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It is possible to obtain a slim and fit look by sticking to a regular diet and exercise plan; however, some parts of the body are more difficult to tone than others. These “problem regions” will not react, even after spending hours working out at the gym and keeping track of every calorie that is ingested. In most cases, the abdominal region, the thighs, the glutes, the back, and the arms are affected. Even though there are a seemingly endless variety of procedures for body shaping, liposuction is perhaps the most effective of all of them. Other treatments may not even come close.

Dr. Gartner is a board-certified plastic surgeon who does liposuction in the New Jersey region. He does this so that he may help his patients achieve the cosmetic objectives that they have set for themselves. Here are some of the reasons why liposuction is still considered to be one of the most effective treatments for removing fat.


There are many reasons that people choose liposuction over other methods. The undesired fat tissue in some parts of the body may be removed using a procedure called liposuction, which includes the use of a mild suction. During the normal liposuction procedure that Dr. Gartner performs on his patients, a cannula, which is a thin tube, is first inserted into the patient’s fatty tissue through a small incision that has been made in the patient’s skin. These incisions are often rather little and, in most cases, won’t result in the formation of a scar. Dr. Gartner uses two cutting-edge methods of liposuction, namely tumescent liposuction and laser-assisted liposuction, to perform this surgery in a manner that is as minimally invasive as is clinically feasible.


Traditional liposuction has been replaced with a more modern technique known as tumescent liposuction. It improves safety as well as accuracy and comfort, and it speeds up the healing process.

Laser-assisted liposuction is a kind of liposuction that combines the non-invasive fat removal technology of lasers with the more conventional procedures of liposuction in order to get better, more rapid outcomes with less downtime required for recovery. Cannula is used in laser-assisted liposuction to remove undesirable fat, and a small fiber sends laser energy straight into the fat deposits, liquefying them so that they may be removed more easily.


Patients who are having trouble losing weight via diet and exercise may find that liposuction is the most effective method of body contouring for them. This is because liposuction provides a number of benefits:

  • Since cannulas come in such a wide variety of sizes and forms, they may be inserted into practically any part of the body. In certain cases, liposuction may be utilized in areas such as the armpits, ankles, knees, and submental region of the chin.
  • Generates effects with just a single session. The majority of procedures for body contouring involve numerous sessions, and the benefits often appear gradually over time. Patients just need to come in for one session for liposuction, and they may start to notice results as soon as the swelling goes down.
  • Makes obvious muscle definition feasible. When the subcutaneous fat is trimmed away, the muscles in the stomach region, the biceps, and the thighs become more defined, allowing you to better show off the results of your hard work at the gym.


Liposuction is not intended to be used as a means of rapid weight reduction but rather as a companion on the road to achieving your weight loss goals. A person who is physically fit and has a body mass index (BMI) of less than 30 is considered an excellent candidate for liposuction. Discussing your worries and desires for your body with Dr. Gartner is the most effective approach to determine whether or not you would be a suitable candidate for liposuction. He will assist you in determining the course of action that is both prudent and beneficial for you and your body.


The majority of individuals seek to get rid of excess fat for a variety of reasons, not simply because they want to improve their appearance. One’s entire health is closely connected to one’s ability to lose extra fat or weight, which is another essential aspect in the process.

One of the most prevalent health problems that people all over the globe are dealing with right now is obesity, which can also be described as being overweight. While it is true that one may be attractive regardless of the form or size of their body, acquiring an unhealthy amount of weight has consequences that go beyond what you see when you look in the mirror. In point of fact, being overweight has been shown to be linked to a number of illnesses that, when grouped together, are referred to as metabolic syndrome. This relates to a variety of health issues, including but not limited to high blood pressure, a bad blood lipid profile, and raised blood sugar levels.

Because of this, it is of the utmost necessity to make the huge move to a lifestyle that is directed by a healthy diet, an efficient exercise routine, and the most effective cosmetic treatments that the world has to offer at this time.

It is always a good idea to be knowledgeable about the primary reasons for weight gain, so that you will know how to maintain your new shape after surgery. This is true whether you choose surgical or non-surgical liposuction as your method of liposuction treatment. After all, this is not only about how you appear; it is also about how you feel about yourself.


If you have a family history of being overweight or obese, you may believe that there is nothing you can do to prevent this predetermined outcome, but you’d be mistaken to assume that you have no control over your weight.

Children who are born to obese parents have a higher risk of becoming obese themselves compared to children who are born to slim parents. However, there is still reason for optimism: what you eat and how much you move have a significant impact on the genes that are expressed and the genes that are not. The commitment to a healthy lifestyle is the most important factor in resisting the effects of this hereditary component. It may be easier to say than to do, but if you are serious about keeping the results of your liposuction surgery, then you need to be brave enough to step out of your comfort zone and walk away from what caused the weight gain in the first place. This may sound easier to say than to do, but if you are serious about keeping the results of your liposuction surgery, then you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle


We all have a certain level of affection for junk food, but when that affection becomes excessive, you put your body at risk by ingesting substances and additives that have been excessively processed and may have a bad effect on your health.

It’s easy on the wallet, it tastes well, and it’s quite popular. Because chips and chocolate have a very lengthy shelf life, it’s easy to be sucked into the idea of stocking up on them as a convenient snack option. Because of the way that some kinds of snacks are crafted, it may become difficult to break free of the habits associated with consuming junk food and fast food.

As was indicated previously, liposuction is only the first step in the long path toward losing weight that lies ahead of you. The remaining steps are up to you. You will have long-lasting benefits from your liposuction procedure and be able to take pleasure in living in the healthy physique that you deserve if you are able to exercise self-control and replace processed meals with nutritious foods.

Keep in mind that this is a process, and in order to get to the point where you’d rather have a salmon salad than a cheeseburger, take it one step at a time.


The inactivity of a person’s daily life is just as responsible for their excessive weight gain as their unhealthy eating habits. When you sit at a desk in front of a computer for hours on end to do your job or when you lie on the sofa while watching television until your leg goes asleep, you are putting yourself in a position where you are more likely to gain weight.

We are in no way suggesting that having a corporate job or spending your leisure time binge-watching television is a negative thing to do. Instead, we are emphasizing the significance of including a number of physically active pursuits in one’s daily routine. A few times a week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, such as going for a run in the park or taking an aerobics class, will do wonders for keeping the fat away from your waistline and preserving the shape of your body.


A consultation with a reputable and board-certified surgeon is the most effective approach to choose between the traditional liposuction surgery and the non-invasive liposuction technique. At the Gartner Plastic Surgery we will take the time and care to explore all of your choices with you in order to assist you in determining which method has the potential to serve you in the most beneficial manner.

By opting for liposuction, you may stop squandering time at the gym attempting to target certain parts of your body and start spending more time engaging in activities that bring you joy. You can get in touch with our team to schedule a consultation for liposuction by giving us a call or completing a brief online form on our website. We look forward to seeing you soon!


Plastic surgery has quickly become one of the most sought-after solutions among both men and women who are interested in revitalizing their skin or enhancing particular aspects of their bodies.

That said, there are hundreds of cosmetic procedures and operations on the market that target the breasts, legs, buttocks and more but which are the most popular ones in 2022?

In recent years, the most popular procedures for plastic surgery have included facial enhancements, nose surgery, eyelid surgery, breast augmentation, male breast removal, .tummy tucks, and liposuction. It is anticipated that these procedures will continue to be popular going into the new year as well.

In this blog we will go over some of the most popular cosmetic surgeries that people are opting for as well as their benefits and how the procedures work. Let’s get into it.


This is one of the most common surgical treatments not only in New Jersey but all around the world, and there is a solid explanation for this: it assists a great number of patients in improving their appearance and developing symmetry in the breast region.

Patients of both sexes often express interest in having treatment done on their chests. Alterations to the breasts and chest are highly common these days, regardless of whether the patient wants to increase or decrease the size of their bust. The following are some of the most popular breast enhancement surgeries:


Through the use of implants, a breast augmentation seeks to achieve the goals of making the breasts bigger as well as more proportionately distributed. If this is one of the procedures you’re looking into, have a discussion with Dr. Gartner about your options for determining the optimal size of your implants– this is the best way to find out what will suit your body type as well as if you are a candidate for this procedure in the first place.

There is a wide variety of implant kinds available nowadays, in addition to the various sizes. Before making an appointment for a breast augmentation, you should educate yourself on the key distinctions between saline and silicone implants as well.


When it comes to breast lifts, there is a wide variety of choices available to patients. The patient’s body type as well as the overall appearance they are striving for will be taken into consideration while selecting the appropriate technique. In most cases, Dr. Gartner will advise the patient to have the breast lift in order to get the best possible outcomes. This decision will be based on the patient’s breast size, the flexibility of their skin, and a number of other factors. That said, breast lifts are extremely popular due to the fact that they can restore a youthful look to the breasts that have since aged due to natural reasons such as breastfeeding or simply aging.


Breast reduction surgery is also another common surgery in 2022. The shoulders, back, and neck may all experience discomfort if a woman has breasts that are too big. For this reason, the majority of insurance companies will pay for breast reduction surgeries. A breast reduction may significantly enhance a patient’s level of comfort and ability by eliminating breast tissue, fat, and skin from the breasts. This procedure ultimately provides relief from pain while also enhancing the look of the breasts.


There are a lot of other plastic surgery procedures in NJ that may reshape the body, but these two common treatments are at the very top of the list.


Every single individual is one of a kind, from the outside appearance of their body to the within composition of their genes. There are some individuals who, regardless of how hard they try, are unable to lose weight in the places that they would want to. The removal of fat cells via the process of liposuction may assist patients in losing weight in the appropriate parts of their bodies.

If you are thinking about getting liposuction done, you and your cosmetic surgeon need to have a conversation about the conditions for having the operation done. Dr. Gartner would be more than pleased to go through these prerequisites with you if you want to have your cosmetic surgery performed in NJ.


The medical term for a tummy tuck is abdominoplasty. This method of cosmetic surgery comprises the removal of extra skin as well as the tightening of the muscles that are located in the abdominal area. This is extremely popular for mothers who have excess skin on their tummy areas from having a baby or for people who have lost a significant amount of weight and are looking for a surgery that can tone the abdomen.


Keeping up with a consistent workout regimen and being mindful of what you put in your body are both essential steps that, when taken together, may assist you in achieving the physique objectives you have set for yourself. On the other hand, depending on your genetics and the particular aspect of your body that you like to enhance, it’s possible that it won’t be enough. That’s when surgeries for body shaping come in handy. Cosmetic procedures that reshape or define the outline of the body have never gone out of style and continue to dominate the market. But recently, there has been a shift toward a desire among consumers for body contouring outcomes that are less extreme and more in line with natural appearance.

When contrasted with other types of surgery, the rise in popularity of body contouring treatments may be attributed to a variety of factors. Some individuals seek a procedure that is just somewhat intrusive, while others are looking for an alternative to implants that is more natural. However, people are searching for less dramatic and more natural outcomes, so procedures like Brazilian buttlifts and liposuction are still quite popular. Breast augmentations are also quite common nowadays; however, the cosmetic surgery industry is seeing a trend toward breast lifts and augmentations that use fat transfers rather than silicone implants.

Additionally gaining popularity this year is body sculpting that does not involve surgery. There is a greater demand than there has ever been for alternative methods of body sculpting that do not involve surgery, such as Emsculpt and CoolSculpting. The potential to accomplish fat reduction, skin tightening, and occasionally muscle toning is what makes many of these nonsurgical treatments intriguing. In addition to being noninvasive and having no downtime, these procedures also have the added benefit of being able to provide exactly the results people are looking for.


The end outcome of cosmetic surgery should be tailored to the individual needs of each patient. As a consequence of this, a noteworthy trend that has emerged is the combination of numerous processes with the purpose of achieving an extremely tailored result and optimal outcomes. Because there are so many various kinds of operations that may be performed nowadays, patients now have the option of choosing less invasive treatments for different sections of their body and combining these procedures to come closer to the look they want.

For some patients, this may entail having numerous treatments performed throughout the course of a single consultation, while for others, it may mean having a variety of procedures performed in a very short amount of time. Some patients, for instance, could receive a breast augmentation as well as liposuction at the same visit, or they might get a Brazilian butt-lift during the first appointment, and then breast fat transfer during the second appointment in the months to come. Combining operations is also common in the often performed mommy makeover, which consists of a number of different procedures, including breast augmentation, BBL’s, liposuction, and tummy tucks, among others. Surgeons will advise patients on which treatments may be performed at the same time without risking their health, which procedures should be performed separately, and how much time should pass between each surgery.


Every year, the cosmetic surgery market experiences a change in popular trends, and 2022 will be no exception. A good number of the trends that emerged this year were already on the rise and will continue to enjoy popularity among patients. This year, the trends are leaning more toward minimally invasive or modest, natural alterations than they did in past years.

Remember that there will always be new trends emerging in the field of cosmetic surgery, but the thing that is most essential is figuring out what will make you feel and look your very best. This is the single most important thing to keep in mind.

It is essential that you be at ease with and have faith in your plastic surgeon, regardless of which of the many common procedures for cosmetic surgery you decide to have done. If you are interested in learning more about cosmetic surgery, you can make an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Gartner by calling our clinic in NJ and speaking with a member of our team.


In the event that you are a resident of New Jersey, whether you are a man or a woman, and if you are interested in gaining a boost to your self-esteem as well as fresh confidence in your look, then we will quickly cover this straightforward treatment that is both effective and safe.

As a cosmetic surgeon with decades of experience, Dr. Gartner has assisted many patients in attaining their aesthetic objectives with the use of liposuction, which may remove up to six liters of fat in a single session in a safe manner. Please continue reading so that you may learn about the top reasons why men and women just like you have chosen to undergo liposuction in NJ.


Before we look at the different areas of the body that can be treated with liposuction, it is crucial to understand what the goals of this treatment are and what sort of results patients can anticipate from having the procedure done. Lipo is not intended to be a replacement for bariatric surgery or for a healthy diet and regular exercise. In point of fact, the majority of individuals who undergo this procedure don’t experience any weight loss beyond a few pounds.

Instead, liposuction surgery eliminates areas of excess body fat lying under the skin but above the muscle layer. These are the places that, regardless of how much you diet or exercise, just won’t seem to respond to traditional weight loss methods. If a person has a healthy weight and decides to go through with this surgery, the end effect will be a more sculpted form that is more refined and looks to have lost weight.


If you’ve made it to this blog, you’re probably looking to learn the most you can about this industry-leading treatment option but as a refresher let’s go over some of the benefits. A kind of surgery known as liposuction may be done to remove excess fat from the body. It is possible to alter just about any part of the body by removing a little quantity of fat from the targeted location.

The procedure known as liposuction is performed on a significant number of patients. It is often used to:

  • Slim hips,
  • Reduce saddlebags,
  • Bring the tummy in closer,
  • However, it is capable of much more.

Tumescent liposuction is another technique used by experts to reshape:

  • The jawline, which helps to create a more distinct profile.
  • The neck, resulting in an overall appearance that is more young.
  • Upper arms, resulting in a diminution in their size.
  • Reduce the appearance of love handles.
  • Making the waist slimmer.
  • Contour and shape the buttocks.
  • Knees and inner thighs, which results in the legs having less depth.
  • And reduce excess fat around the ankles.



Patients often struggle and say that despite following a nutritious diet or leading an active lifestyle, they are still unable to get rid of stubborn fat deposits in areas such as the neck, arms, hips, stomach and thighs. Most of the time, these problem regions are inherited and resistant to changes brought about by diet and exercise. Liposuction is a treatment that targets these problem regions in an efficient and effective manner. Another great benefit of liposuction is that once the fat is removed it will not grow back as long as you follow healthy habits after your surgery.


A woman’s body goes through a lot of changes, both on the inside and the outside, while she is pregnant. Some women in NJ discover that after giving birth to children, even if they are able to return to their weight before pregnancy by normal means, there are some regions of fat that just will not go away. If your skin is in good condition and has some elasticity left, liposuction may be an effective method for giving your body a new shape, but only if certain conditions are met. At Gartner Plastic Surgery we have assisted a great number of mothers just like you in attaining the same level of satisfaction with their bodies as they do with motherhood.


When you are functioning at your peak, you often have a higher quality of life. Every day, we have the opportunity to see how a person’s outward look influences how they behave in other areas of their life. Through liposuction, we have assisted many patients in improving their self-esteem, which has benefitted them in a variety of situations, including at work, while having fun with friends, and when spending time with their significant others. If you have disproportionate fat on areas of your body that make you feel self-conscious and too embarrassed to show off your legs, stomach, or arms, liposuction is an excellent way to boost your self-esteem by giving you a slimmer shape. This is especially true if you have fat that accumulates in areas of your body that are visible to the eye and cannot be covered up.


The effects of eliminating stubborn fat deposits may be fairly dramatic, but it is important to keep in mind that liposuction is not a technique that will cause weight reduction and can remove up to 6 liters of fat in a single session. The results have a fairly natural appearance, but you and others will notice a change in the way your clothing fits now that those irritating bulges here and there have been eliminated. Patients will notice a difference in the number of inches dropped more so than in the number of pounds lost, and you will have more alternatives while shopping for garments and swimwear to show off your figure. All that said, liposuction can help you fit into clothing that makes you feel confident and comfortable again.


People who sweat an excessive amount may benefit from tumescent liposuction as well. If other therapies, such as prescription antiperspirants and iontophoresis, are unsuccessful in reducing underarm sweating, tumescent liposuction may be a viable alternative.

A significant amount of fat from the armpits may be removed by a dermatologist in order to cut down on excessive perspiration. Because the majority of the sweat glands in the underarms are located in the fat, this may significantly decrease the amount of perspiration that occurs. Since this eliminates the sweat glands, it is a remedy that is long-lasting.


As a cosmetic surgeon with decades of experience, Dr. Gartner is aware of the significance of a speedy and risk-free recovery after any kind of surgery. One of the advantages of liposuction is that it is a surgery from which one may recuperate with very little difficulty. Following your liposuction procedure, you will be instructed to wear compression garments for the next two to three weeks in order to prevent excessive swelling. You will need to rest for a few days, but after that you will be able to move about and participate in mild activities. The majority of patients are able to go back to work after one week of surgery and are active again within a couple of weeks following the procedure.


Although liposuction has several applications and benefits, the most common ones that cannot benefit from lipo are the following:

  • NOT intended to assist individuals in their weight loss efforts,
  • NOT a remedy for overweight or obesity,
  • NOT a shortcut to a physically healthy physique,
  • NOT a therapy for cellulite.


Those who often have the most success are those who:

  • Possess skin that springs back immediately after being squeezed- has elasticity.
  • Are at a weight that is appropriate for this type of procedure- BMI.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Maintain a healthy muscular tone.


Make an appointment at Gartner Plastic Surgery in NJ if you are interested in learning more about the benefits of liposuction and what it can do for you.

Even if you are under the impression that you are not a strong candidate for the treatment, it is still in your best interest to schedule this appointment so that our specialists can evaluate the areas of concern you have and devise an appropriate surgical strategy to help you accomplish your objectives with the help of our innovative procedures.

You are welcome to meet with Dr. Gartner himself to gather additional information, discuss your concerns, and ask any questions that you might have. You can get in touch with us right away by either giving us a call or submitting a contact form.


If you have tried changing your diet and exercising more, but you still have fat that doesn’t seem to budge despite your efforts, you may be thinking about getting liposuction.

It is a common misconception that liposuction is a weight reduction operation but it’s much more than that. Liposuction is able to remove fat from certain places of your body that are notoriously difficult to trim down with diet and exercise alone.

Patients who go into surgery with a clear objective in mind are often the ones who end up with the greatest outcomes. If liposuction is something you’re thinking of doing, here are eight things that you may have not known about.


Let’s do a quick overview of the liposuction procedure. In most cases, individuals who elect to have liposuction are already at a healthy weight but have fat deposits in certain areas of the body that they find unattractive and would want to have removed.

Liposuction is not an effective strategy for losing weight overall. This is not a therapy for excessive weight or obesity either. Cellulite, dimples, and stretch marks cannot be eliminated by the process. The aesthetic is the primary focus. Those who want to modify or improve the shape of their body are good candidates for this treatment.

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that eliminates fat cells from the body in a way that is irreversible. On the other hand, if the patient does not adopt a healthy lifestyle following the procedure, there is a possibility that the fat cells that were not removed would continue to expand in size.

There is also a limit on the amount of fat that may be cut out without risking health complications. That being said, in the hands of a proper board-certified surgeon, you will be able to achieve the results that you are truly looking for.


If you’ve been thinking about liposuction, you should take into consideration every aspect of the procedure. Liposuction involves removing fat from specific areas of the body by extracting it with the use of cannula tubes. This is not a solution for weight reduction, despite the fact that it could look like a simple technique to reduce fat. Instead, it is a therapy for the reshaping of the body. If this is ultimately what you’re looking for, this could be a great option for you.

A person who is close to their desired weight is considered to be an excellent candidate for liposuction, usually no more than 30 percent from your ideal weight. In order to be a suitable candidate for liposuction, you should be in generally excellent physical condition, consume a nutritious diet, engage in regular exercise, and struggle to lose fat in certain regions of your body.

Depending on the specifics of your situation, a treatment may often remove anywhere from 0 to 10 pounds of fat at once. Cellulite is not something that can be improved with liposuction, therefore if the look of cellulite is something that concerns you, you should probably bring this up with your surgeon.


Now that we’ve covered the fundamentals of the liposuction technique, it’s time to move on to some of the more advanced topics, some of which you probably weren’t aware of.


The term “liposuction” refers to the surgical removal of fat, however it is not intended as a therapy for either weight reduction or obesity. In point of fact, you need to be within 30 percent of your optimum body weight in order to be considered a suitable candidate for liposuction, as we’ve previously mentioned.

Liposuction may eliminate fat deposits that have been resistant to reduction via diet and exercise. It is more probable that your genes are to blame for this sort of obesity than your lifestyle. In order to get the full benefits of this, you need to be a non-smoker who is also physically active. Have a conversation with your healthcare provider to determine whether or not your expectations are fair for this procedure before moving forward with it.


According to the Food and Drug Administration, plastic surgeons are the medical professionals that conduct liposuction the majority of the time. A plastic surgeon is a medical professional who specializes in reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. Liposuction is a procedure that does not need any specific training and may be performed by almost any licensed physician which is why it’s incredibly important to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon for your treatment in order to ensure that you get the results you truly want in a safe way. If you want the greatest possible outcomes, don’t be afraid to obtain a second opinion or question the attending physician about his or her education and expertise.


A lot of people are aware of the liposuction procedure but are not aware of how the fat deposits are actually broken down. Before the removal of fat, your doctor will make a few tiny incisions in your skin, then inject you with a numbing medicine made from saltwater, as well as a medication to control bleeding. The procedure in question is known as tumescent liposuction. It achieves its effect by avoiding an excessive loss of blood as well as swelling and bruising. After injecting this combination, the surgeon will make incisions in the patient’s skin and insert a cannula, which is a hollow tube. The cannula will be used to break up fat deposits. The fat is removed via the cannula using either a syringe or a miniature surgical vacuum.


The use of ultrasound or lasers to help in liposuction procedures is one of the more recent developments in the field. Both of these approaches turn fat into a liquid, which makes it much simpler to drain away. This may reduce the amount of bruising and swelling that occurs as well as speed up the healing process. Sound waves, which may be delivered either via a cannula or directly onto the patient’s skin, are the way in which ultrasound therapy liquifies fat. Laser-assisted liposuction may increase the number of fat locations that may be treated during a single surgery. This is because the laser works by heating the fat, which causes it to become more liquid and more can be removed.


Photos taken before and after treatment reveal tremendous improvements, but patients should not expect to see effects right away. After the treatment, to help minimize swelling, your doctor may instruct you to wear elastic bandages or a compression garment for many days or even weeks. Your doctor may choose to place drains in order to assist in the removal of excess fluids. It’s possible that the final findings won’t be visible to you for a few weeks or even months. After having liposuction, gaining weight may cause fat to accumulate in areas of the body that were not affected before which means that you should be as careful as possible after your procedure.


It’s a common misconception that cosmetic surgery is something that exclusively applies to women, yet this couldn’t be farther from the reality. There are a lot of men and women who, in order to get rid of those troublesome fat cells, are looking into getting liposuction operations done. If regular exercise and dietary changes have not been successful in removing the region that is often referred to as the gut, many men turn to liposuction as a means of reducing and targeting the fat in their bellies.


Even while we would love to be able to tell you that liposuction would get rid of your cellulite, the fact of the matter is that it just cannot be done. However, liposuction may assist to restrict the further development of cellulite by removing the soft, underlying tissue that is pressing against the skin and causing cellulite. This tissue is responsible for the appearance of cellulite. Another great option is to pair your liposuction treatment with another skin resurfacing laser that may help to reduce the look of any cellulite after your procedure has healed.


Somehow some patients think that liposuction and tummy tuck procedure are the exact same procedure. While the tummy tuck procedure does utilize liposuction in some cases, they are both two different procedures from themselves. Liposuction is used to remove unwanted fat from regions of the body while a tummy tuck is used to fix the underlying issues and remove excess skin after extreme weight loss or pregnancy.


Book a consultation with one of our experts at The Gartner Plastic Surgery in New Jersey to learn more about liposuction treatments. You’ll learn everything you need to know about your specific surgery and how it will help you in the long run.


The issue about how much the liposuction procedure in New Jersey costs is the one that we are asked the most often at our clinic. This is completely normal considering the widespread misunderstanding about the nature of liposuction and the components that make up the overall cost.

First things first, let’s define liposuction for you in a nutshell. In this article, we will also discuss the typical pricing and expenditures associated with liposuction in the New Jersey area so you can be as prepared as possible before your consultation.


This procedure is one that can be combined or performed on its own and is highly popular for men and women. In short, a surgeon will remove unwanted fat cells via a process called liposuction. In a perfect world, the patient would go to a board-certified plastic surgeon in New Jersey who specializes in liposuction such as our very own Dr. Gartner.

Liposuction is not to be confused with CoolSculpting, cooltone, truetone, trusculpt, air sculpt, soft sculpt, ulthera, vanquish, sculpsure, kybella, or any other non-surgical fat reduction device that is typically offered by a med spa. Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes fat through an incision in the body. Liposuction is the method of body reshaping and fat removal that has shown to be the most reliable and safe over the years.

It is the aesthetic plastic surgery operation that is done in the United States more often than any other each year, and its prevalence is significantly increasing due to the development of new technology and methods.

Liposuction is the method of body reshaping and fat removal that has shown to be the most reliable and safe over the years.


The following criteria will determine the liposuction cost in the New Jersey area:

  • Cost of the surgeon,
  • Costs for the anesthesiologist,
  • Costs associated with using the hospital or surgical center as a facility,
  • Laboratory work and diagnostic examinations,
  • Medications for pain that need a prescription and supplies that you’ll need after surgery, such as a compression garment,
  • Any more scheduled appointments, etc.

Even if any of those expenditures aren’t accounted for in the estimate that your doctor provided, you’ll still need to make room in your budget for them.


Liposuction has an 88 percent rating on most cosmetic surgery sites, which indicates that the majority of individuals who have rated their surgery believe it was an investment that was well worth doing.

Many of those who were pleased with the outcomes of their liposuction noted reasons such as being able to fit into their clothes more readily and experiencing an increase in self-confidence.

Since liposuction eliminates fat cells for good, the procedure’s effects may be expected to be long-lasting so long as the patient maintains a healthy weight they can prolong their results.

Even though liposuction is often regarded as the gold standard when it comes to body contouring operations, you may want to consider nonsurgical body contouring if you are worried about the high expense of the surgery. Be aware that all nonsurgical methods of reducing fat will often need numerous treatment sessions, and that it will take your body several months to destroy fat cells in a natural way. If you choose those kinds of methods, also be prepared for the cost associated with each treatment that is required which can add up at the end.


These criteria will determine the price that you spend for liposuction in NJ, so keep them in mind.


Prices for liposuction are often established in one of two ways: either by the size and number of treatment areas treated, or by the length of time required to complete the process.

When a surgeon bills “by the area,” the cost of the first area often includes facility fees and anesthesia; hence, it is customary to see a decrease in the cost of each successive treatment area.

If they charge by the hour, bear in mind that larger parts of the body, such as the stomach, the back, or the love handles or areas that have been treated before, often need more time and effort, which results in a higher cost. Because it takes such exact sculpting, however, removing a little amount of fat from a very particular place such as the inner thigh or beneath the chin may often be quite time-consuming.

The surgeon’s technique of billing may have a major impact on the cost estimates provided for the same operation, which can range widely. As a result of this, it is a good idea to speak with more than one experienced plastic surgeon or dermatologic surgeon in order to acquire customized cost estimates and to pick the one who is best for you.


It is important to have this surgical procedure performed by an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon or dermatologic surgeon, as opposed to a physician who advertises themselves as a “cosmetic surgeon,” but who does not have the same kind of advanced training as a cosmetic surgeon would have.

This will also affect the price. If you go to a surgeon who is board-certified the cost will be more than going to a physician with no training. If you want to improve your appearance while minimizing the risk of injury, you should make your choice based on the individual’s credentials, even if doing so would increase the total cost.


The price of liposuction might vary depending on the state, metropolitan region, and even neighborhood in which it is performed. When performed in a private surgical center, liposuction surgery is far more affordable than when carried out in a hospital setting. You should make sure that your surgeon has hospital privileges in order to conduct liposuction, so that in the event of an emergency they are prepared; to note, Dr. Gartner is one of the surgeons in New Jersey who has hospital privileges and extensive training in liposuction.

That said, if your surgeon works in a region that has a higher cost of living, you might also expect to pay more for their services


Traditional liposuction, which is also known as tumescent liposuction, is still a popular option, but more and more surgeons are turning to new lipo technologies, which employ cannulas with laser, radiofrequency, or ultrasonic energy to remove fat. These devices liquefy the extra fat, which makes it simpler to remove the fat and reduces the amount of time needed to recover after liposuction.

It’s possible that more expensive procedures, such as VASER liposuction, BodyTite, or SmartLipo, will cost you more money, but you’ll have to take less time out of work, endure less swelling, and maybe have greater contouring results.


Even if you choose to have just local anesthetic, if you also want to have IV sedation, you will still need to have the anesthesia delivered by an anesthesiologist or a nurse anesthetist, who will also monitor your vital signs as the surgery progresses.

You might anticipate incurring costs for not just their services but also the anaesthetic supplies as well. Some surgeons prefer to work with anesthesiologists since they have had more extensive training, despite the fact that anesthesiologists have higher rates of compensation for their time and expertise. It is in your best interest to pay a little bit extra for their expertise, particularly if you have any underlying issues.


The decision to charge for consultations is left up to the discretion of the surgeon. Depending on the surgeon’s level of skill and the ethos of their practice, the price of this process might be anywhere from $50 to $500.


Patients need to be provided with a detailed explanation of the expenses involved in the surgery. The facility charge is the component of the liposuction process cost that accounts for the actual expenses incurred during the surgery itself. Patients should pay careful attention to this figure since it is quite significant. If this figure is far lower than expected, it is quite probable that the medical practitioner is taking shortcuts, which drives up costs.


Finally, compression garments. These are an important component of the operation, and as a result, the patient should have the garment that is most suited to them but this can come with a cost. A good number of surgeons may either include the cost as a separate line item on the patient’s bill or direct them to websites or local businesses that sell the garments in question.

Frequently, either the size or the style will need to be altered before it can be used which means that you’ll need to find the right compression garment for you specifically and those customized ones can be more expensive. It’s important to remember that these compression garments are used to ensure your results turn out exactly as you want them to, which means you shouldn’t look for a cheaper option but one that makes sense for both you and your results after the surgery.


Having a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon who is board-certified is the best method to receive a specific estimate of how much liposuction will cost you. That said, you can meet with Dr. Gartner at Gartner Plastic Surgery in NJ to learn more about this process and what your surgical plan entails.

Call us today or fill out a Contact Form and one of our medical experts will reach out to you to finalize your consultation date. We look forward to hearing from you.


Awake breast augmentation is a safe and effective way to increase the size of the breasts that is becoming more and more popular. Not only that, but this procedure is very complicated and can only be done by a board-certified surgeon who is an expert in this field.

Dr. Gartner is one of the few surgeons who is known to specialize in this technique and offers it at his New Jersey clinic. People from all over the world fly to Gartner Plastic Surgery because he is one of the most trusted surgeons who can do this surgery successfully.

In this blog, we’ll talk more about why people go to Dr. Gartner for awake breast augmentation and what the process is like. Let’s get started…

Why Is It Important To Choose An Experienced And Board-Certified Surgeon?

One of the most crucial decisions you will make about your surgery will be selecting a plastic surgeon who has significant expertise as well as the appropriate level of education.

There is a large number of medical professionals who practice medicine and term themselves “plastic surgeons,” even if they have not had proper training in plastic surgery. As a consequence of this, they come from a diverse array of medical disciplines and have successfully finished a brief training program in liposuction, breast augmentation, and other other treatments. Those who successfully finish the course will get a certificate of completion, which will enable them to carry out the treatments in their clinics with either little or no prior training.

As a direct consequence of this, they established their own boards of certification, such as the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery and the American Board of Facial Plastic Surgery. For this reason, when you are doing research on the sort of plastic surgeon you desire, this is a factor that you cannot, under any circumstances, ignore.

Before a candidate may become board certified by the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, they must first pass a challenging written and oral exam in addition to completing an extensive residency program in plastic surgery. This ensures that the surgeon has the necessary education and experience.

After the first time you pass the exam, the American Board of Plastic Surgery recommends that you put in two years of work experience before you may take the exam again. In certain regions, in addition to completing a treatment that takes place in an office, you may also need to get a hospital certification.

Some of these plastic surgeons have not had enough training, which is why hospitals will not provide privileges to them. These non-core plastic doctors are not allowed to practice in hospitals. This is because the majority of these treatments are performed in the doctor’s own office, where the majority of offices do not have complete licenses to practice medicine. However, this is subject to the laws of the jurisdiction in where you are located. That said, Dr. Gartner has passed all of the qualifications to become a board-certified plastic surgeon.

Why Do People Fly All The Way To New Jersey To See Dr. Gartner?

The following are some of the most glaring differences that may be seen between a qualified cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Gartner and other medical practitioners who do not have the required credentials:


You need to have the appropriate training, in addition to a valid license, in order to do breast augmentations. Dr. Gartner has been granted rights to also practice at the hospital as a result of his certification, which he earned via his examinations, education, and experience with office-based treatments. The American Board of Plastic Surgeons has granted him this certification.

On the other hand, the great majority of medical professionals who carry out this operation do so outside of a setting that has been authorized to do so. Before going through with the surgery, it is critical to ensure that you have thoroughly researched the qualifications of the surgeon who will perform it.


In spite of the fact that the vast majority of medical professionals lack the essential qualifications, Dr. Gartner is in a unique position since the facility in which he does plastic surgery is recognized by the AAAASF.

It is also essential to be aware that the great majority of physicians who carry out this treatment do not possess the credentials necessary to work in a hospital. In contrast to Dr. Gartner, who has been granted authorization by the hospital to perform breast augmentation, the hospital has not granted permission to those other surgeons.


Some medical professionals are not equipped with the information necessary to prescribe the appropriate quantity of medicine for their patients. At Gartner Plastic Surgery, we use a method that is safer by restricting the use of medicine in some treatments, which results in dosages that are far lower than the maximum allowable overdose.

Why Do Patients Prefer To Have Awake Breast Augmentation Done To Them?

In today’s world, breast augmentations are becoming more common among women, and there are many valid reasons for this trend. Due to the availability of this alternative procedure, patients who are not good candidates for general anesthesia have been able to have breast augmentations in a risk-free way.

Those who were unable to receive a breast augmentation because it required general anesthesia now have another option available to them in the form of an awake breast augmentation. That said, the traditional breast augmentation procedure is still a good option for residents of New Jersey if that patient would like to choose from either or method.

The Gartner Plastic Surgery Awake Breast Augmentation Process Is A Specialized Approach

Breast augmentation has been practiced for many years, and over this period, new methods and studies have been produced to make this surgical treatment more effective. Because of his extensive experience in cosmetic surgery, Dr. Gartner is recognized as one of the innovators who contributed to the development of the awake breast augmentation procedure.

Over the course of the last 15 years, he has perfected and refined the procedure to the point that he is one of the few surgeons with double board certification who is able to do it faultlessly while providing his patients with the highest possible level of comfort. Because hardly many plastic surgeons have the necessary training to do this surgery, awake breast augmentation is one of the few surgical procedures that is known for its level of exclusivity.

Dr. Michael Gartner is regarded as a leader in the area of breast augmentation because of his high success rate and stringent safety requirements. Dr. Gartner has been a pioneer in the development of awake breast augmentation for a number of years. Patients may put their trust in him as a double board-certified plastic surgeon to give them with a one-of-a-kind surgical experience thanks to his decades of experience in the field.

Advantages Of Working With A Plastic Surgeon Who Holds A Board Certification

You’ve given it a lot of thought and done a lot of study, and you’ve come to the conclusion that you want to get cosmetic surgery. You are well aware that this is a significant choice- as we’ve previously mentioned.

When you choose a plastic surgeon who has a board certification, you may have the confidence that comes with knowing that your surgeon maintains the highest standards in the industry. This will allow you to relax and focus on getting the best results from your procedure.

It’s extremely important that you choose a plastic surgeon who is well-known and respected in the field of medicine. In order to ensure that you have the most positive experience possible throughout your surgical procedure, your plastic surgeon will provide evidence that they have successfully completed the standards laid down by the board.


You may anticipate that your plastic surgeon will have at least five years of surgical experience to polish their abilities when you go to one who is board-certified in the field of plastic surgery. This background includes participation in a residency program with an emphasis on plastic surgery.

To ensure that you have the most positive experience possible with your cosmetic surgery procedure, the board-certified plastic surgeon you choose will have more than just schooling. In order to assist you in achieving the best possible outcomes, your surgeon will have a plethora of information that is based on hands-on treatments.


The surgery that is ideal for you will be one that your board-certified plastic surgeon is qualified to carry out. If you want to contour your body by removing obstinate fat, you may talk to your surgeon about the possibility. Your plastic surgeon may do a broad variety of operations that can make your face seem much younger if that is something you are interested in. When you want a surgeon who can help you every step of the way on your quest to improve your look, you should think about seeing a board-certified cosmetic surgeon.

Learn More About The Awake Breast Augmentation Procedure With Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Gartner

If you are interested in awake breast augmentation surgery and would like more information, please do not hesitate to schedule a consultation with Dr. Gartner, a board-certified plastic surgeon. You might be one of the numerous patients that come in from all over the globe to have their surgery performed by doctor Gartner.

To get started, all you have to do is get in touch with us by either giving us a call or filling out a contact form on our website, and then one of our medical professionals will get in touch with you to collect more information!


If you’ve done any research at all on Brazilian butt lift surgery, often known as BBL, in New Jersey, you’ve definitely come across some unsettling anecdotes about patients who had major issues after their treatments. A similar concern runs across all of these accounts: the procedures in question were carried out by medical professionals who lacked American Board of Plastic Surgery certification.

As the demand for a fuller and more voluptuous buttocks region increased over the previous decade, an increasing number of doctors who lacked the necessary qualifications in cosmetic surgery and, more especially, in BBL treatments began offering the operation to patients. They often promoted themselves to the public as “board-certified” medical professionals by utilizing the names of organizations that had an air of authority, despite the fact that their education in cosmetic surgery was quite limited.

It is essential to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon for any surgical operation, but this is particularly true for one such as Brazilian butt lift surgery, which requires outstanding competence in addition to a concern for the patient’s safety. That said, choosing a board-certified surgeon like Dr. Gartner can not only guarantee exceptional results but it also assures that your surgery goes smoothly and safely. Let’s go over the importance of these qualifications in this blog.

The Basics: What Exactly Is Entailed In A Brazilian Butt Lift?

A BBL is most correctly defined as buttock augmentation, despite the fact that its name also contains the term “butt lift.” In the past, doctors would inject silicone implants into a patient’s buttocks in order to improve their appearance. When it comes to creating more shapely outlines, the BBL is a game-changer since it leverages the patient’s own fat. This fat is removed by liposuction from places such as the belly or the thighs.

In order to prevent embolisms from occurring, surgeons performing the fat transfer procedure, also known as fat grafting, must be exceedingly cautious to avoid injecting the fat at too deep of a depth. An embolism caused by fat may lead to significant problems in certain cases.

At Gartner Plastic Surgery in NJ, our medical team employs only cutting-edge methods to enhance the safety of their surgeries as well as the quality of the results they achieve.

What Does Board Certification Mean?

The American Board of Plastic Surgery is the only cosmetic surgery board that is recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties, which is the organization that sets the highest standard for medical care in the United States. Although many cosmetic surgeons are also members of professional groups, the only thing that guarantees that a surgeon is actually competent and has had extensive training is certification from the American Board of Plastic Surgery also known as the ABPS.

The following requirements must be met for a surgeon to get certification from the ABPS:

  • Complete a total of 6 years of surgical training, of which at least 3 years should be dedicated exclusively to plastic surgery.
  • Successfully complete verbal and written tests.
  • To keep their certification current, they must pass regular exams and participate in continuous educational opportunities.
  • Only operate inside premises that have been approved.
  • Be sure to abide by a stringent moral code.

If a patient wants to make an informed decision about where to have any sort of cosmetic or reconstructive plastic surgery, the best and, in all honesty, the only way they can do so is by doing as much research as they possibly can. On the website of the American Board of Plastic Surgery, you are able to check the certification status of a surgeon or you can trust a board-certified plastic surgeon with decades of experience such as our very own Dr. Gartner in New Jersey, who has successfully followed all of those requirements as well.

Questions To Ask Your Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

Before you go in for surgery, there are a few very crucial things you need to ask your surgeon in order to be sure you get the best possible outcomes. When assessing whether or not you would be a good candidate for plastic surgery, it is very important that you and your surgeon have an open line of communication. During your appointment, there are a few crucial questions that need to be answered, and here they are:

  • Is your doctor recognized by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons as a board-certified plastic surgeon?
  • Is the American Society of Plastic Surgeons an organization that your doctor belongs to?
  • Has your surgeon completed any further training in the field of plastic surgery? How many years of experience do they have under their belt?
  • Have they already worked with patients who needed the treatment you are thinking about having? If so, how frequently?

Additional Significant Factors To Consider

When it comes to having any kind of cosmetic or reconstructive surgery or treatment done, it is of the utmost importance to choose a board-certified surgeon. Here are a few additional reasons why this is the case.


Plastic surgery is a subspecialty of general surgery that requires a significant amount of study and practice over a prolonged period of time. You may have peace of mind knowing that your practitioner has successfully completed a minimum of five years of supervised surgical training focusing on cosmetic surgery of the face and body if you decide to go with a board-certified plastic surgeon.

Even if they haven’t finished an ABPS-approved program or a plastic surgery residency, any licensed doctor with a medical degree may call oneself a “cosmetic” surgeon and market themselves to patients as such. Board-certified plastic surgeons have the opportunity to refine their technical abilities, which ultimately results in higher quality treatment and better outcomes for their patients.


Not only does extensive training and understanding in all aspects of plastic surgery give the surgeon a technical skill, but it also provides a sharper eye for aesthetics. It is not necessary for a surgeon to have aesthetic judgment in order to determine which size of silicone implant would best compliment a patient’s frame but choosing a surgeon with that extensive experience will only ensure that you get exceptional results that suit your body and that you will enjoy for years to come.


If you go with a surgeon who has received board certification, you can be confident that the surgical facility in which they work is one that is not only safe but also well-equipped and has been approved. It is also a good idea to inquire about the hospital privileges held by your board-certified practitioner. This is due to the fact that hospitals do exhaustive background checks on physicians before granting hospital privileges.

What Are The Advantages Of Choosing A Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon?

As we’ve previously noted, there are many benefits to choosing a certified and experienced board-certified plastic surgeon. The American Board of Plastic Surgery is the only board recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties that certifies surgeons to perform plastic surgery on both the body and the face. This means that ABPS certification allows surgeons to perform plastic surgery on both the body and the face. Members of ABPS have been held to the greatest standards of professionalism, safety, and ethics ever since the organization was established almost eight decades ago. ABPS accreditation is only given out if a surgeon has met the following requirements:

  • Have earned their doctoral degrees in medicine.
  • Have finished their residency programs in plastic surgery.
  • Have participated in a minimum of five years’ worth of postgraduate study and testing in their respective surgical specialities or sub-specialties.
  • Have demonstrated their expertise in their respective specialities or sub-specialties by passing rigorous oral and written tests.
  • And have chosen to perform surgeries in their own private facilities, but have still maintained their hospital privileges and completed a certain amount of training and continuing education coursework each year in order to keep their ABPS certification.

It is imperative that you differentiate the American Board of Plastic Surgery from any other board. No matter what other organizations a surgeon belongs to, if they are not board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, then they cannot be considered a board-certified plastic surgeon. This is true even if the physician has certification from another organization. You may assure your safety, comfort, and general contentment with the results of your plastic surgery by only entrusting it to a plastic surgeon who has earned board certification in the specialty such as Dr. Gartner himself.

Book Your BBL Consultation With Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Gartner

The Brazilian butt lift is a procedure that is not only effective, but also safe, and it yields results that, after it has fully healed, you will be eager to flaunt. However, this is only the case if the procedure is carried out correctly by a board-certified plastic surgeon with much relevant expertise. In order to determine whether or not the BBL is a good match for your needs, you can either submit a request for a consultation using the online form or give us a call to schedule an appointment at Gartner Plastic Surgery in NJ.


BBL also known as a Brazilian butt lift has been rising in popularity over the years and this is for very good reason.  A number of famous people, like Nicki Minaj, Jennifer Lopez, and the Kardashians, have wowed red carpet attendees with their large posteriors. Therefore, it is only normal for people to want the curvy forms. After all, the days of just being able to fantasize about having bigger buttocks are over now that modern technology exists. Even though this method has a very high success rate, you need to ensure that your expectations are reasonable or else you will inevitably be let down. In this blog, we’ll go over what kind of expectations you should have about your BBL surgery in NJ to ensure you’re happy after your procedure.


A Brazilian butt lift, also known as a BBL, is a surgical operation that not only eliminates excess fat from other areas of the body but also enhances the appearance of the patient’s buttocks.

In spite of its name, a Brazilian butt lift is not a standard “lift” treatment like a facelift or breast lift. Instead, it is a technique that repositions the buttocks. A Brazilian butt lift will enhance the form of your butt as well as add volume to it. However, it will not address sagging skin or remove extra skin. If you have extra skin or drooping buttocks, you should discuss getting a butt lift with your plastic surgeon.


A Brazilian butt lift is a procedure in which an expert who specializes in cosmetic surgery would extract fat deposits from other places of your body and then transfer them to the areas around your buttocks. When you have fully healed, your buttocks will be larger, they will protrude farther, and they will have an even contour and symmetrical shape. Your body will have smoother outlines in the places where fat was eliminated, since these areas will have less fat.


The choice to have a Brazilian butt lift is one that is made on an individual basis. When it comes to your physical appearance, giving in to your wants and needs can be a really liberating experience. The following are some of the ideal candidates for this procedure:

  • You are looking to shape the look of your buttocks to match the proportions of your body type.
  • You have completed your body maturation.
  • You maintain a healthy state of body and mind.
  • Your expectations are kept in proper perspective.
  • You have a sufficient amount of extra body fat that is present in other areas of your body so that it may be moved to your butt.
  • You could also be a suitable candidate for butt implants if you don’t have enough extra body fat accessible and you want larger buttocks.



The purpose of a BBL is to reshape a patient’s body into one that is more aesthetically appealing. This operation helps to elevate, expand, and tighten the buttocks, which results in a derriere that is both more attractive and more comfortable. Although a BBL is most commonly used to improve the appearance of a patient’s posterior by transferring fat from another area of the patient’s body, it can also be very helpful for patients who suffer from congenital disorders or have suffered from injuries that have caused them pain or difficulty when walking or sitting.


You’ll be able to expect results that appear and feel natural and that will endure for a long time when your fat is removed from your body and utilized as a filler to augment the buttocks. On average, around 70 percent of the fat that is transplanted will either remain in your buttocks or get absorbed into them. In other words, everything you currently possess will be put to use in the pursuit of what it is that you really want. At the end of your healing process, not only will your buttocks look the way you want it to, but other parts of the body that had excess fat removed from will look much more toned.


The BBL surgery is a very complex procedure that does require maintenance after the process. Because so few people are prepared to put in the work required to keep their weight steady following a BBL, the effects of the procedure are diminished as a consequence. Although a BBL is an excellent method for combining liposuction and a fat transfer, your overall look will be impacted if you gain or lose weight in regions that are not treated by the procedure. It is essential to guarantee the greatest possible outcomes from a cosmetic operation by carefully following all of the post-operative recommendations.


The process of recovering from BBL is unique for each individual. Patients are instructed to sleep on their stomachs for a period of six weeks and to make use of a BBL cushion while they are seated. An excessive amount of pressure on the buttocks might cause the fat transfer process to be disrupted, which results in less fat being able to survive.

After your surgery, you may have some bruising and some soreness, both of which are completely normal and will go away in a week or two at the latest. You’ll be relieved to know that the pain may be managed with some oral medicine, but you have to take it exactly as prescribed by your surgeon.

You may be able to return to work in as little as a few days or as much as a few weeks, depending on how quickly you recuperate and the obligations or responsibilities you have at work. On the other hand, the majority of patients are able to resume their normal activities between four and six weeks following surgery.


Your physique will appear more proportionate, natural, and sculpted to perfection after you have a Brazilian butt lift done. It is also possible to conduct further liposuction in the butt region in order to lift further and shape the area if needed. As a result, your whole body profile will improve, which will make you feel and look amazing from any perspective. You will have curves that are very natural looking, and you will have a good idea of what clothes look best on your body.

After surgery, many of our patients report feeling more motivated because they can permanently enjoy the new shape of their buttocks. Patients, on the other hand, are encouraged to maintain a healthy weight and eat a healthy diet after their surgery. Your fresh appearance ought to be sufficient incentive for you to maintain a healthy way of living. It is normal for you to feel a little obsessive with your butt during the first few months, as ultimately you will grow accustomed to the notion of having a buttcast or compressions. This is all normal and once your healing process is done you’ll be able to enjoy your new results.


And finally, have realistic expectations about the price involved with the surgery. Due to the extensive amount of expertise that our plastic surgeon Dr. Gartner and his team have, Gartner Plastic Surgery is the preferred choice of a large number of patients both in and outside of New Jersey. Because our clinic offers a number of different financing alternatives, we are able to make it feasible for you to have a BBL even if you just thought it was a pipe dream and never imagined you could afford the associated costs. It is possible that alternative financing arrangements may be made available to you depending on your credit history. However, it is essential that you consider all of the charges, such as the location of the surgery facility, the level of surgical competence offered, the extent of your procedure, and the surgical procedures used by your physician.

Like any surgical procedure, a BBL does come with its own sets of costs. When you meet with your medical team for your consultation they will be able to provide you with a breakdown of the costs. It’s important to have realistic expectations about this cost due to the fact that some doctors who are not qualified will offer prices that are relatively affordable but this is due to the fact that they have no experience. If you want to make sure that your procedure goes smoothly and safely it’s important to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon even if that means the cost might be more.


If you’re ready to take the next step in the BBL process, book a consultation with Dr. Gartner at Gartner Plastic Surgery in NJ. He will be able to provide you with all of the necessary information you need and the realistic expectations that you can expect from your surgery.

If you are interested in making a change to the look of your buttocks, the first step is to schedule a consultation. Make an appointment by calling or filling out a contact form as soon as possible, and be ready to welcome the new you!


Brazilian butt lifts in 2022– what should you know? Plastic surgery has the potential to achieve a wide range of goals, including reshaping certain parts of your body into proportions that are more aesthetically pleasing to you. One of the most effective treatments is referred to as a Brazilian butt lift, and it involves moving fat from one part of your body to another, namely your buttocks. This is considered to be one of the more successful and popular surgeries among women in New Jersey.

Buttock augmentation with the Brazilian butt lift method is one of the services provided by Dr. Gartner at Gartner Plastic Surgery. This procedure helps patients in New Jersey attain a more prominent and well-rounded posterior region.

Continue reading this article if you are curious about the factors that have contributed to the rise in popularity of the Brazilian butt lift and everything there is to know about this procedure.

The Basics: Brazilian Butt Lift

A surgery known as a Brazilian butt lift gets its name from the Brazilian surgeon who initially pioneered the method of boosting the buttocks using a patient’s own fat, which is extracted from other places of the body of the patient.

Through the use of liposuction, Dr. Gartner may remove fat from areas of your body where you may have excess, such as from your:

  • Abdomen
  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Low back.

Following the treatment of the fat, Dr. Gartner will strategically inject the fat into your buttocks in order to improve and augment the region, resulting in a fuller, perkier look. Your body quickly accepts your fat due to the fact that it is biocompatible and increases the efficiency of the fat transfer.

In the end, a Brazilian butt lift gives a one-two punch in the sense that it removes fat from where you don’t want it and places it where you do want it.

What Can You Expect During Your Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure?

The Brazilian butt lift is often touted as being among the most effective surgical procedures for rear end contouring. Why is BBL gaining popularity in 2022? The process entails making use of the patient’s own fat in order to enhance the size and form of the buttocks. The operation for a Brazilian butt lift is an outpatient treatment that may be carried out either under general anesthesia or IV sedation in conjunction with local anesthetic.

In most cases, the incisions are made in the patient’s abdominal region, but they may also be made in the thighs, hips, or lower back. Next, Dr. Gartner will remove fat from the pre-selected areas by removing tiny amounts of fat via the incisions. Surgeons who do BBL will tell you that one of the most significant benefits of the surgery is the reduction of fat around your body and the creation of a more aesthetically attractive “framework.” Your surgeon will perform liposuction on the portions of your body that need extra fat to be removed by making use of a thin, specialized tube that is known as a cannula. Using the fat from one’s own body reduces the likelihood of rejection by a substantial margin and avoids a number of potential hazards.

What Occurs After The Procedure

The buttocks are going to get swollen and bruised after the Brazilian butt lift treatment. Only 65 to 85 percent of the fat that was injected will be left behind, while the body absorbs the remaining fat. The swelling goes down after a few days, but staying in bed for at least two weeks is strongly advised until it’s completely gone. During this period, it is recommended that a compression garment be worn for optimal recovery. One to two months should be allowed for a complete recovery to take place. You may be able to go back to work within a few weeks if your rehabilitation goes as planned.

Why Would Someone Get A Brazilian Butt Lift?

There are a lot of different reasons why individuals decide to have a butt lift. For instance, a woman’s musculature and body form might undergo significant shifts after giving birth to a child, particularly in the region of the buttocks.

There is also a role for genetics, since the musculoskeletal systems of certain individuals are predisposed to make their buttocks seem flatter and less pronounced than other people’s.

Last but not least, as you become older, your backside becomes less stable and more susceptible to the effects of gravity, which might be another factor.

Whatever your reasons may be, if you are dissatisfied with the look of your butt and feel that it could use a little augmentation, a Brazilian butt lift may be exactly what the doctor ordered for you.

Are There Risks Involved?

Because of the Brazilian butt lift’s widespread appeal, there have been some questions raised over the procedure’s level of safety as an increasing number of physicians have attempted to do it. This is a topic that we would want to discuss. It is vital that you choose a physician who has the required qualifications and expertise for any surgical treatment you want to undergo.

Dr. Gartner, who has been practicing at his clinic for more than 20 years, has earned a stellar reputation as a leading plastic surgeon in New Jersey and surrounding areas.

The Brazilian butt lift is a surgery that Dr. Gartner has been doing successfully for a number of years, and he would be pleased to take the time to sit down with you to discuss both his expertise and what you may anticipate.

The Top Facts You Should Know About The Brazilian Butt Lift


In order to get the desired results after surgery, a Brazilian butt lift demands the great accuracy and skill of a board-certified plastic surgeon. Regardless of the reason, you should never even think of getting a Brazilian butt lift unless you have access to a highly experienced cosmetic surgeon such as Dr. Gartner.

Because of the potential for fat embolism, Brazilian butt lift surgery must be performed with the utmost caution and accuracy. Before selecting a plastic surgeon to carry out the BBL operation, it is essential to confirm the surgeon’s level of expertise in executing the procedure. To perform the technique successfully needs both a skilled hand and in-depth understanding of anatomy.


A Brazilian butt lift that includes fat transfer is a dual-benefiting surgery that not only offers you enlarged buttocks but also provides a contoured body profile in the region where liposuction has been performed. This operation is known as a Brazilian butt lift. To begin, liposuction is capable of removing tenacious fat from limited body regions such as the thighs, abdomen, waist, or back. The necessary quantity of fat is stored in unique canisters until it can be processed. After the fat has been taken, it is cleaned up and then very carefully injected into your buttocks. The use of the patient’s own bodily tissue and, as a consequence, the patient’s own natural outcomes are achieved with fat transfer to the buttocks.

One of the potential drawbacks of fat grafting buttocks is that you can lose 30–40 percent of the grafted fat throughout each session. Therefore, if huge amounts are what you’re after, we recommend doing two or three rounds of fat injections at intervals of six months if necessary.

Sometimes just one step is required; if this is the case, the patient may keep all of the fat that was injected and still be pleased with the results.


Only a small percentage of patients will likely want more buttock volume and significant form alterations. In these kinds of circumstances, a silicone implant is the best option. The most recent kinds of stable implants, which are of the 4th generation, are very long-lasting and robust, and the quality production requirements are exceedingly high. These implants are carefully and safely implanted beneath the muscle or fat compartment of your buttocks. The procedure takes a little over an hour.

This treatment does have the potential downside of leaving a scar inside the butt natal cleft; however, the scars are well-concealed within the butt cheeks. We take measures to ensure that the scars are adequately disguised and do not show even when the patient is wearing revealing clothing such as a bikini or thong.

The Brazilian butt lift operation will result in a refined texture, a more symmetrical contour, and a little increase in overall size. You are able to reach the contour aim in a very attractive way thanks to the skillful hands of the surgeon, who also helps you meet the volume needed when fat cannot do it.

Choosing implants of a modest size will allow you to maintain a natural appearance after the procedure. There are many individuals who do not have much fat in other places of the body; for these patients, the only choice available to them is a buttock implant.

Just make sure that you bring up your aim to Dr. Gartner at the first consultation that you have with him so that everything will be well-clarified and the surgical plan will be set in accordance with it.

Is BBL The Right Procedure For You?

Are you wondering whether this is the right procedure for you? In general, the highly skilled plastic surgeon Dr. Gartner in New Jersey will craft a unique surgical plan for you, according to your body type, in order to satisfy the aesthetic requirement of a balanced silhouette profile. In addition, if you maintain a good diet, engage in regular exercise, and don’t let your weight fluctuate too much, the results of your Brazilian butt lift, BBL surgery, or buttock augmentation surgery will endure for a very long time. Find out if you’re the right candidate for this procedure by booking a consultation today!


Brazilian butt lifts continue to be in high demand. According to figures from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the number of butt lifts done increased by 19% between 2016 and 2017. In 2017, more than 20,000 buttlift operations were completed.

One of the advantages of a buttlift is that it utilizes your own fat. Another advantage is that it may aid in the development of a rounder, fuller posterior without the need of implants or continual injections. The effects of a buttlift might be long-lasting, if not permanent, depending on various circumstances.

If you’re thinking about getting a buttlift, there are a few things to consider. Your surgeon will perform the hard work, but you must participate in order to get the best outcomes. These suggestions will assist you in preparing for surgery and recovering from it.

What Is BBL Surgery, Exactly?

The desired “hourglass” figure has never been more fashionable than now. While many women want to improve their backsides via a healthy lifestyle of food and exercise, cosmetic surgery is occasionally required to obtain the desired results.

A fat transfer, often known as BBL surgery, is a procedure that uses a patient’s undesirable fat to give fullness, shape, and volume. Liposuction is used in this two-step procedure to remove extra fat from different parts of the body, including the belly, hips, flanks, and thighs. After that, the collected fat is transferred or grafted into the buttocks through tiny incisions for the second phase. Dr. Gartner will precisely implant the transplanted fat cells into the buttocks, contouring and shaping the target region using a creative touch and massage method.

Tips For Getting Ready For A Brazilian Buttlift

Getting ready for a Brazilian butt lift is similar to getting ready for any other sort of cosmetic surgery. You want to do all you can to ensure that your body is in the best possible condition before surgery.

If you smoke or use tobacco products, your surgeon will advise you to cease at least a few weeks before the procedure. Tobacco products include nicotine and other substances that might interfere with your body’s ability to recover after surgery. If you continue to use tobacco products before surgery, you may not obtain the optimum outcomes. If nicotine is present in the body, fat will have a tougher time establishing itself in the new region.

In the weeks preceding up to your buttlift, it’s also a good idea to concentrate on your nutrition. Eating a well-balanced, healthful diet may help you recover faster after surgery.

You should also spend some time getting your house and clothes ready for your rehabilitation following the buttlift. So you’re not stuck ordering takeout after surgery, stock up on easy-to-prepare, wholesome meals. Stocking up on cold packs, pain relievers, and filling any prescriptions ahead of time is also a smart idea. Prepare some books, periodicals, or movies to keep yourself occupied while you recover.

Consider hiring someone to look after your children or pets for the first week or two following your buttlift. Your spouse or a family member may be able to step in and help out.

While fashion and style may not be top of mind while you recover from a buttlift, it might be beneficial to plan out some clothes ahead of time. Anything that exerts a lot of pressure on your rear, as well as anything that is difficult to get into and out of, should be avoided. After a buttlift, loose-fitting jeans with an elastic waist or flowy, loose skirts may be your best friend.

After A Brazilian Butt Lift, Here Are Some Recovery Tips

The recuperation procedure will begin when the operation is completed. As you recover after a buttlift, you’ll notice that several aspects of your life are significantly different from usual.

One of the most significant distinctions is that you will almost certainly need to take a break from sitting during the first healing phase. When you consider how much time the average person spends sitting throughout a regular day, this might be a difficult adjustment.

When it comes to taking a break or relaxing throughout the healing phase, you have a few alternatives. When sleeping or resting, you may always lay down on your stomach or side. A customized cushion created exclusively for persons recuperating from a buttlift is another option. More information regarding these cushions and where to acquire them may be obtained from your surgeon.

Another consideration while you recover from a buttlift is that you will almost certainly need to wear a compression garment. The compression garment will aid in the reshaping of the liposuctioned regions. It may also hasten the healing of these locations. After your operation, you should plan to wear the garment for many weeks.

9 Ways To Improve Your Brazilian Buttlift Performance

There are nine factors a patient should think about in order to get the best BBL results:

  1. Avoid smoking
  2. Avoid driving
  3. Avoid sitting directly on your buttocks
  4. Keep yourself hydrated
  5. Eat properly
  6. Sleep properly
  7. Maintain a consistent weight
  8. Dress appropriately
  9. Exercise accordingly.


If you want to get the most out of your BBL, you should avoid all types of smoking following surgery, including secondhand smoking. Smoking impairs the body’s capacity to recuperate by reducing the passage of oxygen and nutrients into the circulation. To guarantee that freshly transplanted blood cells survive in their new environment after a fat transfer, they must re-establish a blood supply.


After surgery, you should not drive for at least 6-8 weeks. Sitting on your freshly transplanted fat cells will suffocate and squish them.


Many patients wonder how they should sit following their procedure.

For at least 3-4 weeks after surgery, avoid sitting directly on your buttocks. If you have to sit, a BBL Pillow or a standard towel is advised.

If you absolutely must sit, a BBL Pillow will provide a little cushion to fit under your lower thigh and relieve strain on your buttocks. Sitting should be avoided for at least 3-4 weeks.

If you don’t have access to a BBL Pillow and want to use a towel instead, perform the following:

When seated, just wrap up a towel into a cylinder and lay it under your belongings. This will help you keep your weight off your buttocks. Just make sure the blood supply isn’t cut off.


Drinking enough fluids containing electrolytes, salts, and minerals can assist your body in retaining water and recover faster. Himalayan salt is an excellent mineral to include in your daily water. Simply adding a few pinches to your water would be enough. Otherwise, throughout the first eight weeks of your rehabilitation, consider consuming Gatorade, Powerade, or Smart Water.


Consume nutrient-dense meals to offer your body with the minerals and vitamins it needs to heal. Salmon, avocados, grass-fed butter, walnuts, extra virgin olive oil, and coconut oil are all good sources of healthful fats.


During this time of recovery, stomach sleeping is the best option. Sleeping on your side is a possibility, but only if you are confident you will need not move over to sleep on your back.

Sleeping on your back or behind in any manner is not suggested or advised in any way. For at least two months, avoid sleeping on your back.


Weight reduction after a BBL should be comparable to total body weight decrease.

The effects of a Brazilian Butt lift might be harmed by weight fluctuations. A weight fluctuation of 5 pounds or less is not considered noteworthy; but, large variation will cause fat to develop in “new problem regions.” For example, a lady with a “pear-shaped” physique may acquire weight in her arms rather than her stomach.


Apart from wearing the proper BBL shaping garment after surgery, it’s also crucial to wear apparel that helps you recuperate. The easiest method to destroy freshly transplanted fat cells is to squeeze it with tight clothing.

During the healing process, avoid wearing tight or restricting clothes.


To guarantee that fat cells are not affected during the first two months of recuperation, avoid intense activities. Light walking is beneficial during this time as long as you keep track of your calorie burn rate.

The fat transplanted cells should have acquired a healthy blood supply after 8 weeks. A good sweat activity at this time will pump new, nutrient-rich blood into the area. Avoid actions that may cause the region to experience more pressure, compression, or even trauma. Avoid leg sleds and stationary bikes. Use an elliptical machine or a hack squat machine if needed. If you are looking into specific exercises it’s best to speak to your surgeon directly to avoid any issues.

Get More Tips For A Better BBL In NJ By Contacting Gartner Plastic Surgery

If you’re interested in learning more about BBL surgery, we recommend scheduling a consultation with Dr. Gartner, a board-certified aesthetic and cosmetic surgeon at Gartner Plastic Surgery in New Jersey. For a consultation or to arrange your Brazilian buttlift appointment, contact us directly on our website or by giving our clinic a call.



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I had a breast augmentation and my results are amazing. They look so natural nobody can tell. I am so happy my friend referred him and she is too!
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Dr Gartner is amazing!!! I had a mommy makeover and I love my results, its an incredible transformation. Dr Gartner and his staff are extremely professional and he is a true artist.
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I am so happy with my new face. I was at my daughter’s wedding and I felt great. I look 15 years younger. I had a face lift 8 months ago. The recovery was quick and the results were instant.
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Gartner Plastic Surgery is the best practice you can go to. The team of office staff, nurses and patient care coordinators are the best in the business.
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I had a breast lift under local anesthesia and it was amazing. I was comfortable through the procedure and afterwards. Staff is excellent and friendly.
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I had a breast augmentation and my results are amazing. They look so natural nobody can tell. I am so happy my friend referred him and she is too!
Happy patient
Dr Gartner is amazing!!! I had a mommy makeover and I love my results, its an incredible transformation. Dr Gartner and his staff are extremely professional and he is a true artist.

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