, a simple practice for patients contemplating breast augmentation is to start collecting images of models you adore in clothing/swimsuits. Together, you and Dr. Gartner will determine what will help you get your ideal appearance.

8. Are You A Good Candidate For A Breast Job?

Discuss your weight, health, medical history, and lifestyle with your plastic surgeon to evaluate whether or not you are a viable candidate for the operation.

9. Recovery Period

Dr. Gartner desires that everyone of his patients have the greatest possible outcome. What we do after breast augmentation surgery is as crucial as the operation itself. Despite minor changes in breast augmentation procedures, patients will be limited to modest arm reaching/pulling and weight lifting of less than 10 pounds for two weeks. This is followed by two additional weeks of lifting less than 30 pounds, during which you may use your arms to reach and pull. There will be a total of four weeks without rigorous activity, and you will be required to wear a bra at all times with the exception of while you are bathing. After four weeks, the majority of patients may engage in regular activity, if tolerated.

10. When Will I Notice The Benefits Of My Breast Augmentation?

The majority of surgical patients will have early edema, followed by progressive clearance of the swelling and volume decrease. Do not be concerned if they seem deformed and squished. This is typical. Around 2 months, the majority of the swelling will have subsided, and your breasts will have returned to their normal size. You may now go shopping for your new wardrobe. However, even at this time, you may not have your ultimate breast shape when you are without wearing any clothing. This is because the surrounding soft tissues are still responding to the implant, which takes around 2-3 months for implants above the muscle and 4-6 months for implants below the muscle. After around 6 months you will have your full and complete results.

11. Taking Care Of Your Results

Despite the fact that the biology of aging cannot be reversed with a scalpel, there are certain common sense measures you may take to extend the life of your result. Both breast tissue and breast implants weigh something. In reality, breast implants are often heavier for the same volume as natural breast tissue. Gravity and activities will ultimately cause this weight to shift, resulting in sagging soft tissue and an implant that is improperly positioned. Dr. Gartner advises women to wear breast support as often as possible, even at night, for the rest of their lives. In relation to the idea of soft tissue strain, one should avoid major up or down weight changes.

12. Do I Need A Breast Lift With A Breast Augmentation?

When contemplating breast augmentation, this is the first question to answer. Dr. Gartner will evaluate your breast tissue, breast skin, and nipple position in order to assist you choose between breast augmentation, breast lift, and breast lift with breast augmentation. The best candidate for breast augmentation is a woman who wishes for larger breasts. If you choose to wear a higher cup size, you will need extra volume. If you are satisfied with the amount of breast tissue while wearing a bra, but not with the sagging of the breast when not wearing a bra, a breast lift is the best option. Do you want additional volume and need to correct a little breast sagging? If the nipple position is below the breast fold when standing in front of a mirror and you want bigger breasts, you will likely need augmentation mastopexy (lift with implant).

13. Complications Associated With Breast Augmentation

In general, Board Certified Plastic Surgeons have extremely few issues that adversely impact your health. They do have aesthetic problems. To get a wonderful long-term effect, it is crucial to choose the appropriate plastic surgeon. Foreign prices for plastic surgery should not allure you. The risk of problems is far greater, and surgeons often lack the skills or motivation to address them.

14. Breast Augmentation Post-Operative Underwear

After breast augmentation and reduction operations, plastic surgeons suggest post-operative bras. They should examine your post-operative bra to verify that it fits properly and provides enough support following surgery. This post-operative rehabilitation bra is typically worn for four weeks.

15. Breastfeeding With Implants

In very rare instances, breast implants might cause problems for nursing moms. Aside from that, they are durable and excellent for nursing.

Learn More About Breast Augmentations In 2022

We do hope that this brief summary has provided you with sufficient information about breast augmentations in 2022. If you have any questions or concerns, or if you would like to arrange a breast augmentation procedure, please contact our clinic directly, and we would be pleased to set up a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Gartner personally. We are excited to be of assistance in bringing about the outcomes that you have envisioned for yourself.


Breast augmentation is the most common cosmetic plastic surgery in the world, which should come as no surprise. Breast augmentation surgery may enhance your body proportions by not only lifting your breasts but also increasing their fullness, projection, and fullness. Furthermore, an augmentation may improve your self-esteem and confidence while also providing you a more youthful appearance.

Dr. Gartner, one of New Jersey’s top breast and tummy plastic surgeons, discusses breast augmentation surgery trends and surgical best practices below.

Your Breast Enhancement Options In New Jersey

Breast augmentation may alter the size and shape of your breasts by utilizing either breast implants or autologous fat transfer. It may also assist patients attain their ideal breast shape by restoring breast volume that has been decreased due to weight loss or pregnancy. It may also help to correct asymmetry in the breasts.

These procedures have been growing in popularity over the years and for good reason.

Is Plastic Surgery On The Increase Or Decrease?

Despite the worldwide epidemic, plastic surgery looks to be flourishing. Even after plastic surgeons were able to resume providing operations in 2020, the number of procedures conducted in the US reached 86 percent of the 2,678,302 procedures completed in 2019. According to the ASPS, the number of operations conducted increased by 22% from 2000 to 2020.

So, despite the fact that 2020’s figures were lower than 2019, we anticipate a sustained increase in the popularity of cosmetic surgery in 2022.

Common Breast Augmentation Trends In NJ


The technology utilized in plastic surgery has progressed and evolved throughout time. We now have better implants and better shell surface, which, along with the cohesive gel utilized in them, makes the implants seem more natural. Implants also have a longer shelf life as a consequence of this.

Textured implants are being avoided by surgeons. Multiple studies have shown a relationship between textured implants and BIA-ALCL, also known as breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma.

Similarly, surgeons are avoiding the use of saline implants, which are becoming obsolete and irrelevant as better solutions become available.

Better quality implants provide better outcomes, and we aim to provide the greatest results possible for our patients, which is why Dr. Gartner will tailor each implant based on the patients needs and goals.


As anyone would, patients would rather have surgical scars that are minimal or very discreet. A scar that is two and a half to three cm long is considered small. Tiny scars are often hidden in the crease of the breast, where they will settle and almost vanish with time. Our patients are increasingly requesting minimal scars from their procedure.

It is significantly simpler to place an implant into the chest cavity utilizing fewer incisions when using a device like a Keller funnel. Keller funnels resemble piping bags used in baking, and this approach decreases the risk of infection by reducing the surgeon’s physical handling. It also reduces the risk of problems after breast augmentation.

Keller funnels provide a lot of advantages. Some of the advantages include, but are not limited to:

  • Breast implant contact will have been reduced. As previously said, there is less interaction between the doctor and the patient, and the funnel allows the silicone to enter the cavity safely.
  • Breast implant implantation is less difficult. The funnel is a transparent polymeric surface that may assist in positioning the implant in the correct shape and location.
  • Breast augmentation scars and incisions are smaller. Because we only need a little incision to install the funnel, bigger incisions aren’t required, resulting in less scars.
  • While some scarring ought to be expected, it should heal on its own and disappear with time. The patient’s skin type, on the other hand, might have an impact on the healing process. Following your surgeon’s post-operative instructions and scar care guidance can considerably lower your chances of developing a poor scar.


Typically, implants are positioned above or below the muscle. The implant lies partly under the subpectoral muscle in a dual plane implantation. Some of the advantages of using a dual-plane placement approach are:

  • Out of all the breast augmentation procedures, this one delivers the most natural-looking results. Many scars or incisions along the implant’s top border may be hidden with this procedure, which prevents the stuck on’ appearance.
  • It also has a high percentage of nursing success. The danger of cutting the milk ducts, nerves, and breast tissue required for nursing is reduced with dual-plane implantation. In most circumstances, however, it will be recommended that you wait until after you have had all of your children to schedule your breast augmentation.
  • Furthermore, implants placed using this procedure tend to live longer than implants placed using other methods. The pectoral muscle is responsible for holding the implant in place. This allows the implant to remain in place for a longer period of time than with other procedures.


Most physicians ceased using drains about 15 years ago unless they were absolutely required. Drains are unpleasant, painful, and inconvenient. Using improved surgical procedures and anaesthesia control, drains may be avoided.

This is why drain-free surgery is one of the most popular breast augmentation procedures. Any fluids that may develop following surgery do not need to be manually removed. There’s also no need to be concerned about the drain becoming contaminated.

Even better, after surgery, there will be no tube coming out of your chest. It will be simpler to return to your usual schedule as a result. In fact, most physicians now strongly advise against using drains since recovery time is likely to be faster without them.


Every individual is unique. As a result, it should come as no surprise that everyone recovers differently, necessitating recovery techniques to be tailored to each patient. To get the best outcomes, it is critical that you follow your surgeon’s recommendations throughout your recuperation.

More and more patients are requesting a quick recovery; after all, why spend more time healing than is necessary? It’s not difficult to heal quickly;

  • Keep yourself hydrated, clean, and healthy. In other words, drink plenty of water, keep yourself and your incision sites clean, and stay active.
  • Consume nutrient-dense, entire foods.
  • Do not engage in any intense activities. There will be no overexertion or hard lifting.
  • Finally, go for a quick stretch and a stroll. Unless your doctor tells you differently.

Even a little amount of movement a few hours following surgery may assist. This may help to relieve edema and stiffness that might arise after spending too much time in bed.

To summarize, pay attention to your body, treat it carefully, and listen to and follow your doctor’s advice.


Large, super-fake breasts are no longer fashionable. The majority of women no longer desire the type of attention that comes with such a treatment. The majority of patients want breasts that are natural-looking, formed, and proportioned. They not only seem and feel more natural, but they also last longer since they aren’t as hefty.

When it comes to natural-looking implants, the first step is to speak with your surgeon and have them evaluate your present breast condition. They will be able to tell you not only which surgery is appropriate for your body, but also what sort of implants will give you natural results, based on your height, build, skin quality, quantity of breast tissue, and a few other criteria.

What Surgery Is The Most Popular In 2022?

We don’t have enough information to tell what the most popular cosmetic surgery will be in 2022. However, rhinoplasty, sometimes known as “nose jobs,” was the most common cosmetic surgery operation in 2020 and 2021. Except for the previous two years, breast augmentation has been the most popular cosmetic surgery operation for the majority of the last decade.

According to statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 287,085 breast augmentations were done in 2019, whereas only 193, 073 were conducted in 2020. In 2020, doctors conducted 352,555 nose reshaping treatments, whereas in 2019, they did 362,299 procedures.

In 2022, we predict that breast augmentations will be on the rise for trends among women in New Jersey. The reason behind this, is with the previous years statistics it has been shown that more women are looking towards plastic surgery for help with cosmetic issues. Throughout the past few years, lives have been only shown online and as we return to regular routine more and more women are looking for an aesthetic enhancement treatment that will make them feel good inside and out.

Book Your Breast Augmentation Surgery In NJ

Although these are only some of the numerous trends that come along with breast augmentation, we hope that this brief overview has provided you with the information that you need to know in order to make a choice about whether or not to undergo breast augmentation surgery. This procedure has been on the rise for decades, and it is now accessible to the majority of women who are looking into having it done.

Schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Gartner now if you’re interested in cosmetic surgery and breast augmentation surgery in New Jersey. With the help of a consultation you can discover whether it’s a suitable procedure for you, what to anticipate, and what type of results you may expect from your tailored experience. To get started, call Gartner Plastic Surgery NJ or fill out the contact form on our website. We look forward to hearing from you!


Your decision on which cosmetic surgeon to see will be one that you will have to live with for many years, if not the rest of your life. If the procedure is successful, you will emerge from it feeling more like your old self and with increased self-confidence that will last for years to come. On the other hand, increasing your odds of having unsatisfactory outcomes, which may lead to more money, time, and heartbreak, when you find yourself in the hands of an unskilled surgeon significantly raises those possibilities.

Continue reading for more information on how to select the best plastic surgeon in New Jersey.

Verify That The Cosmetic Surgeon Has A Valid Board Certification

It is a common misconception that state medical boards can be relied upon to ensure that surgeons are qualified to perform the procedures they advertise. However, the government does not mandate that a surgeon have specialized training in the procedures they offer. This leads many people to believe that they can rely on these boards. This issue manifests itself in its most severe form in the field of cosmetic surgery due to the fact that a large number of surgeons and other medical professionals with experience in other specialties are jumping on the cosmetic surgery bandwagon in the hopes of increasing their earnings.

For this reason, ensuring that your plastic surgeon is board-certified but also has extensive experience performing plastic surgery- especially the one you want is crucial.

Make Sure The Surgeon Has Expertise Doing The Procedure You Are Interested In

You can easily envision how operating on a nose, which has bone, cartilage, and breathing passages, would be considerably different from operating on a breast, which is mostly made of soft tissue. This is because each subspecialty of cosmetic surgery needs a unique set of expertise. Given this, those that do cosmetic surgery may choose to specialize further within the discipline. Choose a plastic surgeon who is both board-certified in the specialty of cosmetic surgery and has significant experience doing the procedure you are thinking about having done.

What to inquire about with a surgeon:

  • How did you learn the procedure that I am thinking of getting?
  • How long have you been carrying out this process for now?
  • How many times have you carried out a technique that is similar to this one?

Go With A Plastic Surgeon Whose Aesthetic Sensibility Is Appealing To You

It is common knowledge that things that one person thinks lovely may strike another as repulsive. Because of this, you cannot rely entirely on the expertise of the cosmetic surgeon or the advice of a friend who has already had the procedure. It is essential that you give serious consideration to the outcomes for each of the surgeons that you interview.

How to evaluate the aesthetic sensibility of a potential cosmetic surgeon:

  • Look at before & after photographs. Analyze the outcomes of the procedure you want performed by each of the doctors. Which surgeon’s techniques and outcomes do you find most appealing? Pay attention to the experiences of patients who have similar characteristics with you.
  • Look for patients who have a facial shape that is comparable to yours, who are around the same age as you, and who have some of the same worries that you have about their appearance, such as a pronounced hump on the nose or a drooping neck.
  • Breast procedures require that you search for people who have a torso and breast form that is comparable to your own. For instance, if you have narrow shoulders and widely spread, petite, asymmetrical breasts, looking at patients in the before photographs who have such traits might give you a better idea of how a surgeon tailors a surgery to people who have the same concerns and body type as you have.
  • When getting body procedures done, try to find people who have a physique that is similar to yours. Learn how the doctor assisted patients who were similar to you and carried excess weight around their hips or had a protruding stomach by reading about their experiences. It’s a good idea to have an open mind about other body procedures as well, as you could discover that an issue you believed might be fixed with liposuction is really better addressed with abdominoplasty.

Pay Attention To The Manner In Which The Doctor And The Staff Make You Feel

Having surgery is a major decision, and there is no guarantee that the route to your new appearance will be smooth. It is essential that you be completely at ease with both your cosmetic surgeon and the members of their support staff. Pick a cosmetic surgeon that you get along with and have total faith in regarding your wellbeing and the outcome of the procedure.

Consider the following:

  • Do I like interacting with this surgeon?
  • Do I have faith that this surgeon will advise me on what is both safe and appropriate for me?
  • If I had any questions at any point throughout the procedure, would I be able to feel safe asking this surgeon them?
  • Do I believe it is OK to provide this physician with my whole medical history, including my habits?

Obtain Information On The Procedural Facilities

The anesthesiologist and the clinic where the procedure will take place are the two most important factors in determining how safe your procedure will be. In the event that anything goes wrong during surgery, accredited operating rooms are equipped with essential support equipment.

Inquire about the anesthetist’s training and experience. You should only have an anesthesiologist or a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist provide your anesthetic. This will ensure that you get the highest level of care possible.

Providing Good Service To Patients Is Also Important

You want to make sure that you are getting good service and are being respected. The majority of this will become abundantly clear within the first few minutes of your visit to the office of the cosmetic surgeon.

Things to inquire about and keep an eye out for:

  • Is there a welcoming and helpful attitude among the staff?
  • Do you provide me with resources that thoroughly prepare me for the dangers and reality of the procedure and the recovery period?
  • Are there any hidden costs or surprises? Does the price include everything?
  • Do I get a speedy response from the practice when I get in touch with them?

Why Pick Gartner Plastic Surgery Instead Of Another Center?

Dr. Gartner and his team have earned the confidence of patients looking for a cosmetic plastic surgeon in the New Jersey, and New York area because of their commitment to patient safety and remarkable results.


When you visit our clinic, you can expect to be greeted in a warm and welcoming atmosphere, an oasis of calm and comfort. Because of Dr. Gartner and his staff’s accessible and down-to-earth demeanor, you will feel at ease in the lovely and homely setting, and you will be able to have an open and extensive talk about all of your questions and concerns.

In addition, we are committed to providing excellent customer service, and each member of our team has received extensive training to ensure that you are well taken care of throughout your visit. Before, during, and after each of our treatments, we do all in our power to ensure that our patients are completely content with the care they have received from us.


Your safety is our number one concern, and to that end, our surgical facility is accredited and has an operating room that is up to date with the latest technological advances. This indicates that the institution has successfully completed an annual formal evaluation and inspection, as well as satisfied rigorous requirements, which are comparable to those that are necessary for in-hospital surgical facilities. In addition, each member of our team, which includes registered nurses, nurse injectors, anesthetists, medical assistants, and medical aestheticians, is fully licensed and credentialed in their respective fields.


Our plastic surgery facility in New Jersey is guided by the principle that the most desirable outcomes are those that seem to have been achieved via natural means. We are aware that the majority of people who seek out our cosmetic surgery services have the intention of looking like an updated and revised version of themselves, rather than like a completely new person. Dr. Gartner has had the advantage of extensive training and experience, and as a result, he has acquired the aesthetic eye, the dexterity, and the surgical expertise necessary to create attractive, natural results while simultaneously allowing for a speedy recovery.

Take The First Step In Choosing The Right Plastic Surgeon At Gartner Plastic Surgery

The first step in accomplishing your cosmetic objectives is to acquire the knowledge necessary to locate a qualified plastic surgeon. Finding a safe, skilled, and board-certified plastic surgeon who is also someone with whom you have a connection might be helpful on the path towards being a happier and more confident version of yourself.

For this reason, we are happy to provide you with a consultation at our NJ clinic with Dr. Gartner himself. This will allow you to ask all of your questions and concerns and get a better understanding about your surgical plan. We look forward to meeting with you– you can book a consultation directly on our website or by giving us a call.


People’s perceptions of themselves are changing as a result of digital culture, and the beauty business is transforming as a result. Despite a rational grasp of the differences between picture filters and what you see in real life, there is a persistent desire to enhance one’s look by investing in med spa and cosmetic surgery procedures.

Advances in surgical technology have made it simpler than ever to create apparently tiny aesthetic changes that have a dramatic effect. Plastic surgery is an excellent choice for improving skin texture or removing fat from a few troublesome spots.

Learn more about the major plastic surgery trends for 2022 by reading our blog.

Cultural Acceptance Of Plastic Surgery

There was formerly a stigma attached to the subject of plastic surgery. People who choose to invest in these operations kept it hidden since they didn’t want their neighbors, friends, or family to judge them.

The public perception has changed, making it a more accepted aspect of life. Friends may, for example, organize Botox parties or schedule surgical procedures so that they can spend time recovering together.

This cultural change has not only made cosmetic procedures more available to individuals of all ages, but it has also given people the ability to talk freely about their self-care. Correcting some of the most common aesthetic issues might help you feel better about yourself. These self-improvement techniques assist each person with feeling more confident in social situations, which has a cascading impact on their work, friendships, love connections, family dynamics, and other aspects of their lives.

Local Plastic Surgery Or Medical Tourism?

Many individuals are opting to remain close to home when they are ready for plastic surgery and other cosmetic procedures as these beliefs continue to evolve. Plastic surgery and vacation time were formerly mixed, with patients spending a few weeks in a tropical area while recuperating from aesthetic treatments.

Medical tourism, on the other hand, is gaining a poor image as a consequence of the lower-quality outcomes that consumers are receiving.

The 8 Most Popular Plastic Surgery Trends

If you wish to improve your look, what treatments or procedures should you consider? The fact is that there is no one-size-fits-all answer for everyone. Instead, make an appointment with our expert plastic surgeon to discuss your concerns and come up with a treatment plan together.

You’ll be amazed to hear about the extensive range of plastic surgery procedures accessible. Some of these cosmetic procedures use less invasive techniques to get good results. Other treatments include surgical techniques that result in spectacular effects.

Here are a handful of the cosmetic surgery trends that we’ve seen this year:


While Botox and fillers are considered “med spa” treatments rather than “plastic surgery,” they are worth mentioning. Many patients choose to begin with non-invasive procedures in order to postpone the need for extensive cosmetic surgery. Injectables are simple to make and provide instant effects.

These injections improve volume and plumpness while reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Here are a few reasons why Botox and fillers are often used as the initial step in improving one’s appearance:


Injectables are a fraction of the expense of a complete surgical procedure. If you’re on a limited budget, Botox or fillers may help you increase your confidence while you save money for more comprehensive procedures in the future.


Because the procedure takes less than an hour, you may easily arrange a Botox treatment during your lunch break. There’s no need to take time off work when a short injectable therapy may be incorporated into your hectic schedule.


After Botox and fillers, there is very little downtime. Tenderness and edema are possible side effects. However, these symptoms will not interfere with your normal activities.

If you don’t want to go under the knife, chat to our cosmetic specialists about injections and other less invasive procedures.


Another way that the stigma surrounding plastic surgery is decreasing is that these procedures are becoming increasingly prevalent for both men and women. Men seeking to keep a young look are becoming more common, according to plastic experts. As a consequence, the number of males seeking assistance rises year after year.

These services were largely for ladies who were just starting out in the field of cosmetic surgery. Everyone now has equal access to aesthetic procedures, regardless of gender.

Men are enamored with the outcomes of anti-aging skin treatments. Other men’s cosmetic surgery procedures concentrate on services that enhance overall masculinity. These cosmetic treatments, for example, often target the jawline, neck, and chin.


While it’s always vital to monitor what you eat and spend time in the gym, it’s not uncommon to reach a point when your daily habits aren’t enough to break through. Plastic surgery and minimally invasive body sculpting are straightforward options for shedding those final few pounds.

Some procedures include, the skin tightening procedure that uses radiofrequency technology, and there are others that assist to break down fat. Liposuction is another option for targeting certain parts of the body for more obvious effects and rapid weight reduction.

In reality, after the fat from the undesirable sections of the body has been removed, the cosmetic surgeon may redistribute the fat to proportionally smaller locations. This entire body slimming approach creates optimum symmetry by improving balance and proportions. While these are just some of the ways to enhance the look of the body, there are many other cosmetic treatments and surgeries available that can help contour the body for both men and women.


One way we see the plastic surgery business changing is in the treatment requests individuals are making. Exaggerated cosmetic therapies, such as overfilled lips or massive breast additions, are no longer requested by patients. Instead, the majority of individuals are seeking techniques to improve their appearance while preserving a natural appearance.

As a consequence, many cosmetic surgery procedures aren’t always readily apparent. Most patients are seeking solutions to keep their overall appearance and just want to make minor changes to enhance their characteristics and prolong their youth.

It’s unusual that we meet someone who wants to appear like an unrealistic supermodel on the cover of a glossy magazine when we meet new patients. Instead, the majority of individuals want to attain a natural appearance that resembles the filtered photographs they share on social media. As a result, cosmetic procedures and med spa services aren’t as noticeable as they once were; instead, they’re modest tweaks that make the client feel more secure and confident without the need of a surgery and recovery period.


When it comes to improving your look, the alternatives are unlimited. Botox, breast implants, liposuction, and facelifts were formerly the only options. There are now what seems to be an infinite number of procedures that are unique to certain regions of the body.

One example is the use of fillers to plump and add fullness to the face. These injections were first utilized mostly in the cheekbone region. Fillers are now often used to treat crow’s feet, enhance the undereye region, plump up the lips, and other cosmetic concerns. In truth, fillers aren’t only for the face. Injections of this kind are often utilized on the decolletage, chest, hands, and other areas.


Some individuals adopt a more gradual approach, focusing on only one cosmetic procedure at a time. Breast augmentation, for example, might be the first cosmetic surgery. The next visit is for a belly tuck to enhance the curve and contour of the stomach.

If you need rapid results but require more time to arrange your budget, you may stretch out these services. Alternatively, some patients invest in everything at once, scheduling many surgeries at once to save downtime. However, you should discuss the intricacy of your treatments with your surgeon since this might raise the risk of complications and extend recovery time.

You will discuss anything you want to modify about your look with the plastic surgeon during the session. Then, for your forthcoming operation, a tailored treatment plan is created.


Think about why you want to get plastic surgery or other cosmetic procedures. Do you, for example, have any current issues that you’d want to address? Is it possible that your purpose stems from a desire to slow down the aging process?

In plastic surgery clinics, we’re seeing a younger patient demographic. Previously, older persons underwent cosmetic surgery to alter already visible indications of aging. Younger generations are now taking steps to avoid some of these problems and slow down the aging process.

It makes sense when you understand more about the industry: obtaining regular treatments early in life decreases the amount of work that has to be done later. Furthermore, having minimally invasive procedures now is a little investment that can help you save time and money in the future by postponing and avoiding major plastic surgery treatments.

There’s no need to put off harsh steps until it’s too late. If you’re beginning to see the symptoms of aging, it’s time to arrange a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon to learn more about your treatment choices.

Remember that just because you speak to a plastic surgeon doesn’t indicate you’ll get a referral for invasive surgical procedures. Instead, our staff will gladly go through all of your options with you and assist you in weighing the advantages of minimally invasive procedures vs more extensive surgical procedures. We always give our patients the time and attention they need, assisting you in creating a tailored strategy that meets your goals and interests.


While many individuals choose breast lifts and augmentation, there is an increasing trend of people who wish to alter the effects of past cosmetic surgery procedures. Following-up therapies are common for two reasons:

Making A Change To Your Appearance: If you’ve undergone cosmetic surgery in the past, it may be time to revisit your alternatives. Over time, the aging process might take its toll, necessitating follow-up treatments to retain the same results. Furthermore, this maintenance operation improves the long-term prognosis.

Revisionary Surgery: Patients who alter their thoughts about past therapies are another trend. Some ladies, for example, choose for breast explants after a period of time with implants. Depending on your desired result, plastic surgeons may assist with both swaps and complete removals.


There’s no denying that the field of plastic surgery is in high demand. People with money in their wallets and a drive to improve their life emerged from the COVID epidemic limitations. As a consequence, cosmetic surgery is in high demand right now, and this trend is expected to continue in the future.

Learn More About Plastic Surgery Trends In New Jersey

If you’ve been debating whether or not to invest in cosmetic surgery, now is a good moment to learn more and weigh your alternatives. You are not compelled to proceed with these services if you schedule a consultation. Instead, you may learn more and figure out when the best moment is to start your therapies. Find out how plastic surgery treatments and procedures can help you achieve your desired results by contacting us today!



Happy patient
I had a breast augmentation and my results are amazing. They look so natural nobody can tell. I am so happy my friend referred him and she is too!
Happy patient
Dr Gartner is amazing!!! I had a mommy makeover and I love my results, its an incredible transformation. Dr Gartner and his staff are extremely professional and he is a true artist.
Happy patient
I am so happy with my new face. I was at my daughter’s wedding and I felt great. I look 15 years younger. I had a face lift 8 months ago. The recovery was quick and the results were instant.
Happy patient
Gartner Plastic Surgery is the best practice you can go to. The team of office staff, nurses and patient care coordinators are the best in the business.
Happy patient
I had a breast lift under local anesthesia and it was amazing. I was comfortable through the procedure and afterwards. Staff is excellent and friendly.
Happy patient
I had a breast augmentation and my results are amazing. They look so natural nobody can tell. I am so happy my friend referred him and she is too!
Happy patient
Dr Gartner is amazing!!! I had a mommy makeover and I love my results, its an incredible transformation. Dr Gartner and his staff are extremely professional and he is a true artist.

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