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When most people hear the term “Breast Augmentation”, they tend to think of that as a procedure normally meant for females. However, we at Gartner Plastic Surgery and Laser Center like to point out the possibilities that are often overlooked. For instance, breast reduction is possible for Males, as well as Females. Male Breast Reduction allows for men who desire a less-profound chest to finally have the look they want.

Why do men who need it?

Typically Male Breast Reduction is administered to men who happen to feature Gynecomastia. This is a condition where benign mammary glandular tissue has grown in the male breasts, causing them to bulge out. These are commonly known as moobs (“man-boobs”). Almost half of all men have this condition to a certain degree. It is perfectly normal, but it can also be easily adjusted.

How it works

Gynecomastia surgery focuses on creating a flatter and more hardened chest. It is performed using either one of three types of treatments. The first is scar-less male breast reduction (includes liposuction). This is usually done when the male breasts are mostly filled with fat. The second option is through excision. This is performed if you carry saggy skin or excess glandular tissue. The third option is liposuction combined with excision. This is for when one contains excess fat, skin, and glandular tissue. If your gynecomastia is the result of certain medical circumstances, then you’ll have to take care of them before taking our procedure.


The procedure has grown popular in recent years due to Gynecomastia being prevalent in the male population. Celebrities such as Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson have undergone the procedure in order to be less top-heavy and look more chiseled.

Before undertaking the procedure, you will, of course, have to check with Dr. Gartner for a proper evaluation to see what kind of treatment you are eligible for. For more information on our procedure, be sure to see the treatment page here. Contact Dr. Gartner if you have any questions not answered on our pages.



Women of varying ages often come into our offices for breast implants in NY and NJ. However, varying ages means varying levels of appropriate bodily conditions. Breast implants might be a safe procedure for one age, but unsafe for another. How do you know when it is the right time to get breast implants or any other procedure for that matter? While everyone reacts differently to the procedures, there are a few ways that age affects the time to get breast implants.


Generally, a woman has to be at least 18 years old in order to receive breast implants in the United States. But just because one is of age, does not necessarily mean that their body is ready. It is best to receive the procedure after one has stopped growing because the implants can, therefore, create anomalies with your breasts changing through the years. Also, you will be able to determine the proper size of the implants once your breasts’ natural growth is complete.


Another concern would be if and/or when you decide to have children. Generally, breast implants don’t hurt a woman’s ability to breastfeed. However, it is best recommended to get implants after a woman is done having kids. After pregnancy, the breasts tend to sag, so typically that means you’ll probably have to get a second procedure to get your breasts back to where you wanted them from the start.


There is typically no limit on when a woman is too old to have breast implants. As long as the woman is in a stable, healthy condition, she is eligible for breast augmentation. Ultimately this means that age is not the major factor as much as your current health is. Here at Gartner Plastic Surgery and Laser Center, our first priority is always what is best for you. Once you discover our services for breast implants in NY or NJ, Dr. Gartner will be able to describe to you all of the effects that breast augmentation will have on your body. The two of you will be able to determine the best procedure that fits your bodily needs.


When our patients come in for our breast implants in NJ or NY, most women get excited about the aesthetic beauty benefits. Although this is the primary purpose of the surgery, there are also other benefits that can come out of your breast augmentation procedure. One of these was talked about earlier in our article on breast implants enhancing your sexual fulfillment. This article will discuss how breast implants actually can have a positive effect on your brain. Take a look below to see just how having more fulfilling breast sizes can bring on a more positive mental rejuvenation.


Many women, young and older might be unsatisfied with their current body image. Some feel genuinely uncomfortable when they put on a bathing suit or look in the mirror because they know that there are some things about their body that is physically and aesthetically uncomfortable. While no one should feel ashamed of who they are for their image, there is nothing wrong with desiring a different shape for your body. For instance, some women might be born with asymmetrical breast sizes. Others might have had ideal breasts, but they lost their perky form after one or multiple childbirths. Some might be born with breasts they feel are too small or too big. All of these are legitimate reasons for desiring breast augmentation.


Many women with these issues that undergo successful breast augmentation have reported carrying higher self-esteem and positivity in their daily life. Many women walk prouder and wear different clothes because they are less conscious of their body image post-procedure. This is because they feel proud to have a breast size that is in line with their personal taste. This improved outlook subconsciously trickles down to affect one’s daily life.


However, it is important to point out that, although breast implants might help increase confidence and body image, it is not a miracle solution for deep life issues such as depression or relationship troubles. Breast implants, like all other cosmetic procedures, must be taken with for the right reasons. It must be understood that this is merely a bodily make-over to be done with a healthy mindset. If you are looking to receive our services for breast implants in NJ or NY, be sure to contact Dr. Gartner to discuss whether or not your goals meet the results’ expectations.



If you are searching for butt or breast augmentation in NJ or NY, our facilities offer multiple options for you to choose from. These include Breast Implants, the Brazilian Butt lift, Fat Transfer breast augmentation, Liposuction Fat Removal, Breast Reduction, and more. Each of these procedures gives multiple lifestyle benefits. One of these perks is a better sense of balance. A butt and/or breast augmentation can mean the difference between an uncomfortable body image, and a well-balanced hourglass figure.


Breast or Butt Augmentation affects more than just your aesthetic appearance. It has an important influence on your health, especially when it comes to how much weight your body should carry. If you often feel the need to sit down, or if you have recurring back pains, then perhaps your body mass is not as balanced as it should be for a healthy lifestyle. However, an hourglass figure may not always be the goal. Sometimes patients merely want their breasts to appear more symmetrical if they were born with uneven breast sizes. Some want their breasts to be fuller after multiple pregnancies or if they were small since adolescence. Sometimes women may not want a traditional hourglass figure. Some may want their top to be larger than their bottom, or vice versa. This is perfectly fine, as long as it is healthy for their body’s conditions.


In any of these cases, a butt and/or breast augmentation can bring the much-needed sense of balance that you have been looking for. These procedures could require augmenting the breasts, augmenting the buttocks, or a combination of the two procedures. This is usually performed through implants, or through a fat transfer, which enhances the hourglass look by taking away unwanted fat from the stomach region and placing the fat in the breasts or buttocks.


Although the healthy lifestyle of your procedure is certainly the primary concern, it does not neglect your desired aesthetic appearance. For butt or breast augmentation in NJ or NY offices, Dr. Gartner will be able to determine the proper amount of weight that needs to be in your top and bottom. For further information on our services for butt or breast augmentation in NJ or NY, please be sure to contact Dr. Gartner. He will be able to bring your desired balance to reality.



Breast Implants are celebrated for their beauty enhancements. The appearance of one’s whole body is given a new shape simply by augmenting the chest. However, there are far more benefits to breast augmentation than just remaking your aesthetic appearance. Studies have shown that breast implants potentially increase one’s sexual fulfillment. People have reported experiencing an enhanced sex life after undergoing breast augmentation. Whether you are looking for breast implants in NY or NJ, Dr. Gartner’s services may be the life-changing rejuvenation that you’ve been dreaming of.


Before going for any breast augmentation, we wish to encourage all patients not to get breast augmentation for the wrong reasons. If You are struggling with depression or emotional self-esteem issues, it is not healthy to get them only to fix those problems. That solution comes from the loved ones’ support and emotional therapy. Breast implants are not meant to be your primary source of self-esteem. They are merely an aesthetic expression of how you wish your body to look and feel (similar to a hairstyle).


Now that we have established that point, it is important to say that breast augmentation can enhance a healthy level of self-esteem. If it is purely for aesthetic taste, it can give you a new level of confidence. Relaxation and confidence are often the core foundation of sexual pleasure. Being completely confident and trusting in your partner is what brings out the passion. However, it can be hard to feel as confident when you might be self-conscious of certain parts of your body. Confidence in one’s body, of course, does not necessarily require larger or smaller breasts. However, if you wish to go for breast implants, you will likely get a boost in confidence and you will be able to please your partner in a new and exciting way. Think of it as an upgrade to your body image, which therefore upgrades your sexual life.


Depending on your taste and what is appropriate for your health, there are different kinds of breast implants to choose from. Aside from breast implants, we also offer fat transfer breast augmentation, minimal scar breast lift, breast augmentation lift, and much more. If you contact us for breast implants in NY or NJ, or for any of our other services, Dr. Gartner will be sure to tell you about the previous patients who had a satisfied increase in their sexual pleasure after their breast surgery.



With the New Year already in full swing, there are many people already working on their new look for 2017. With Manhattan being a very large hub of cosmetic fashion in the country, there are plenty of trends expected to be popping up. Some are continuous from 2016, while others are totally different. Either way, 2017 seems to be a bold new venture for Manhattan plastic surgery procedures.


A trend that seems to be moving forward is smaller breasts. The glamor of the voluptuous breasts seems to be wearing off in patients’ taste. Smaller, perky breasts are in vogue lately, especially for Manhattan plastic surgery procedures. Any breast augmentation has shown to either make one’s breasts smaller or just big enough to where they are not overly profound.


As opposed to the breast reduction trend, women seem to be enjoying a larger backside. A popular mode of butt enhancement is fat transfer, which is enacted through the Brazillian Butt Lift. This is a healthier, more natural makeover since it transfers your natural fat from unwanted parts of the body to your buttocks. This helps build your hourglass figure using more than just your backside.


Big butts are still in fashion, and with larger butts come a more streamlined look. As mentioned earlier with the hourglass look, many women desire a smoother contour for the rest of their body. Whether it is through liposuction, cellulite removal, or just fat transfer, the trends seem to be leaning less to the voluptuous, to a more relaxed body type.


With age taking away the natural fullness of one’s face, cheek enhancements have been a powerful tool for rejuvenation. These include cheek implants and non-surgical facial fillers. Both of these facial procedures are done to grant the patient with a fuller, more aesthetically pleasing facial contour. They absolutely should be expected to rise in popularity for Manhattan plastic surgery.


While we are on the topic of facial makeovers, the facelift is another cosmetic procedure that is all the rage. For adults that are beginning to notice too much sagging and jowls in their face, the facelift procedure has been shown to offer a rejuvenated, younger look.


Looking back on the previous year, there were many trends in plastic surgery that kept popping up in Manhattan. Some of these trends might have been popular for a little bit, while others will last well beyond into the New Year. Either way, it is important to highlight the popularity of surgical techniques because it allows future clients to see what has been rejuvenating other peoples’ lives the most. It also provides an opportunity for everyone to think about his or her preferred procedure as well. With New York City Video Production on the rise as well, the rise of plastic surgery videos on snapchat and youtube are increasing! Here is a list of the top 4 Manhattan Plastic Surgery trends of 2016.

Chin Augmentation

One popular trend in recent months was chin enhancements. Whether it is a consciousness of one’s profile, neckline, or just the general shape of the chin, a chin augmentation can make a huge difference for how your face ultimately appears. People certainly seem to be going to Manhattan plastic surgery with this request.

Buttock Enhancement

People like big butts, and they cannot lie. An uptick in butt lifts and thigh augmentation shows that profound proportions are much more popular than large breasts. Whether this is for balance, confidence, or just general aesthetic taste, butt augmentations seem to be appealing no matter what in the field of Manhattan plastic surgery.

Smaller Breasts

As mentioned earlier, as the people prefer larger butts, they seem to desire smaller breasts. This is likely for many reasons. Large breasts, whether natural or augmented, might have provided back pain issues for women. They could also be a little too profound than they’d prefer, feeling as if most people look to their chest first before looking at their eyes. While no one should ever change their appearance because of the approval of others, if they feel it is physically more comfortable to reduce their breasts for themselves, then there is nothing wrong with that. All that is left to decide is whether or not they would like smaller implants or just a general reduction.


A continuously popular mode of surgery, Botox is mainly needed for treating skin lines and wrinkles on the face. With a rise in facial enhancements in adults over 35, Botox provides many with a rejuvenating makeover that brings their appearance back to how they looked 10 years ago.


If you are looking to enhance the look and feel of your chest, then perhaps you might have considered breast augmentation. If you have looked through the options and decided to go for breast implants, well there is a chance that you may be unsure as to which types of implants to choose from. There are 3 kinds that Dr. Gartner provides: Silicone, Saline, and the Ideal Breast Implant. Each of these breast implants is available, and yet they each retain important differences.

Note: Before deciding on any of these, it is best to consult Dr. Gartner as to what would be most appropriate for your body’s health.


Silicone is a popular material for breast augmentation and comes with various features. It is a plastic gel polymer made from silicon and oxygen. The implant is a silicone gel filled inside of a silicone shell. It has a very natural feel due to both the gel and the outer shell’s flexibility. Although Silicone is FDA approved for safety, it is not approved if it ruptures inside of the body, where toxic chemicals can infect. That is why we recommend regular check-ups to make sure that they are intact. The first check-up is the first 3 years after surgery, and then every two years after that. This option is also available for a breast augmentation & lift combo.


Saline implants also feature silicone shells but are instead filled with sterile salt water. Unfortunately, saline implants do not feel as natural as silicone implants. The implant tends to fold and feel more like a water balloon rather than a real breast. However, it is far a safer alternative to silicone, since saline is simply a salt water mixture, and cannot harm you if the implant ruptures. This option is also available for a breast augmentation & lift combo.


If you are looking for the best of both worlds, then perhaps the Ideal Breast Implant can suffice. This newly released type of implant is as safe as the saline, but as natural feeling as the silicone. It is merely a saline breast implant, but with multiple shell chambers that allow it to feel as flexible as silicone. Rather than having a water balloon type of motion, the Ideal breast implant will give both the natural texture and proper peace of mind.

Please be sure to check out our surgery price catalog, as well as to contact Dr. Gartner with any health or cosmetic concerns.



Well, the Holidays are over, and summer will be here before you know it. With South Jersey’s beaches being a hallmark of fun in the sun, now is the time where we all start prepping for our summer bodies. You may have both your diet and exercise plan figured out, but what if you’re looking for something more? We offer many cosmetic makeovers here at Gartner Plastic Surgery, but one we always recommend is breast augmentation. Depending on Dr. Gartner’s personal recommendation, South Jersey breast augmentation may just be the thing you’ve been looking for to spice up your summertime bod.



One of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the country, Breast implants (or Boob jobs) offer perkiness, balance, and an overall feel-good rejuvenation of your body. Although you might be mostly considering the size of your implant, there is also the type of implant that needs to be considered.


Silicone is a plastic gel held inside a flexible silicone shell. Saline is sterile salt-water filled held also inside of a silicone shell. Although silicone was preferred as a more natural-feeling choice, the popular trend is now moving to saline after the introduction of the safer, and more natural-feeling saline implant called the Ideal Implant.


Although most people think of implants when they hear Breast augmentation, they often don’t hear about other, more natural possibilities. If they are eligible, fat transfer may be best for an ideal South Jersey Breast Augmentation.


A breast lift is also a great add-on to the standard South Jersey breast augmentation plan. The breast implant may add a larger shape, but the breast lift arranges the breast for your ideal position and appearance. We also offer a minimal scar breast lift option.


Let us not forget the men out there. Yes, Gartner Plastic Surgery also offers a male breast reduction for those fellas who are looking for a less bulging appearance to their chest.

Clearly, there are many options to choose from. But no matter what your plan is for a South Jersey Breast Augmentation, Dr. Gartner will personally consult with you in terms of your eligibility, goals, and plans to get to your ideal summer body.


For the last decade, people have been cautious as to whether or not they should get breast implants. This is because of the controversy over instances of silicone implants spilling chemicals if they rupture. Of course, there was also the choice of using saline implants, which are much safer since they only contain a salt-water. However, few wanted saline because it didn’t feel as natural as silicone. Well, finally we have a better alternative. Meeting in the middle between the safety of saline and the flexibility of silicone, take a look at the Ideal Implant!

Developed by plastic surgeon Dr. Robert S. Hamas, the Ideal Implant is a saline-filled implant that features layers of chambers that create a naturally flexible feel, without the chemicals of Silicone. Saline is FDA approved for both its proper state AND if it ruptures.

Dr. Hamas has been working on the Ideal Implant since 1992, around the time when the controversy of silicone started. He discovered that if he could figure out a way to make saline as natural feeling as silicone, it could work as a safer alternative. If the Ideal Implant were to rupture, you would not have to go in for a check up to know it. If a woman had gotten silicone, they would have to check in for an MRI every year to see if it was intact. But with Saline, you could easily tell for yourself if it had ruptured or not by looking in the mirror. When the saline implant ruptures, your body absorbs the saline and your breast gets smaller. And there is no health risk if it absorbs the saline, since it is just salt and water.

Dr. Hamas is now proud to offer the Ideal Implant to fellow plastic surgeons such as Dr. Gartner. Now at Gartner Plastic Surgery and Laser Center, you can get the Ideal Implant as a suitable alternative for your breast augmentation. With a safer and more fulfilling implant, be sure to check out the Ideal Implant. For further information please be sure to contact Dr. Gartner. For other breast augmentation services, be sure to check out our list of body treatments.



Happy patient
I had a breast augmentation and my results are amazing. They look so natural nobody can tell. I am so happy my friend referred him and she is too!
Happy patient
Dr Gartner is amazing!!! I had a mommy makeover and I love my results, its an incredible transformation. Dr Gartner and his staff are extremely professional and he is a true artist.
Happy patient
I am so happy with my new face. I was at my daughter’s wedding and I felt great. I look 15 years younger. I had a face lift 8 months ago. The recovery was quick and the results were instant.
Happy patient
Gartner Plastic Surgery is the best practice you can go to. The team of office staff, nurses and patient care coordinators are the best in the business.
Happy patient
I had a breast lift under local anesthesia and it was amazing. I was comfortable through the procedure and afterwards. Staff is excellent and friendly.
Happy patient
I had a breast augmentation and my results are amazing. They look so natural nobody can tell. I am so happy my friend referred him and she is too!
Happy patient
Dr Gartner is amazing!!! I had a mommy makeover and I love my results, its an incredible transformation. Dr Gartner and his staff are extremely professional and he is a true artist.

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