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At Gartner Plastic Surgery, we want our patients to be completely educated and at ease before undergoing any operation, including breast augmentations. You may have heard that a breast augmentation needs a lengthy recuperation time, and we’re here to dispel that lie! We’ll guide you through the phases of breast augmentation recovery in the sections below so you can have a better understanding of what to expect throughout your recovery.

Along with studying as much as you can online, you should always talk to your board-certified plastic surgeon about pre- and post-operative procedures, since each physician has their own recommendations based on their own medical training and experience. Read along to get started!


Breast augmentation is an outpatient treatment, meaning you will be able to go home the same day. Breast augmentations are frequently done at our state-of-the-art outpatient surgery facilities in NYC and NJ, but they may also be performed in a hospital environment if medical circumstances require it. Your breast augmentation will take about 1 to 2 hours and will be performed under general anesthesia by a board-certified anesthesiologist. However, you should plan on spending at least 3 hours with us on the day of your procedure to allow for pre-operative check-in, marking and prep, and post-operative recovery.

You will most likely feel sleepy and in some discomfort just after your breast augmentation. This grogginess is usual when you wake up from anesthesia, and it should go away within a few hours. You will need someone to drive you home since your surgery will be done under general anesthesia, and you must have a responsible adult remain with you for the first 24 hours following surgery. You will not be allowed to drive for the first 24 hours after surgery or while on any narcotic pain medication. Dr. Gartner and our nursing and anesthesia team will give you extensive post-operative instructions before you leave our facility, which you should carefully follow to ensure the best possible recovery.


Dr. Gartner’s breast augmentation recovery period is normally quite short for patients. Within 48-72 hours, the majority of patients are back to work and routine daily activities. Recovery varies from patient to patient and is dependent on the surgical strategy including implant location as well as the degree of activity one returns to following surgery. In most cases, you will be required to take about a week off of work in order to rest and recover properly.


Patients should return to the clinic 24-48 hours following surgery for their initial follow-up visit. Patients will need to wear a lightweight compression sports bra for the first four weeks after surgery, and they will be advised to avoid activity and heavy lifting during this period.

Dissolvable sutures are used to seal your wounds, which are then covered with a specific surgical dressing for the first two weeks. Patients may shower 48 hours following surgery, however we recommend that you do not submerge your incisions in any still water. Baths, hot tubs, the ocean, and/or pools should all be avoided until your wounds are completely healed, which is normally roughly 4-6 weeks after the surgery. Don’t worry, you may still relax by the pool or on the beach with your family and friends as soon as you feel ready!


What Your Results will Look Like While You’re Recovering

Your breasts may seem bigger than you would like just after surgery and may have a strange appearance. They may seem flattened, your nipples may be pointing downward, and the lowest region will be devoid of fullness. There are two explanations for this: edema and unsettled implants. The trauma of surgery causes swelling and bruising, which will fade over time. With the force of gravity and natural tissue expansion that occurs to accommodate the greater volume of your implants, your implants will gradually drop into place over the course of a few months.

Depending on how quickly your implants settle, you’ll be encouraged to start wearing a bra two to four weeks following surgery. If you don’t like how your nipples show through your clothes at this period, silicone disc pasties may be used to disguise them.

When Will You Be Able To Return To Work

Individual recovery times vary; most patients return to a sedentary office job after a week, with a gradual return to regular activity, while some return sooner. If your profession is physically demanding, especially if it requires moving large objects, you will most likely have to wait a month or two. If you have local anesthetic rather than general anesthesia, you should recover quicker.

When To Return To The Gym

Beginning intense activities usually takes four weeks. Please start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your exercise. These are some general guidelines. As soon as your surgery is over, Dr. Gartner will offer you with specific recommendations targeted to your recovery. This will be the most effective approach for him to supply you with personalized healing recommendations targeted to your specific case.


Breast augmentation is popular among women of all ages and backgrounds in New Jersey and in New York City. Breast implants are a fantastic body-shaper that may help you regain your figure, self-esteem, and body proportion. Because of advancements in surgical procedures, recuperation from this elective operation has gotten simpler. Although planning for recuperation and following instructions are critical, the process may be made considerably simpler with a few pointers. Here are a few tips to follow during your recovery to ensure that you can achieve the most optimal results from your surgery:


The days and weeks leading up to your breast augmentation surgery in NYC is the ideal time to arrange for a smooth recovery.

Fill your medicines ahead of time if possible, and gather supplies such as additional gauze, cold packs, wet wipes, light foods, straws, and entertainment. You’ll get an opportunity to catch up on reading, watching your favorite TV series, and other passive pastimes when you’re stuck indoors for a week or two while you’re recovering.

To avoid running out of food and supplies, we suggest that you conduct errands and go shopping before your surgery date. It’s also a good idea to clean and wash all of your clothes ahead of time. You’ll be able to relax and enjoy your fresh, comfy clothing and linens without having to worry about cleaning during your recovery stage.


Breast augmentation doctors in NYC would usually advise you to go home with another adult and have someone remain with you for at least 24 hours. You can feel queasy, disoriented, and weak just after surgery, particularly if you had a general anesthesia. It’s helpful to have someone who can help you walk about, provide food, and make sure you take your prescription. Having someone close may keep you safe and offer you peace of mind in the rare instance that a patient encounters anything medically worrying.

Do you have any children or pets? For the time being, you’ll need help with things like dog walking. Picking up children should be done by a family member or friend only for many weeks, since this might impact the healing process. To avoid straining yourself and maybe harming yourself, plan ahead to get assistance with these parts of your life.


Dr. Gartner recommends his patients to avoid sports, frequent exercises, hard lifting, and other activities that might put their recuperation in jeopardy. They are also advised not to swim or use hot tubs owing to the danger of infection.

We provide antibiotics for a short period of time and advise patients to avoid over-the-counter anti-inflammatories and vitamins that may cause bleeding. Similar instructions will be given to you by your surgeon, and it’s critical that you follow them since they’re in place to safeguard you. Though limits might be inconvenient, the short-term difficulty is well worth the long-term benefits and your dream results!


Some individuals may return to light work after a breast augmentation in as little as a week. People are encouraged to take one to two weeks off, although this is dependent on their lifestyle and employment needs. “I wish I had taken less time off,” is something we rarely hear from our patients. After your surgery, you may underestimate how exhausting basic healing and modifications may be. While most individuals do not experience substantial pain after one week, they appreciate the pressure-free opportunity to move gently and acclimate to the bodily changes in the days ahead. Why don’t you take a breather? You’ve earned it.


Smoking and excessive drinking may be harmful to your health, but so can not eating a well-balanced, whole-food diet or receiving regular exercise. If you’re healthy before surgery, you’ll recuperate quicker and feel more energetic. Maintaining a steady body weight can help you retain your breast augmentation outcomes and boost your general fitness and confidence in the long term.


Following all of those basic guidelines will not only help the recuperation process go more smoothly, but it will also guarantee that your outcomes are exactly what you desire. However, many people find it difficult to obtain a decent night’s sleep following breast augmentation surgery.

When you’re upset, exhausted, or sad, it’s difficult to fall asleep and remain asleep. Following your procedure, you’ll likely feel a range of emotions, many of which might alter your sleeping patterns. Knowing what to anticipate emotionally may aid in the development of techniques for dealing with such emotions when they arise. And coping with your emotions prepares you for a better night’s sleep. Here are some of the best sleeping positions after a breast augmentation surgery that may help you during your recovery process:


Following breast augmentation surgery, you must sleep only on your back for a period of time. Back-sleeping is recommended to ensure that incisions heal correctly and that implants, if necessary, are firmly implanted. Patients who are used to sleeping on their stomachs or sides may find it difficult to fall asleep on their backs—and to remain asleep.

Learning to sleep on your back before your breast augmentation is an excellent way to ensure a seamless transition. Spend a few nights in the position to determine which one feels most natural to you.

Sleep In A Chair Or With Extra Pillows

After breast augmentation surgery, the optimum posture for sleeping is on your back with your upper body slightly raised. That being said, breast swelling and pain may be reduced by sleeping on your back, which can be commonly done by sleeping in a chair or with a stack of pillows. It also increases mobility by lowering the amount of upper-body strength required to get out of bed. Additionally, keeping your upper body elevated may help scar tissue grow and heal properly. If you can’t seem to get acclimated to this posture, sleeping on your back is also a great option.

Sleeping On Your Side

After surgery, the second best posture for sleeping is on your side. If you adopt this posture, you must, however, take additional measures. To prevent putting extra pressure on your breasts, lay a cushion beneath them and wear an authorized surgical bra to keep your implants and incisions in place.

Because you can’t sleep if you’re not comfortable, we make sure you’re not in any pain or discomfort following your procedure. If you’re considering breast augmentation and are concerned about sleeping comfortably, please contact us—we can help!


Breast augmentation is a terrific way to boost your self-esteem, so don’t let misconceptions regarding the recovery time keep you from having this treatment! Dr. Gartner and his team at Gartner Plastic Surgery will do everything possible to put you at ease throughout your breast augmentation treatment and will provide you with precise instructions for a quick recovery. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding breast augmentations and the recovery process or if you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Gartner himself.


Liposuction is still the most prevalent cosmetic surgical procedure in the United States, and Dr. Gartner, a New York board-certified plastic surgeon, does it on a regular basis to patients in the NYC and NJ area. Liposuction is the gold standard procedure for achieving long-term spot reduction and contour enhancement in regions with excess fatty deposits. Early in life, your genetics control how fat cells are dispersed throughout your body. Fat cells can’t travel or reproduce, and they can’t come back after they’ve been eliminated. As a result, any shape enhancement obtained during liposuction is permanent and will last even if the patient gains a little weight.

This therapy, on the other hand, is not an effective way to lose weight, while it may and frequently does stimulate patients to modify their diet and exercise habits after surgery.

Before proceeding with this excellent cosmetic therapy, there are a few things you should be aware of. From the technicalities to what to anticipate during the surgery, recuperation period, and outcomes, we’ve covered all you need to know about this NYC treatment option.


Lipoplasty, often known as liposuction, is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments among patients. Liposuction surgery in New York City uses modern fat removal procedures to remove fat cells from specific areas of the body. These persistent fat deposits may be difficult to eliminate, since bulging can persist despite your best attempts to lose weight; good diets and regular exercise may not be enough to diminish the look of extra fat. Furthermore, slack skin may generate a sagging effect, giving the appearance of an older, worn complexion, which can undermine self-confidence. Lipo methods may result in precise fat reduction and skin tightening, removing unattractive fat layers for firmer contours and a more youthful appearance.

Liposuction surgery is performed in NYC by Dr. Gartner to target a range of locations, including the face and neck, buttocks, and thighs. Our lipo surgeon can break down fat cells using modern lasers, ultrasonic energy, and specialized cannulas, making suctioning them from the body safer, simpler, and more pleasant. Furthermore, both men and women may benefit from our modern liposuction alternatives. To meet the needs of our patients, our clinic offers a variety of non-invasive and minimally invasive liposuction treatments, including classic lipo and technology-driven liposuction.


Liposuction in New York may be used to reduce fat in a variety of regions of the body. Patients who want to enhance the appearance of their facial profile, as well as those who want precise body sculpting outcomes, might benefit from liposuction. Long-lasting, natural-looking results may be achieved with our selection of classic and less invasive lipo procedures. The following are some of the most popular liposuction treatment regions.


Facial liposuction may enhance facial features and give you a more youthful appearance. To improve definition, patients frequently target loose or fatty regions around the chin and lower face. By eliminating fat deposits and tightening slack skin below the chin, facial liposuction may be paired with neck liposuction to create a graceful-looking jawline. Even though your facial profile appears fine now, targeting both the face and the neck may guarantee facial symmetry, since an aging neck might eventually result in a worn appearance. As a result, many patients seek balanced outcomes by focusing on both of these regions.


Arm liposuction is a procedure that is often performed to remove extra fat and sagging skin from the upper arms. Aging, pregnancy, weight increase, and even significant weight reduction may cause unattractive bulging around the triceps, which is sometimes known as “bat wings.” These fat pockets add to the arm’s uneven look. For firmer-looking, toned arms, arm lipo may remove deposits of upper arm fat while also tightening sagging skin.


Breast liposuction may be used to slim and contour the breasts. Patients who choose liposuction for breast reduction might have modest quantities of extra fat cells removed from their breasts, resulting in a smaller breast size. Breast lipo may be coupled with breast reduction surgery to enhance the contour of drooping breast skin. Liposuction for gynecomastia may also help to minimize the appearance of enlarged male breasts.


Back liposuction removes fat from the upper, middle, and lower back to give you a leaner, more sculpted look. Bulges and wrinkles around the back might be difficult to decrease with exercise or diets alone due to fat deposits and slack skin. Lipo for back fat reduction may reduce skin laxity and provide a smoother, younger-looking back by firming the skin.


The abdomen and flanks may be contoured using stomach liposuction. Patients’ midsections are one of the most difficult locations, as persistent deposits of fat may obscure toned abdominal muscles and detract from a flat stomach. By eliminating fat from these regions and tightening the skin for a firmer-looking abdomen, stomach lipo may lessen the appearance of love handles, muffin tops, and bulging flanks.


Liposuction of the buttocks may be used to remove fat for symmetrical fat reduction. Fat cell accumulation may cause uneven volume and unattractive bulges around the buttocks. Hip liposuction may also enhance the look of fat around the hips, resulting in a more balanced appearance across the lower body.


Both the inner and outer thighs might benefit from thigh liposuction. Diet and exercise alone are ineffective in reducing fat accumulation in these locations. Weight gain may cause saddlebags down the sides of the thighs, which can distract from the appearance of a symmetrical lower body. Lipo for the thighs may slim down these regions and give them a more youthful appearance. Knee liposuction may also be used to minimize knee size for a more proportionate lower body.


Liposuction may be used to tighten up the skin around the ankles and calves, resulting in firmer-looking lower legs. With traditional weight reduction procedures, it’s incredibly tough to get rid of bothersome “cankles” and extra fat around the calves. Liposuction may be used to eliminate tiny pockets of fat from these locations, resulting in smaller ankles and increased calf muscle prominence.


Patients who choose liposuction in NYC are provided post-treatment advice and instructions in order to get the greatest potential liposuction outcomes. Your surgeon will provide you with effective approaches that may lessen your pain and improve your body sculpting or face rejuvenation outcomes. Compression garments and lymphatic massage may help with post-procedure pain, bruising, and swelling, while drugs and skin care treatments can help with circulation and healing. To guarantee significant liposuction outcomes, patients may pick from a variety of pre and post-care treatment packages.

Because liposuction techniques are uniquely customized for each patient, it’s critical to keep in mind that each process will be distinctive. While some individuals may have little or no discomfort, others may endure longer-lasting side effects such as bruising. To ensure that you receive the greatest benefits from your surgery, we always suggest consulting with your surgeon, Dr. Gartner, to acquire tailored post-op recommendations for your case.


After liposuction in NYC, wearing a compression garment may help the body’s natural healing process by minimizing post-liposuction edema and boosting circulation. These garments are designed to fit snugly around the treatment region and may be worn over your regular clothes. Most patients may wear their lipo compression garment at work or while going about their everyday routine. We usually recommend that compression garments be worn for many weeks after liposuction, however the precise amount of time depends on the demands of the patient. After liposuction, not all treatments need the usage of a compression garment. At our NYC office, Dr. Gartner will discuss if a compression garment is necessary for your particular lipo procedure and will give you a detailed explanation on how to use it.


After your liposuction procedure a lymphatic drainage massage may help improve healing and decrease bruising and inflammation. The lymphatic system of the body is stimulated by lymphatic massage. It’s usual for pools of fluid, known as lymph, to form after liposuction, causing swelling around the treatment region. The goal of lymphatic drainage massage is to reduce these buildups in order to reduce edema and promote optimum recovery. Lymphatic massage after lipo may improve circulation and give you a more youthful appearance. Lymphatic drainage massage may be advised to optimize your lipo outcomes depending on the type of procedure you had.


A number of liposuction procedures and technologies have been developed in recent years, with many of them being marketed as “the next big thing” in liposuction. These include SmartLipo (laser liposuction), UAL (ultrasonic liposuction), PAL (power-assisted liposuction), and RFA (radiofrequency) aided liposuction to name a few.

Many of these liposuction methods use heat to damage fat cells in the fatty tissue with the purpose of tightening the tissue. The benefit of these liposuction technologies promise to have a speedier recovery time, less bruising, and less discomfort.

BodyTite sets itself apart from other “tissue tightening” devices by delivering real bipolar radiofrequency radiation. As collagen shrinks when heated, the amount of heat energy transported across the skin may be accurately regulated, allowing for significant improvements in skin tightness.


In most situations, individuals seeking liposuction are asking for assistance in removing stubborn fat from their bodies. This might suggest attempting to get a more toned appearance or just making the body seem more proportional.

Localized fat pockets and deposits that are resistant to typical weight reduction treatments may be removed using liposuction. Many people are unable to diminish the look of fat around certain body regions no matter how hard they try to lose weight and exercise. The belly, flanks, upper arms, buttocks, and neck are just a few of the bothersome locations that can be extremely difficult to lose those extra pockets of fat. For long-lasting body shaping effects, liposuction may remove resistant fat using laser modalities, ultrasound energy, or standard lipo methods. Skin tightening is also possible using advanced laser lipo methods, resulting in natural-looking, youthful curves which most people can benefit from.


Dr. Gartner will provide you guidance on how to get the most out of your forthcoming liposuction treatment. Unless medically required, some items and supplements should be avoided in the weeks leading up to liposuction therapy. Patients reduce their risk of bruising and edema by doing so. Avoid blood thinners and drugs that include ibuprofen or aspirin. We also recommend that multivitamins and herbal supplements are also to be avoided by patients before their surgery.


It is critical to follow Dr. Gartner’s post-operative recommendations in order to get the greatest possible liposuction outcomes. After their liposuction treatment, patients may be advised to wear a compression garment. This garment helps you recover faster in the weeks after your treatment by minimizing edema and tightening your skin. Patients may go about their daily activities while wearing their compression garment. Lymphatic massage may also be prescribed to aid recovery and improve the look of the skin around the treatment region. Lymphatic massage may boost immunity, increase circulation, and leave you with smooth, radiant skin after liposuction.

Begin your liposuction experience in New York City. Our Gartner Plastic Surgery experts are eager to assist you in beginning your journey and to answer any questions you may have about the treatment.


One fundamental fact we all confront is that our bodies change as we get older. Unfortunately, this often results in facial creases and volume loss. Despite the fact that these changes are completely normal, patients often wake up with the impression that their fine lines, drooping cheeks, or dynamic wrinkles make them seem much older than they are. These alterations in face structure are caused by a lack of collagen synthesis in the body, and they were previously only corrected with invasive cosmetic surgery. Patients may now restore collagen production, enhancing face contouring and enabling patients to experience a rejuvenated sense of self, owing to the recent breakthrough of dermal filler treatments.

Dermal fillers have grown in popularity during the past two decades, with a worldwide growth of cosmetic fillers available on the market. Cosmetic doctors and plastic surgeons such as Dr. Gartner in NYC, may now restore a more youthful look in only one hour without surgery thanks to the introduction of a variety of injectable fillers. This year, roughly 3 million dermal filler treatments were conducted in the United States, according to the most recent estimates.

Cosmetic treatments have been permanently changed thanks to hyaluronic acid fillers like Juvederm® and Restylane®, as well as injectables like Botox®, Dysport®, and Xeomin®. Fillers, also known as soft tissue fillers, are being used by dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons in a variety of ways. Each injectable filler is best utilized in various places of the face or body, depending on its size and chemical composition, to provide a more youthful look.

Dr. Gartner, a board-certified surgeon, can assist you with fine lines, wrinkles, and age-related volume loss. Botox, Juvederm, Restylane, Sculptra, Bellafill, Voluma, Radiesse, and other injectable dermal fillers are among Dr. Gartner’s specialties. We can replenish lost volume in the cheeks, chin, jawlines, temples, nasolabial folds, smooth lines and wrinkles, plump lips, and repair and rejuvenate the whole face in our discreet, private NYC practice. You may restore a natural-looking, more youthful appearance without cosmetic surgery or recovery time using dermal fillers.

We’ve put together this guide to help you understand all there is to know about the types of dermal fillers that we offer in NYC. Let’s get started!


On a busy New York street, the greatest dermal filler treatments should be nearly imperceptible to anyone that passes you by. Dermal fillers are used to enhance each patient’s inherent attractiveness while also minimizing the appearance of face wrinkles and assisting in the correction of age-related volume loss. Dr. Gartner uses a “less is more” mentality to ensure that all of our dermal filler procedures are done artistically, even though he encourages patients to conduct their research and feel secure in the aesthetic that they are striving for.


Since the popularity of dermal fillers have risen due to their extensive benefits, more and more people are utilizing them for all kinds of different skin and body issues. The following are some of the most popular areas to get dermal fillers:

  • Smile lines or nasolabial folds.
  • Deep and fine lines.
  • Lines around the mouth and oral commissures, marionette lines, and frown lines.
  • Lips.
  • Smoker’s lines.
  • Cheekbones, chin, temples, and jawline.
  • Jowls and sagging skin.
  • Hands.
  • Décolletage, arms, and knees.


Fillers are used to restore volume lost with age, minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face, and improve the look of the cheeks and lips. Furthermore, most dermal fillers stimulate collagen formation in the skin, which may enhance skin texture and flexibility. For many patients, this implies that dermal fillers may actually help them seem and appear younger as a result.


Dr. Gartner will thoroughly assess your present skin condition, as well as your medical history and cosmetic objectives, to decide which filler will give you the results you want. Dr. Gartner’s experience and creative ability are put to good use for face rejuvenation to ensure we can achieve the exact results that you’re wanting.



Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring chemical found throughout the human body. Hyaluronic acid fillers are soft gel-like compounds that are used to replenish lost volume and repair wrinkles and creases. When injected, hyaluronic acid binds to water and softens and moisturizes the skin.

Hyaluronic acid fillers combined with lidocaine were authorized by the FDA in 2010 to make these dermal injections more pleasant for patients. The power of hyaluronic acid to plump and moisturize the skin is unrivaled. Injectable hyaluronic acid therapies are thought to have a long-term benefit. Recent research has shown that repeated injections of hyaluronic acid fillers increase the body’s natural collagen production. With the new collagen created over time, less dermal filler may be required to obtain the same aesthetic impact.


This sophisticated hyaluronic acid (HA) formulation may be used to treat deep lines and wrinkles, with benefits lasting up to 12 months. Juvederm injections come in a variety of shapes and sizes, with some created specifically for smile lines and others for fine lines around the mouth. In the United States, the Juvederm family of dermal fillers is now the most used injectable filler due to its extensive amount of benefits.


Juvederm Ultra Plus XC and Juvederm Ultra Plus are made up of the identical hyaluronic acid gel, with the exception that the XC version includes lidocaine which is a kind of anesthetic. Juvederm is a filler that is injected into the skin and behaves like a sponge to fill up wrinkles, fine lines, and volume loss regions. It has a somewhat thicker viscosity than Juvederm Volbella and is widely used as a smile line filler. For lip enhancement, Juvederm Ultra Plus is a popular dermal filler option.


One of the most popular filler procedures is Juvederm Voluma. Voluma was created to help restore youthful curves by plumping up the cheeks and chin, which have lost volume due to the aging process. This sophisticated hyaluronic acid formulation may last up to 18 months. Juvederm Voluma is a filler that was created to restore lost volume in the cheeks and malar region.


Juvederm Volbella is a filler that was created to address fine wrinkles, particularly those around the mouth and “smoker’s lines.” Juvederm Volbella has a 12-month shelf life, depending on the quantity of product used and the location injected.


The smile lines or nasolabial folds are treated with Juvederm Vollure. Juvederm Vollure has an 18-month lifespan, which is desirable since it eliminates the need for frequent re-injections.


Restylane is a dermal filler designed to replenish hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for the appearance of aging and the formation of wrinkles. Restylane and Restylane-L both contain the same dermal filler, but Restylane-L contains lidocaine to make injections less painful.

Restylane and Restylane-L were authorized by the FDA in 2003 and 2010 respectively for the treatment of nasolabial creases. Restylane injections often last six to nine months. Restylane is utilized to give lips, smile lines, and other parts of the face a natural soft appearance. Restylane is also routinely injected into hands to replenish decreased volume for hand rejuvenation.


Restylane Lyft was formerly known as Perlane and is identical to Restylane, with the exception that the particles are bigger and may be used to treat deeper smile lines, wrinkles, and volume correction. Restylane Lyft was recently authorized by the FDA for boosting cheekbones and replacing volume that has been lost in that region of the face. Because it has the greatest G prime of any dermal filler, Restylane Lyft is often utilized in the oral commissures. Restylane Lyft usually lasts for 9 to 12 months.


Because of its lower molecular size, it was FDA approved in 2014 for tiny wrinkles in the perioral region and lips.


The newest Restylane formulations, Restylane Refyne and Restylane Defyne, are created with XpresHAn TechnologyTM, which allows for easy mobility of the face in the regions where it has been injected. Restylane Refyne is used to treat moderate to deep wrinkles, whilst Restylane Defyne is used to cure deep wrinkles.


Restylane Kysse is a new hyaluronic acid lip filler that is ideal for creating voluminous, sensuous lips. Restylane Kysse is FDA-approved for patients aged 21 and up, and it uses cutting-edge XpresHAn TechnologyTM to provide volume and moisture to the lips while retaining a natural appearance. Furthermore, since Restylane Kysse’s composition can conform to your natural tissues, less product is needed to get ideal results. Its benefits are long-lasting, with volumizing and rejuvenating effects lasting up to a year.


Belotero is a hyaluronic acid filler with a thin consistency that is used to treat fine lines and wrinkles. Belotero fills in fine wrinkles by replacing lost hyaluronic acid generated by the normal aging process. Its special qualities provide a gentle, uniform repair of sensitive facial regions including lip lines and the tear trough area beneath the eyes. One of the advantages of Belotero is that it is significantly less likely to create the tyndall effect than other hyaluronic dermal fillers.


Bellafill was first authorized by the FDA in 2007 under the name Artefill. Bellafill is made up of nonresorbable PMMA microspheres suspended in a water-based gel containing bovine collagen and lidocaine. This synthetic injectable was first licensed for the treatment of smile lines. It’s now becoming more popular as a treatment for acne scars. Due to the presence of bovine collage in this medication, skin tests are essential to ensure that the patient is not allergic to it. Bellafill has reportedly been claimed to last for up to five years.


Radiesse is a calcium hydroxylapatite-based injectable filler that restores lost collagen beneath the skin while also encouraging natural collagen formation. Radiesse may be used for pan-facial rejuvenation and can last up to a year.


Sculptra is a Poly-l-lactic acid-based cosmetic injection that is both safe and effective for men and women. Sculptra is a liquid injectable that may be used in conjunction with other dermal fillers as well. Because it helps your skin generate its own natural collagen, Sculptra is formally referred to as a “collagen simulator.”

Sculptra injections into the deeper parts of the face stimulate the skin’s own collagen synthesis, resulting in even longer-lasting benefits. Sculptra is a great product for pan-facial rejuvenation since it may be utilized in many anatomic regions in the face. Sculptra injections may provide benefits that last up to two years.


One of the advantages of dermal fillers is how rapidly they produce effects; many patients may see a difference right away after treatment. The time it takes for dermal fillers to settle varies depending on the filler, the vast majority of dermal fillers provide great effects within the first week after treatment. The ultimate treatment outcomes will usually be visible two weeks following your treatment.

Because each patient is different, your outcomes will vary depending on the kind of filler you choose and how well your skin responds to it. We usually suggest scheduling follow-up visits 6 to 9 months after your first treatment to preserve those outstanding results. This will not only enable you to tell us whether you were pleased with the results, but it will also help your results to be consistent and last longer.


If you’re tired of the look of deeper lines and wrinkles caused by volume loss, aging, or sun damage, there’s now a great way to get rid of them. We realize how perplexing and intimidating this process can be, which is why our staff at Gartner Plastic Surgery in NYC is here to assist you in navigating it and finding the best match for you. Please don’t hesitate to contact our clinic if you need assistance or have any queries. We eagerly await your message!

Brazilian Butt Lift?

In the BBL process, healthy fat cells are harvested from another part of your body where you have an overabundance, such as your belly, thighs, or love handles. Using a mild kind of liposuction, the fat cells are not harmed in any way throughout the procedure.

Once harvested, the fat cells are refined and injected into the upper area of your buttocks to provide volume and lift to your appearance.

If you have any of the following conditions, a Brazilian butt lift is an excellent option for you.

  • Buttocks that isn’t proportionate with the rest of your body
  • Buttocks that is flat
  • Buttocks that is saggy
  • Looking for a more refined and contoured area


The cost of BBL surgery is a significant issue for most people who are considering cosmetic surgery to improve their form and get a bigger, rounder, sexier derriere in order to enhance their appearance. However, in contrast to other cosmetic surgery treatments, buttock augmentation is the technique that is most reliant on the physician. Of course, it goes without saying that in order to get the best possible results from cosmetic surgery, you must seek out top plastic surgeons with impeccable qualifications and a lot of expertise in the specific cosmetic surgery treatment in question. This is one of the most egregious instances in which low cost and high quality do not go hand in hand. It is important to recognize that your financial situation might have an impact on the result, and it is highly recommended that you weigh a cheaper price tag against other variables, such as the doctor’s training and expertise, before making a final selection on a doctor.


The average bbl cost varies significantly, ranging from $5500 to $10,000 and more. Although the cost of butt augmentation varies from one surgical location to the next, there are many elements that determine the cost, which are detailed below:


There is a difference in the cost of living between various geographical areas of the world. In general, the cost of cosmetic surgery is greater in sections of the nation where the cost of living is high. The higher cost of living index in that city, which affects all types of services and goods available in that city, including plastic surgery services and associated costs will differ from one place to the other.

After everything is said and done, patients who decide on traveling to a different plastic surgeon, maybe in another city should factor in the cost of travel into the entire bill of laparoscopic surgery (bbl).


When it comes to Brazilian butt lifts, an experienced and well-regarded cosmetic surgeon with a good reputation who has a high demand from patients would almost certainly charge a greater cost. This is why the specific technique is so reliant on the surgeon doing it.

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons, on the other hand, suggests that patients pick the best suitable physician for the aesthetic procedure they need rather than making a selection based only on the amount charged by the surgeon in question. The reason for this is because dealing with the best competent surgeons, who are normally more expensive up front, can actually save you money in the long run since they have a reputation for producing great results with a far reduced chance of problems.


A Brazilian butt lift may be done under IV sedation or under general anaesthetic, depending on the individual circumstances. Due to the fact that this is a key component of the total operation, the cost of a skilled anaesthesiologist and their team should be considered. It is critical for a practice to have an anesthesia staff that is both experienced and well-trained.

General anesthesia in the United States may cost anywhere from $500 (for local anesthesia provided in an office setting) to more than $3,500 (for general anesthesia administered by a qualified registered nurse anesthetist or an anesthesiologist in a hospital operating room) in most cases.

The following items are often included in the overall anaesthetic costs:

The charge for the anesthesiologist, the cost of drugs, the cost of equipment, the cost of supplies, and the cost of the employees that worked under anesthesia are all included.


The real cost of a surgical room is determined by the specifics of the operating facility. The price will involve cutting-edge technology and equipment, as well as a state-of-the-art surgical facility that is included with the surgical room. These factors will add value to the price of your BBL in NJ but in most cases, this is not an issue to be concerned about. Since you want your BBL surgery to be as successful as possible, paying more for these specifics can aid with promoting the best results from your surgery.


The more complicated the procedure, the longer it will last and, as a result, the more costly it will be in the long run. A patient who demands a 6-inch increase in their measurement should be aware that the treatment will be longer and more complicated. Depending on the circumstances, it may be required to combine many techniques in order to get the desired result. Liposuction and autologous fat transfer are two procedures that may be used in conjunction with one another.

The stomach tuck (also known as abdominoplasty) and Brazilian butt lift are the most often requested combination procedures. These procedures are especially popular among women who have just become moms and wish to return to a more attractive version of themselves after giving birth. The typical cost of a tummy tuck is $7,500 to $9,500 which would be added on to your overall cost for the surgery.

Having additional procedures done at the same time as the Brazilian butt lift is the best option in order to avoid the patient having to endure a second procedure and a second round of anesthesia. Additionally, combining those two procedures into a single procedure reduces expenditures.

If you’re searching for a complete makeover, we strongly advise that you consult with your surgeon since every patient’s ultimate outcome will be different depending on the procedure. In certain situations, it may be suggested to undergo two procedures rather than just one, since this may enhance the likelihood of achieving a favorable outcome after your surgery.


Aside from the cost of the cosmetic surgery procedure itself, the patient would also have to consider other expenses that are not included in the price quotation they get. These may include, among other things, the cost of prescription medicines that the patient may be obliged to take, the cost of surgical garments that will be worn following the operation, and the cost of medical tests that may be required.

Note that some plastic surgeons exclude the anaesthesiologist’s fee and operating room charges from their quote, so it’s always a good idea to ask what’s included in the offered package so you can get an accurate overall cost estimate for the Brazilian buttock augmentation procedure.

Other than the surgeon’s costs, the following expenditures may be incurred that may contribute to the overall cost of the procedure:

  • Surgical facility cost
  • Anaesthesia costs for your surgery
  • The use of specialized technology and/or equipment
  • Dressings for wounds
  • Garments to wear before and/or after surgery
  • Tests in the laboratory
  • Medications
  • Costs of follow-up care
  • Travel fees

When it comes to a BBL surgery, investing in your surgical experience is highly recommended to ensure that your goal results are achievable. During your consultation you will get a full analysis of your cost for your personalized BBL procedure and in this case we suggest that you consult your doctor regarding the final cost.


If you’ve been considering a BBL in New Jersey, it may have crossed your mind if you are a good candidate for this type of procedure. In order to be considered for the procedure, the patient’s BMI must be within normal range. The Body Mass Index (BMI) is calculated by dividing a person’s weight in kilograms by the square of their height in meters. It is possible that a high BMI is an indication of how much fat is contained in the body. The body mass index (BMI) may be used to check for weight categories that may contribute to health concerns and to assess an individual’s general health.


Because each Brazilian Butt Lift surgery entails a highly-customized treatment plan based on the patient’s specific requirements and objectives, the cost of a Brazilian Butt Lift might vary from one location to another. Dr. Gartner must take into account a number of considerations while evaluating the cost, including the following:

  • The number of locations that need to be treated with liposculpture
  • The amount of fat that has to be gathered and then moved to the buttocks
  • The procedure’s complexity and/or duration
  • The expense of anesthesia
  • Dressings for the post-operative period
  • Medication for the post-operative period
  • Fees for using the facility

Your session will conclude with you receiving an itemized cost quote that outlines the total cost of your BBL procedure. Dr. Gartner provides cosmetic surgery financing options to those who are interested in making the expense of a Brazilian Butt Lift more affordable. Our friendly and educated office staff can explain these alternatives in further detail and walk you through the process of applying online during your initial consultation at our clinic.


Dr. Gartner is one of the most experienced and double board-certified plastic surgeons in the state of New Jersey, with decades of expertise in facial and body plastic surgery. He has a stellar reputation in the medical world – as well as among his patients! In addition to having a 5-star rating with his patients and other favorable reviews, he is one of the most well regarded cosmetic surgeons in the country who specializes in this technique and multiple others.

With his Fellowship in the American College of Surgeons, he has earned the distinction of being one of just a handful of plastic surgeons in the nation to have double board certification. As an innovator in the area of aesthetic cosmetic surgery, Dr. Gartner is well-known across the globe. He has developed his surgical skills to give a less intrusive approach, which means you won’t have to endure extended, excruciatingly difficult recuperation periods after your procedure.

If you’re interested in scheduling a consultation for a BBL in New Jersey or learning more about this cosmetic procedure, our staff at Gartner Plastic Surgery is delighted to assist you and answer any questions you may have about this procedure. Please get in touch with us to learn more about how our BBL treatment might benefit you. Let’s turn those dream results into reality!


It is a lovely and joyful event to bring a new child into the world. Unfortunately, new moms are often discouraged by the physical repercussions of pregnancy and breastfeeding. Dr. Gartner, a board-certified plastic surgeon in New Jersey, may conduct a treatment known as a mommy makeover for individuals who can’t seem to get rid of their problem areas with diet and exercise.

Dr. Gartner and his team take satisfaction in the amazing outcomes of mommy makeovers and other cosmetic treatments, as well as providing excellent patient care. Read along to learn more about our mommy makeover treatment options at Gartner Plastic Surgery NJ.


A Mommy Makeover is a treatment that combines two or more body and breast procedures to shape and restore the figure of a mother. Breast lifts and tummy tucks are the most popular surgeries. Other body sculpting treatments that are often desired include breast augmentation, liposuction, and labiaplasty.

Although motherhood is one of the most fulfilling experiences, the effects it has on the body aren’t always pleasant. When women learn that there is a procedure intended exclusively for mothers post-childbirth, they become interested in learning more.


Dr. Gartner takes a complete medical history and performs an examination during the first mommy makeover consultation to determine whether a patient is healthy enough for mommy makeover surgery. He and his patients may discuss the procedure’s expected results, as well as any possible risks or consequences, together. Dr. Gartner and his colleagues would be pleased to answer any questions you may have regarding the procedure, including the cost of a mommy makeover.

Mommy makeovers might comprise a mix of body contouring treatments, such as breast augmentation with breast implants, stomach tuck surgery, and liposuction, depending on the patient’s specific aesthetic objectives. The objective is to restore a youthful, vibrant appearance so that people may once again look and feel their best. We may recommend any combination of these procedures since each patient has been impacted by pregnancy in various ways. Some of the procedures that are included in a mommy makeover in New Jersey are:


Natural age and gravity cause most breasts to naturally droop. When you add pregnancy and breastfeeding to the equation, it kicks everything up a notch. Not only do the breasts droop, but they also lose a lot of volume and rigidity. Dr. Gartner may recommend a breast lift as part of your mommy makeover. A breast lift removes extra skin and reshapes and lifts the breasts to give them a more youthful appearance. For patients who want to improve the size and form of their breasts, Dr. Gartner may consider breast implants as part of an augmentation operation.


One of the most frequent procedures for moms who require assistance getting rid of obstinate extra skin is a tummy tuck. It also tones and contours the abdominal muscles, giving the illusion of a flatter, more toned tummy.

The pubic line is used to make a horizontal incision from hip to hip in the traditional tummy tuck. Dr. Gartner will tighten muscles to create shape to the abdomen region through this incision. The doctor may also use liposuction to remove tiny, localized pockets of fat in certain circumstances. He would then redrape the skin and remove any excess. While stretch marks cannot be removed from your skin with surgery, the appearance of stretch marks may be reduced by removing extra skin.

The following are some of the tummy tuck procedures:

Mini Tummy Tuck:

This procedure is for ladies who are self-conscious about the skin immediately below their belly button, sometimes known as the “pooch.” The incision is smaller than a traditional stomach tuck. This method is appropriate for ladies and men who need just a little help.

Modified Belly Tuck:

This treatment is for ladies who are merely concerned about excess skin or loose muscles and do not need a complete tummy tuck.

Extended Tummy Tuck:

The extended stomach tuck treats all of the areas treated by the classic tummy tuck, as well as concerns in the flanks or love handles.

Tummy Tuck with High Tension:

This technique tightens and cinches the belly to create an “hourglass” shape. Scars fade with time and may be readily concealed with jeans or a bikini bottom.

Tummy tucks are a popular procedure for moms who desire to restore their pre-baby bodies. The skin and underlying muscles stretch out as the abdomen expands to accommodate the pregnancy. Tummy tucks performed at Gartner Plastic Surgery in New Jersey, often result in a flatter belly that is more proportional to a patient’s body type and frame.


While some women may be able to shed the additional pounds gained after pregnancy, the fact is that most stubborn fat cannot be eliminated with diet and exercise alone. Liposuction, on the other hand, is a minimally invasive body reshaping surgery that may remove fat deposits from the belly, hips, love handles, back, arms, and thighs. Liposuction is a procedure that sculpts the body back into a thinner, more attractive form. Patients might utilize liposuction to reduce regions of fat produced by pregnancy and improve their natural contours.


Those who have liposuction may also benefit from a technique known as fat transfer. This indicates that patients’ fatty deposits may be moved to another location of the body that is deficient in volume. Dr. Gartner, for example, may shift fat from the tummy to the buttocks or breasts for a more natural look. Before being reinjected into the locations that need augmentation, the fat is cleaned and purified. To get the desired effect, you may need to repeat the method a few times.


The procedure for a mommy makeover is done while the patient is under general anesthesia. Individuals who have all three procedures can anticipate the process to take around six hours to complete. The good news is that by merging everything into one procedure, patients will only have to go through one round of anesthesia and recuperation.

Following surgery, patients should anticipate some soreness and bruising, which is to be expected. Getting up and moving around multiple times during the day might help speed up the recuperation process and promote good circulation. Patients may usually resume their normal activities 2–4 weeks following their mommy makeover. We urge that you refrain from excessive activities and heavy lifting until Dr. Gartner has cleared you at the 6-week mark.

Patients should be able to notice their revitalized, refreshed outcomes from their mommy makeover after the edema has subsided.


A mommy makeover is extremely personalized and will be designed to suit your unique issues. However, you have the option of how you want to handle your post-pregnancy worries about your face or physique. To reclaim your pre-pregnancy physique or develop the body you’ve always desired, you may choose from a variety of treatments and procedures.


Mommy makeover surgery has a variety of advantages that make it a good choice for busy, active moms:

  • Stretched abdominals, loose skin, and sagging breasts are some of the issues that diet and exercise alone can’t solve. A mommy makeover with a tummy tuck may help you heal strained and divided muscles (diastasis recti) and develop a tighter, flatter abdomen if you have lost the “baby weight” and exercise regularly but still have a protruding belly. It could even help you get rid of lower back discomfort!
  • With only one procedure, you may get full results. Combining procedures allows you to achieve all of your cosmetic objectives at once, saving you time across several surgeries in the long run.
  • It improves the fit and comfort of your clothes. A mommy makeover can help bras, swimsuits, fitted dresses, and waistbands fit the way they were intended by restoring shape to stretched, sagging tissues and eliminating excess skin—many patients are able to wear fitted dresses for the first time in years after their procedures; others are happy to no longer have to wear two sports bras when working out.
  • Allows you to concentrate your efforts on the most essential things. One of the most significant, but underappreciated, advantages of mommy makeover surgery is how much it can emotionally liberate a patient. Many of our patients have told us that they were unaware of how much their look influenced their self-confidence until they underwent surgery.


Patients will have the chance to address their issues with their bodies and what they aim to accomplish from a Mommy Makeover with Dr. Gartner during a Mommy Makeover consultation in New Jersey.

Dr. Gartner will do a physical examination and inquire about any medical concerns or previous procedures to establish whether or not a patient is a suitable candidate for the treatment.

While a Mommy Makeover will not damage a patient’s capacity to have children, Dr. Gartner will want to know whether the patient intends to have another child. Future pregnancies will almost certainly influence the outcomes of a Mommy Makeover, so we recommend waiting until after they’ve finished having children to have one.


Prior to mommy makeover surgery, you should have lost the majority of your pregnancy weight and finished nursing. This procedure is usually done no sooner than six months after your child is born. Significant weight swings and a second pregnancy might impair your results, so you should postpone your mommy makeover until after your final pregnancy to minimize the need for repeat surgery. The recovery following a mommy makeover is lengthy and includes lifting limitations for a period of time. When contemplating whether or not to get a mommy makeover, keep these limits in mind.


When it comes to your health and well-being, you don’t need to avoid the physique you want just because you’ve had a child. The Mommy Makeover can help you shape your physique and feel like the hardworking mother you are!

Short Recovery Time

Our Mommy Makeover in NJ has a number of advantages, one of which being a quicker recovery period. In comparison to procedures conducted at separate times and needing several recovery periods, combining multiple procedures in one surgical session dramatically reduces recovery time. You’ll be able to chase after your kids again much sooner if you heal faster.

New Jersey Mommy Makeover Restored Confidence 

If pregnancy and/or delivery have physically transformed your body in any manner, it’s likely that your confidence and self-image have suffered as a result. The Mommy Makeover helps you regain control of your body and enhances your self-esteem. Giving yourself the physique of your dreams will make you feel like you can take on the world.


Stretched abdominal muscles, drooping breasts, and loose skin are more than just cosmetic problems for many women; they may have a serious influence on one’s physical comfort and self-confidence.

At Gartner Plastic Surgery NJ, we recognize that accepting these adjustments isn’t easy for everyone. If you’re having trouble feeling comfortable in your own skin despite a healthy diet and regular exercise, it may be time to explore a mommy makeover. Dr. Gartner can personalize your treatment plan to help you recover confidence in your looks and feel as stunning as you are.

Dr. Gartner and his team are excited to provide mommy makeover procedures to ladies in the New Jersey area. We are convinced that, with our many years of knowledge and cutting-edge technology, we can accomplish the aesthetic results you seek.

Gartner Plastic Surgery is also a pioneer in patient care and education. Contact a member of our staff if you have any concerns regarding breast implants, liposuction, or the cost of a mommy makeover. We arrange your mommy makeover consultation with us to start this life changing transformation!


The mommy makeover is one of the most popular combined plastic surgery treatments available today, and it is particularly developed to address the typical concerns that women have after going through pregnancy and nursing. It is performed in a single session and takes around an hour. In recent years, the surgical practice has made its way into popular culture, where it has become the operation of choice.

When it comes to body contouring techniques, “mommy makeover” is a general term that refers to a customized combination of body contouring methods that are done simultaneously to enhance the physical alterations that occur after pregnancy. One of the reasons for its popularity is that the mommy makeover does not consist of predetermined components; rather, each process is customized to meet the specific demands of the particular patient. The surgical technique, on the other hand, often begins with a breast and abdominal reshaping treatment, with other features added as required. Continue reading to find out more about our mommy makeover therapy and how it may benefit you.


A mommy makeover is a very usual combination of cosmetic surgery operations that are done simultaneously during a single operation. These procedures include a breast lift, a stomach tuck, liposuction, and other procedures (normally of the tummy and lower body). These are, in fact, the most frequently performed cosmetic surgery treatments on female patients overall. If required or requested, breast augmentation with implants may also be done, and women who have had a Caesarean section may choose to have their scars revised.

Weight increase and skin stretching in the belly, as well as loss of firmness and probable “deflation” in the breasts, are some of the most frequent physical changes that occur during pregnancy and nursing in a woman’s body. Having a mommy makeover has the benefit of achieving all of the desired outcomes in a single surgery while also reducing the recovery period for several surgeries. It is possible for a woman to obtain (or regain) the body image she desires in a single session.


In order to address the key areas of change associated with parenthood, a mommy makeover would often emphasize breast and abdominal procedures. In addition, throughout pregnancy and breast-feeding, the breasts will grow in size, perhaps by as much as a full cup size or even more. Returning to ‘normal’ may, on the other hand, result in a considerable reduction in breast volume as well as obvious drooping. While pregnant, the abdominal muscles, skin, and tissues expand to provide room for the developing baby in a healthy and comfortable way. Unfortunately, following delivery, these layers may not regain their tight, pre-baby form as quickly as they would have liked.

The following items may be included in your mother makeover:

  • Implantation of a breast augmentation device
  • Breast Lifting Procedures
  • Breast Reduction
  • Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
  • Liposuction

The use of breast implants may restore fullness and lost volume, while a breast lift can be used to raise sagging skin and improve the overall form of the breasts. When a woman’s breasts are abnormally huge and unpleasant, she may benefit from breast reduction surgery, which may result in a smaller, more desirable look.

Additional procedures that are widely used to enhance the form include the abdominoplasty (also known as a stomach tuck, a circumferential abdominoplasty, and liposuction), which may help to further improve the figure.

Mommy makeovers, on the other hand, do not have to end there; they may also involve thigh lifts, arm lifts, and Brazilian butt lifts. Depending on the particular surgeon and the suggested set of treatments, a mommy makeover may be completed in a single operation or, for safety concerns, may be conducted across a number of surgical sessions over a period of time.


Women who have weaned their children are the most suitable candidates for a mommy makeover session. Women should also be aware that if they choose for breast augmentation rather than a breast lift, they may have a reduced possibility of breastfeeding in the future, depending on the kind of incision that is utilized during the procedure.

It is possible that you may postpone breast augmentation until after your last child has been weaned if nursing is vital to you and you hope to have further children.

Smokers should abstain from smoking for at least two weeks before and after surgery, since smoking has been shown to impair recovery.

It is possible that a mommy makeover will have a favorable impact on your self-esteem. It is possible to feel better about yourself when you are more confident in your looks. According to studies, this kind of surgery is often associated with an improvement in quality of life. Preparing for your mommy makeover surgery should begin with a thorough consideration of your expectations, which should be discussed with a qualified mommy makeover surgeon such as Dr. Gartner at Gartner Plastic Surgery New Jersey.


  1. The mommy makeover will be conducted as an outpatient procedure, allowing you to recuperate in the comfort of your own home. In order to provide extra help during the first 24 hours after surgery, your surgeon may suggest that you stay in an overnight recovery suite.
  2. Your recovery might take up to two weeks — Although the length of your recovery will vary depending on the individual treatments performed during your mommy makeover, you should count on being slightly uncomfortable, bruised, and swollen for up to two weeks after your operation.
  3. You will want assistance around the home — You will be exhausted and tender for many days after your mommy makeover, making it hard to do ordinary household tasks; solicit the help of a family member or friend to help you around the home.
  4. Driving is not permitted until certain pain drugs have been discontinued – The required pain drugs for a pleasant recovery will be prescribed by your surgeon; nevertheless, it is not recommended that you drive while under the influence of narcotics.
  5. In certain cases, swelling might linger for up to six months or more. A mommy makeover provides immediate advantages, but the full extent of those benefits cannot be determined until all edema has reduced, which might take anywhere from six months to a year.
  6. There will be no hard lifting, especially of newborns – Vigorous activity and heavy lifting should be avoided for at least six weeks after your mommy makeover, and this includes carrying newborns and children weighing more than ten pounds during this time.
  7. Smokers are not permitted to participate in a mommy makeover. Smoking reduces circulation, which delays wound healing and increases the likelihood of significant problems. Therefore, you should refrain from smoking for at least four weeks before and four weeks after your mommy makeover. Better still, use this as an excuse to quit smoking completely.
  8. Keeping up with a healthy lifestyle after your mommy makeover, including a well-balanced diet and regular physical activity, can help to guarantee that the benefits are long-lasting.
  9. Select only a board-certified plastic surgeon. The mommy makeover is a mix of invasive methods, so picking the finest and most skilled plastic surgeon available is crucial; never put your health and safety at danger in the sake of saving money or reducing expenses.
  10. Prepare yourself for a significant increase in self-confidence – Having your mommy makeover will be a life-changing experience, as it will restore confidence and pride in your looks.


The first appointment for a mommy makeover is a comprehensive medical history and examination by Dr. Gartner to assess whether or not the patient is healthy enough to undergo mommy makeover surgery. Both he and his patients will be able to discuss the expected results of the treatment, as well as any possible dangers or difficulties that may arise. In the event that you have any questions or concerns regarding the procedure, including the cost of a mommy makeover, Dr. Gartner and his colleagues would be pleased to address them.

The combination of body contouring treatments used in mommy makeovers may be customized to meet the specific aesthetic objectives of the patient. These operations may include breast augmentation with breast implants, abdominal liposuction, and tummy tuck surgery, among others. One of the objectives is to restore a more youthful and vibrant appearance so that people may look and feel their best once again. Given that each patient has been impacted differently by pregnancy, we may recommend any combination of the procedures listed above for them.

Dr. Gartner describes some of the operations that are routinely done as part of a mommy makeover for patients in New Jersey.


The majority of women’s breasts naturally sag as a result of natural age and gravity. When you include pregnancy and breastfeeding in the equation, the process accelerates significantly. Breasts not only droop, but they also lose a significant amount of their overall volume and firmness. Dr. Gartner may recommend a breast lift operation as part of your mommy makeover treatment plan. A breast lift may remove extra skin from the breasts and reshape and raise them to give them a more youthful appearance. In addition, Dr. Gartner may propose breast implants as part of a breast augmentation treatment for patients who would want to increase the size and form of their breasts.


Tummy tucks are a common procedure for moms who wish to get back into their pre-baby bodies after having a child. With each additional inch of abdominal growth necessary to support a pregnancy, the skin and underlying muscles stretch. A tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, is a body sculpting treatment that is used to address extra stomach skin and, in certain instances, divided abdominal muscles, also known as diastasis recti, in the abdomen. Tummy tucks performed at Gartner Plastic Surgery New Jersey often result in a flatter stomach that is more proportional to a patient’s body type and frame than before the procedure.


While some women may be able to shed the additional pregnancy pounds with diet and exercise alone, the fact is that most regions of stubborn fat cannot be addressed with these methods alone. Liposuction, on the other hand, is a minimally invasive body sculpting surgery that may remove fat deposits from regions such as the belly, hips, love handles, back, arms, and thighs with little to no downtime. Gartner Plastic Surgery provides liposuction to help patients reshape their bodies to a leaner, more appealing appearance. Patients who undergo liposuction may reduce the regions of fat that have developed as a result of pregnancy while also enhancing their natural contours.


Those who get liposuction may potentially benefit from an extra surgery known as a fat transfer after the procedure. This implies that patients may be able to have their fatty deposits shifted to a location where there is a deficiency in volume. Dr. Gartner may, for example, transfer fat from the belly to the buttocks or breasts for a more natural appearance augmentation. Following this, the fat is cleansed and purified before being meticulously reinjected into the places that need enhancement. A number of times repetitions of the method may be necessary before the desired outcome is achieved.


Women are increasingly adding non-surgical therapies in their mommy makeover plans, which is a positive development. This kind of therapy may be a suitable alternative for individuals who want to have additional children in the future and who are incapable or unable to take several weeks off work to recuperate from surgery. Non-surgical therapies often have less dramatic effects than surgical treatments, but they may nevertheless result in considerable improvements in the proper individuals when used appropriately.

  • Non-surgical fat reduction is one alternative
  • Treatments for skin tightening
  • Cellulite reduction
  • Non-surgical feminine rejuvenation is becoming more popular
  • Botox and fillers
  • Skin resurfacing procedures are available.

In addition to being accessible alone, several of these non-surgical procedure choices may be used in conjunction with surgical therapies. For further information about your particular objectives, we urge that you schedule a consultation with Dr. Gartner so that we can guarantee that we are offering the most appropriate treatments for the best possible outcomes.


Since all of us at Gartner Plastic Surgery New Jersey are dedicated to assisting our patients in achieving their goals, we offer a variety of flexible financing options to ensure that you can make the most of your mommy makeover experience with us. Contact us today to learn more about our financing options. Our location offers a one-of-a-kind mommy makeover experience, which means that the pricing will vary according to the patient’s requirements. During your one-on-one appointment with Dr. Gartner, he will be pleased to go through all of the specifics of the cost of your surgery with you in detail.


The procedure for a mommy makeover is carried out while the patient is under general anesthesia. Individuals who have all three treatments should plan on the process taking around six hours in total, depending on the treatment plan. The good news is that by merging everything into a single procedure, it allows people to only have to go through one round of anesthesia and one round of recuperation. More than that, patients may save money on the whole cost of their mommy makeover.

As a result of the procedure, patients should anticipate some soreness and bruising, which is normal and expected. Take frequent breaks from your work or home to get up and walk about. This will help to expedite the recuperation process and promote good circulation. In most cases, patients may return to their regular activities 2 – 4 weeks following their mommy makeover procedure. We urge that you refrain from engaging in intense activities or carrying heavy objects until you have been approved by Dr. Gartner at the 6-week mark. Patients should be able to notice their revitalized and invigorated outcomes from their mommy makeover after the edema has subsided.


The mommy makeover is an excellent option for returning a post-baby physique to its pre-pregnancy condition. Start your study on the mommy makeover treatment at home, since this is the most effective approach to learn about it. You should seek out a reputable, board-certified plastic surgeon such as Dr. Gartner and arrange an in-person consultation when you are ready to proceed. Your surgeon will calculate the precise cost of your mommy makeover at this time, as well as discuss payment choices and the potential of health-care financing options with you during this time.

Your ideal results are just a phone call away; schedule your own personalized appointment with Dr. Gartner, a board certified plastic surgeon, and let us assist you in achieving your goals.


Liposuction may be a life-changing event for many patients, allowing patients to target those stubborn pockets of isolated fat that have remained unaddressed despite following a healthy diet and engaging in regular exercise. It’s critical to be well-informed and prepared for your appointment as well as for the actual procedure.

We realize how difficult it may be to recall everything you need to know during your appointment and ask all of the necessary questions. Because you’re probably thinking about a lot of things at once, we’ve prepared this blog to help you figure out which questions to ask at your liposuction consultation. Keep reading to learn more…


Although the majority of the time, the surgeon that you visit for your consultation will also do your liposuction surgery, it is always a good idea to inquire and confirm this.

Once you’ve determined who will be doing the surgery, you’ll want to be certain that the cosmetic surgeon you choose has the proper credentials.

You should also consider the cosmetic surgeon’s degree of competence with liposuction before proceeding with the procedure. Have they been doing liposuction surgery for a lengthy period of time? In a given year, how many treatments do they perform? Ensure that you look at before and after photographs, giving special attention to patients who have requirements and body shapes that are comparable to yours.

Finally, don’t forget to consider how comfortable you feel throughout your appointment with the cosmetic surgeon. This is important. Do they pay attention to what you’re saying? Do they respond to your queries with consideration and patience? Finally, you should leave the clinic with confidence in the facility, the cosmetic surgeon, the supporting personnel, and the results you may anticipate to get.


First and foremost, always be honest. Explain to your liposuction specialists what you want to achieve as a result of the treatment.

When it comes to liposuction, what do you want to achieve? What kind of outcomes are you seeking to achieve? Bring any images you have of yourself from the past or of the body image you have in mind to the appointment.

Don’t be afraid to express yourself. It’s critical to have an open and comfortable line of communication with your physician throughout the procedure. As soon as you feel more comfortable with your doctor, you’ll be able to look forward to the outcomes you get.


Make a copy of your medical history to hand along to your surgeon, including any medical issues or treatments you may have had in the previous year. Additionally, you should create a list of any medical conditions that run in your immediate family.

You may always ask whether you can complete your medical papers ahead of time in order to make your appointment more efficient.

Your medical history will be taken down for future reference. Therefore, it is critical that you be truthful and not omit any information concerning drugs you are taking, alcohol, cigarette or drug usage, any past operations, allergies or medical issues that you may be suffering from. There is a possibility that your medical history will have an impact on your liposuction operation.

You may be required to undergo laboratory tests or a medical examination prior to your procedure. It is also possible that you may need to take particular drugs or that you will need to adjust your present prescriptions. Examples include being told to avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory medicines, and herbal supplements since they might cause excessive bleeding during surgery.

If you are a smoker, you may be requested to refrain from doing so prior to your treatment.

Make arrangements for someone to drive you to and from your liposuction procedure, as well as to remain with you for at least the first night after the procedure.


The first essential thing to remember about liposuction is that it is not a weight-loss procedure. The greatest outcomes are obtained when patients are near to their desired weight while also attempting to eliminate extra fat deposits in aesthetically significant places such as their:

  • Arms
  • Chest
  • Abdomen
  • Back
  • Hips
  • Thighs

Open and honest communication with your cosmetic surgeon will make it simpler for them to analyze your requirements and give you tailored, relevant advice.


Liposuction may be used in conjunction with other procedures to assist patients with achieving remarkable outcomes. This is often done to receive the ultimate transformation look. One of the most typical combinations of procedures is liposuction with a tummy tuck. With the help of liposuction treating excess fat and the tummy tuck removing loose skin from the abdomen, you can expect a totally refined and youthful look from this type of treatment.


When it comes to the days before liposuction, Dr. Gartner will offer specific recommendations and instructions to follow. In general, however, it is essential to recruit the assistance of a supportive friend or family member who can aid with driving to and from the surgical facility as well as postoperative care.

Before undergoing the surgery, certain drugs, such as aspirin and blood thinners, may need to be discontinued. In certain instances, blood tests are performed before the procedure to determine that the client is an appropriate candidate for anesthesia. On the day before surgery, there will be a period during which no food or drink should be consumed; this period is normally around 12 hours before the scheduled appointment.


First, your cosmetic surgeon will put you under general anesthesia to prepare you for the procedure. Tiny incisions will be made around the fat deposits that will be targeted, and then a cannula (a small, hollow tube) will be inserted into the incision in order to suck out the fat and remove it from the body, being careful to extract the correct, safe amount. Finally, they will seal the wounds and wait for you to awaken as the anaesthetic wears off before proceeding to the next step.

When you have your consultation and surgery, it’s crucial to discuss with your surgeon about the procedure of your customized surgery so that you may be adequately prepared. Knowing that every patient is unique, and that every procedure will be different from the next, having your surgeon walk you through the procedure from beginning to finish will ensure that you are fully informed on everything that will take place.


Liposuction is performed as an outpatient procedure, which means you will be able to return home the same day as your surgery is completed. In most cases, patients should expect to be back to their usual activities within a week, however you’ll need to avoid any vigorous activity including specific workouts for at least four to six weeks after the procedure.

You should expect some early bruising and swelling, which should reduce within two to four weeks after the procedure. You will be asked to wear a compression garment for six weeks by your cosmetic surgeon in order to reduce inflammation and improve the outcome of your procedure. Scars should be expected, but they’ll usually be in inconspicuous places and be thin, making them tough to spot. They’ll also gradually fade away as time goes on, making them less noticeable.

If you have any particular questions or concerns, be sure to bring them up with your cosmetic surgeon before the procedure. Asking questions about what to expect and how to avoid any risks should be a top priority for you in order for you to feel properly prepared.


The cannula is a little device, and as a result, the scars are also rather minor in appearance. A person’s number of scars is determined by the number of insertion sites required to treat the affected region. Furthermore, scarring might differ depending on the patient’s skin quality. Scarring will be discussed in detail by the surgeons, as well as the methods they will use to reduce its appearance.

If you have any questions about the type of scars that you will receive from your personalized liposuction treatment we recommend asking your surgeon as they would have the most accurate description that you should expect.


The exact expenses will vary from one cosmetic surgeon to the next, however respectable clinics typically provide quotes that are within a 10% range of one another.

Keep in mind, however, that your final selection should not be based just on the cost of the surgery itself. Having cosmetic surgery is a life-altering choice, which is why you should find a cosmetic surgeon who will be able to provide long-lasting results that you will be happy with.

Consider your financing alternatives if you are concerned about the cost of your purchase. Cosmetic surgery clinics often collaborate with third-party financing businesses to make it possible for you to pay for all or a portion at a time of your cosmetic surgery procedure.

If you have any questions regarding your cost, be sure to ask for a thorough breakdown of the cost of your procedure. Not only will this help give you a better understanding of how the surgery will entail, it allows you to ask any additional questions that come to mind.


As previously said, your appointment is an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

Bring any questions you may have with you to the meeting. Make a list of your questions and make a note of the replies.

During your meeting, if you’re worried or eager, you may forget to ask all of the questions that have been popping up in your head, or you may forget the answers that your surgeon provided.

Among the most significant questions to ask are the following:

  • Is it possible for me to be a suitable candidate for liposuction?
  • Is there a way for me to get in touch with you if anything comes up after the procedure?
  • What are the advantages of this procedure long-term?
  • Are there any dangers or risks involved?
  • What certifications do you have as a plastic surgeon?
  • What location will be used for the procedure?
  • What are the qualifications of your employees?
  • What kind of anaesthetic will be required for this procedure?
  • What would you do if an emergency occurred during the operation and you needed to react quickly?
  • Could you please provide me some before and after images of results in the past?


Understanding your choices and being prepared to ask the correct questions during your consultation can help you prepare for your liposuction procedure and ensure that you are pleased with the results for many years to come after your procedure. Formalizing your questions or concerns into a list can help you to keep your thoughts organized and will enable you to ask all of the questions you need answers to.


It’s normal to be apprehensive before your liposuction consultation. But don’t be. However, by preparing ahead of time, you may remove any nervous sensations and remain enthusiastic about reaching your dream body.

Never be afraid to express your fears to your plastic surgeon; they’ve dealt with apprehensive patients in the past and will do all they can to set your mind at rest throughout the procedure.

We are here to assist you! Our team of liposuction professionals is here to assist you with any questions you may have and to schedule your one-on-one consultation with Board-certified cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gartner. Contact us now to get started.


For many decades, breast augmentation has been a popular cosmetic procedure! With this treatment, it is possible to get the breast size you’ve always desired for yourself, rather than the breast size that you have naturally. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that many breast augmentation patients express increased self-esteem and a high degree of satisfaction with the outcomes, which is supported by data from respected organizations. Is it possible that it will be a good fit for you? Read along to learn more about breast augmentation surgery and if you qualify as a perfect candidate for this surgery.


Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in the world, and it has grown into one that is both safer and more personalized for the patient. Breast augmentation surgery is the placement of breast implants into the breasts in order to increase their size and, in many instances, improve the general shape and fullness of the breasts.

In recent years, advances in breast augmentation surgery have made it feasible for patients to have a greater variety of alternatives accessible so that they may completely tailor their procedure. Breast implants may be made of either saline or silicone, and the form of the implants can be either round or anatomical in nature. It is possible to personalize the location of the implants based on where patients want to see greater fullness, and it is possible to plan out incisions and scars before surgery based on patient choice.


In order for a plastic surgeon to qualify you as a suitable candidate for breast augmentation, you must satisfy many key requirements.

  • You should be in decent physical health and shape. This indicates there are no current infections, cancers that have not been treated, or significant diseases. If you have any medical concerns, talk to your surgeon about them so he or she can help you decide whether or not breast implant surgery is right for you.
  • If your breasts are drooping, flattened, extended, asymmetrical, or lack proper cleavage or volume, you may be an ideal candidate for this procedure.
  • The majority of surgeons recommend that you do not smoke or drink excessively a few weeks prior to surgery.
  • Women in excellent health who want to enhance the volume and fullness of their breasts in order to boost their bust size.
  • Women seeking breast augmentation may also be interested in the procedure for purely cosmetic reasons.
  • In the case of a desire for aesthetic augmentation during pregnancy and nursing, or in the case of an improvement on a prior breast surgery.
  • Other candidates for breast augmentation may notice that one of their breasts is smaller than the other and want surgery to fix this issue.
  • The procedure may also assist women who have lost a large amount of weight, by increasing the volume of their deflated breasts and making them more proportional to their newly shaped physique.
  • The FDA mandates that you be at least 18 years old to get saline implants.
  • The ideal candidate for breast augmentation is aware of both the dangers and the benefits. Although the surgery is regarded as safe, and the implants are FDA-approved, there are inherent risks associated with any surgery.

The following are additional considerations to determine whether or not a woman is a good candidate for breast augmentation:

  • You want bigger breasts, as well as a stunning overall form and projection, among other things.
  • The symmetry between your breasts is something you’d want to enhance.
  • You have a generally decent state of health.
  • You are prepared to consider the advantages and disadvantages, as well as to be fully informed of the possible hazards.
  • You realize that breast augmentation should only be done for yourself if you feel it would improve your happiness or confidence. It’s never a good idea to have cosmetic surgery just because someone else wants you to do it.


This new interpretation of femininity may be nicely complimented with the addition of breast augmentation. Because the technique is very adjustable, the outcomes may be tailored to your own needs and preferences; You have total control over the size, form, and projection of your sculpture.

Some women want round, very enormous breasts; others desire a gradual, less obvious growth; and a great number of women have expectations that fall somewhere in the middle of this range. Our plastic surgeon will work with you to ensure that your outcomes match your expectations. If you are worried about how breast augmentation results may affect your active lifestyle, your wardrobe choices, or your self-image, we encourage you to speak with one of our skilled experts. Patient happiness is our first priority, and we’ll go out of our way to make sure you understand what to anticipate throughout the whole process.


The average cost of breast augmentation surgery in New Jersey is between $6,000 and $12,000.

The cost of your breast augmentation process will be determined by the specifics of your case as well as whether or not you want to have any extra treatments or procedures. Your cost will include the fees for anesthesia, which kind of breast augmentation treatment that you are receiving, any necessary garments and much more.

You can expect to receive a full breakdown of the cost of your surgery during your consultation with Dr. Gartner.


Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery procedure that may be highly personalized to satisfy the specific aesthetic needs of each woman who undergoes it. Breast implants have a number of qualities that may be customized with the assistance and advice of Dr. Gartner, a leading breast surgeon in New Jersey.


The material from which the breast implant is produced is referred to as its composition. A variety of implant materials are available at Gartner Plastic Surgery, including either saline or silicone. Because the saline implants are put in the pocket empty, they are then filled with the sterile saline solution to ensure that no physical contact is ever made with the implant.

Cohesive silicone gel is used to create silicone implants, which are kept together as a quasi-solid mass by the body’s own collagen. There is no difference between saline and silicone implants when it comes to enhancing the size and form of a woman’s breasts in New Jersey; none is superior to the other.

Depending on your specific situation and intended outcomes, you will be able to determine the optimum composition for you.


The exterior shell of a breast implant is a solid silicone case that is available in two different textures: smooth and textured.

In the case of smooth implants, they have the potential to rotate inside the pocket without causing an apparent change in breast form.

Implants with textured shells help to secure the implant placement in the pocket by encouraging scar tissue to develop around the textured shell.


Despite the fact that breast size is frequently referred to by cup size (A, B, C, D, and so on), this is not a trustworthy measuring source since a 34A in one shop may be equivalent to a 34C in another. Breast implant cubic centimeters are used to determine the size of a woman’s breasts for augmentation. You and Dr. Gartner will collaborate to determine the volume that will be most effective for your body type. This will be determined by your aesthetic preferences, body type, and doctor’s suggestion.


Tissue-engineered teardrop and round breast implants are the two most common forms used for breast implants. Breast implants made in the shape of teardrops are meant to closely mirror the natural curvature of the breast, with a slight slope and the bulk of the volume concentrated at the base. Only textured implants are available for these restorations because their permanent location inside the pocket is critical for preserving the anatomical slope and preventing rotation. Because they are symmetrically spherical in diameter, round implants provide a greater projection from the chest. Additionally, these implants provide more cleavage while simultaneously providing a larger lift.

Round implants are available in both textured and smooth finishes since rotation of the implant inside the pocket will not result in a change in the form of the breast.


The implant profile is a measurement of the breast protrusion from the sternum. Implant profiles are classified into three categories: low, moderate, and high.

Low profile bras are better suited for women with larger chests, whereas high profile bras are best suited for women with smaller breasts. Dr. Gartner will assist you in determining the most suited profile for your physical build.


Dr. Gartner creates spaces in the breast tissue for the implants to be placed in. The pocket may be created beneath the pectoral muscle or in front of the muscle, depending on your preference. Submuscular placement (below the muscle) is typically preferable for women who do not have a significant quantity of natural breast tissue to act as a buffer between the implant edges and the surrounding muscle. Subglandular insertion (in front of the muscle) involves inserting the implant into a pocket created beneath the breast tissue, directly below the mammary gland, and closing the pocket around the implant. It is most often utilized for women who have a substantial volume of natural breast tissue, since it allows for more projection of the breast.


When it comes to implantation, we offer four different incision sites.

Periareolar: When the areola border is cut along the bottom half, it is referred to as a periareolar incision. If you are considering further breast treatments like areola reduction or a breast lift it may be done in combination with your breast augmentation in NJ. Any scarring merges in with the line that separates the areola from the breast.

Inframammary fold: It is the natural crease that occurs at the base of the breast that is referred to as the inframammary fold. An incision created along this crease provides Dr. Gartner with easy access to either implant placement site throughout the procedure. Any scarring mixes in with the fold that already exists.

Transaxillary: Incisions are made in the axilla, or armpit, to perform transaxillary surgery. This is a popular choice for ladies who want their scars to be as unobtrusive as possible.

Transumbilical: Incisions are made through the belly button for transumbilical procedures. This is the most discreet site, with almost little evidence of visual scars left behind. Only saline implants may be inserted with this method, however, since the incision is so tiny and located so far away from the breasts themselves.


When you come in for your private consultation with Dr. Gartner, a renowned breast augmentation specialist in New Jersey, you will discuss your dissatisfaction with your current breast size as well as your desired outcome from the procedure.

He will do a complete assessment and explain all of the choices available to you, as well as his expert advice on what would work best for you. After that, you and him will collaborate to develop a surgical plan that is specifically customized to your aesthetic goals and objectives. Dr. Gartner will answer any questions you may have at this time, including queries about price and recovery.


Gartner Plastic Surgery and Laser Center, which is located in New Jersey, provides a comprehensive range of cosmetic treatments and surgical procedures for the face, breasts, and body. If you are interested in learning more about whether or not breast augmentation surgery is the right fit for you, please contact our clinic and our team would be happy to set you up with your very first consultation.


More than 240,000 liposuction treatments were done in the United States in 2021, making it one of the most popular cosmetic surgery treatments. Fat cells are removed from the body during the treatment, which is also known as lipoplasty- fat removal surgery. It is particularly beneficial for individuals who have specific regions of localized fat deposits and have attempted unsuccessfully to eradicate them through diets, exercises, and weight reduction.


In 1974, Italian and French doctors employed suction to remove fat from the body for the first time, paving the way for today’s liposuction treatments to be significantly more sophisticated. Since then, there have been two notable developments in the field of liposuction surgery.

The first of them, which occurred in 1985, was the shift to tumescent liposuction, which was invented by California dermatologist Dr. Jeffrey Klein and involves the use of a smaller cannula for the treatment. Dr. Klein is credited with inventing the method. The use of laser light to liposuction, a method known as Smartlipo, has also proven to be a major improvement in the field. Smartlipo was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2006.


Although both standard non-laser liposuction and SmartLipo are excellent methods of eliminating excess fat, there are some significant distinctions to consider between the two.


Traditional liposuction suctions fat from under the skin with the use of a cannula and manual manipulation. SmartLipo makes use of laser heat to soften or liquefy the fat, making it simpler to remove using the cannula. As a consequence, the patient often has less bruising and swelling. Excessive use of laser heat during the SmartLipo treatment can also result in skin tightness as a side effect. Because liposuction alone does not give any skin tightening advantages, there is an increased risk of dimpling or sagging after the treatment, which is especially true in elderly individuals who have lost more of their skin’s elasticity.


Traditional liposuction requires a lengthier recuperation period, as well as the usage of compression garments for up to 6 weeks after the procedure. The majority of SmartLipo patients have complete recovery in a few days, and they normally only need compression garments for one week after their procedure.


Due to the fact that Smartlipo may be done on practically any part of the body, there are just a few instances in which patients choose to conduct standard liposuction rather than Smartlipo. In fact, the only time it is recommended for conventional liposuction is when a patient has great elasticity and does not want to invest the extra expenditure of the laser component, nor does he or she need the additional benefit of skin tightening.

There are also alternative types of liposuction, such as Vaser liposuction, which makes use of ultrasonic energy to remove fat from the body. A more accurate type of fat removal, Vaser lipo is less invasive than standard liposuction and may be performed in less than an hour.


The patient’s BMI must be within the normal range in order for him or her to be considered for the surgery. The Body Mass Index (BMI) is computed by dividing a person’s weight in kilograms by the square of their height in meters, with the result being the BMI. If you have a high BMI, it’s probable that this is an indicator of how much fat you have in your body. Using the body mass index (BMI), you may see whether you fall into any of the weight categories that are associated with health problems, as well as get an overall sense of how healthy you are.


Smartlipo is a cutting-edge liposuction treatment that employs a laser fiber to liquefy fat while performing the procedure. This minimally invasive method introduces the laser fiber into the body using fewer incisions and a smaller cannula than other procedures. Smartlipo is often associated with a relatively quick recovery period.

In comparison to traditional liposuction treatments, this laser-assisted liposuction approach results in substantially less bleeding and bruising than the other options available. Aside from that, the laser promotes collagen formation, which aids in the tightening of the skin and the restoration of young firmness.


Smartlipo is a minimally invasive surgery that may be done on an outpatient basis under local anesthetic and with little to no downtime. It usually takes less than an hour per treatment region to complete the procedure.


In preparation for the procedure, local anesthetic is delivered, the skin is washed, and the treatment regions are designated with a marker. The surgeon makes a small incision in the fat deposit and inserts a tiny probe with a low-energy laser fiber straight into the fat deposit.


Fat cells are liquefied and destroyed by the laser radiation without causing any damage to the surrounding tissue. During the surgery, the liquefied fat may be gently suctioned out, or it may be eliminated by the body’s own natural elimination mechanisms. The heat from the laser produces coagulation in the surrounding tissue, which promotes collagen formation and skin tightening, resulting in a smoother, firmer look and a more defined appearance overall.


The majority of Smartlipo patients are able to return home immediately after their surgery. You may anticipate a rapid recovery with little scars and pain after your procedure. You may be told to wear a compression garment after SmartLipo treatment in order to get some of the greatest results Smartlipo has to offer in order to minimize edema. Patients are usually able to return to work and their routine activities within a day or two after having their treatment.


There are some significant variations between Smartlipo and traditional Liposuction treatments, including the kind of anesthetic utilized, the amount of invasiveness of the surgery, the techniques employed to remove fat, and the level of discomfort and recovery time that patients should anticipate after the procedure. Here are a few of the differences between the two types of treatments:


Traditional liposuction needs the administration of general anesthesia or intravenous sedation in order to place the patient in an unconscious “sleeping” condition throughout the procedure due to its intrusive nature. Conventional liposuction treatments are conducted in hospitals or surgical centers since general anesthesia must be delivered by a qualified anesthesiologist. Patient complications are more likely to occur with general anesthesia than with local anaesthetic owing to the comatose condition that the patient is placed in throughout the surgery.

Smartlipo is a kind of laser-assisted liposuction that is conducted under local anesthetic, with the patient being awake and conscious during the treatment. The most often used local anaesthetic is the very efficient numbing chemical, lidocaine, which allows the patient to have a nearly painless procedure. Local anesthetic is the safest kind of anesthesia, reducing the chance of complications since the patient remains awake and the effects of the anaesthetic continue for many hours after the treatment, reducing the need for narcotic pain drugs after surgery.


Traditional liposuction removes fat cells by scraping them off the skin. 

When doing classic invasive liposuction, many large incisions about 1/2″ in diameter are made around the treatment region to facilitate the operation. These incisions are created to fit big devices known as cannulas, which will be used by the surgeon to disturb the fat cells under the surface of the skin.

As soon as the cannula is introduced under the skin, the surgeon scrapes and disrupts the fat cells with a continual jabbing motion with the instrument. As well as being attached to an aspiration equipment, the cannula is also used to suck the fat scraped from the body. Because a scraping device is used to remove the fat from the skin, it is usual for individuals to have a rippling or dimpling look after the treatment.

Smartlipo is a minimally invasive procedure that melts fat cells. 

An very small incision about 1/8″ is made in the skin during a Smartlipo treatment, enabling the laser fiber to be introduced under the skin through an implanted micro-cannula. The heat energy emitted by the laser burns fat cells while tightening the skin at the same time. Suction is used to remove the liquefied fatty fluid from the body.

The tightening caused by the laser’s heat leads to smoother skin that gradually develops once the swelling has gone, which normally takes around one month after the surgery is completed. The final outcome is predicted 6 months after the procedure has taken place.


Downtime and discomfort associated with traditional liposuction. 

Traditional liposuction requires a large amount of recovery time. It is possible that the patient may need to be hospitalized or placed on bed rest for several days after the treatment, depending on the degree of the fat removal.

After having conventional liposuction, patients will endure severe bruising and swelling in the affected areas.

Patient’s pain and suffering may last many weeks, and they are needed to wear a compression garment for six to eight weeks after surgery.

Smartlipo Recovery Time and Pain. 

Patients are able to walk themselves out of the clinic after a standard Smartlipo treatment since they have maintained their mobility. In most cases, patients may resume their usual activities and return to work within 1-2 days after the treatment.

Patients will need to wear a compression garment for four weeks after the treatment, but they will be able to begin low-impact activity in three to five days.

Patients can anticipate pain for a few days after their SmartLipo surgery, but the discomfort should not interfere with their usual daily activities during this time.

Following a SmartLipo surgery, patients should anticipate mild bruising and swelling, which will go progressively over the course of two weeks after the procedure.


A pre-emptive anesthetic is delivered before the start of your surgical procedure. Due to the fact that it reduces your sensitivity to the shock of surgery and inflammation that comes afterwards, your recuperation is much more pleasant compared to the case in which it was not utilized. As a result, you will be able to return to work and your regular activities sooner!

Over the course of more than a decade, Dr. Gartner has gained vast expertise conducting liposuction procedures using a number of methods. Depending on the region you’d like to have treated, the most appropriate procedure will be chosen in order to obtain the results you’re looking for.

If you have mild to moderate loose skin in a particular place, the laser assisted approach may be utilized to speed up the pace of skin retraction after your surgery, hence avoiding the need for excision in that area. In addition, as compared to conventional liposuction treatments, laser assisted liposuction produces far less blood. The research, Comparison of Blood Loss in Laser Lipolysis versus Traditional Liposuction, discovered that blood loss is significantly decreased when laser lipolysis is performed on the breasts, flanks, back, and abdomen.


If you’ve been wondering whether SmartLipo or traditional liposuction is for you, contacting our clinic is the best way to find out for yourself. It can be difficult to make the decision based on information online, this is why we provide one-on-one consultations with Dr. Gartner and his team to develop the most appropriate and accurate treatment plan specifically for you.

To learn more, contact us and we would be happy to set up your first appointment at Gartner Plastic Surgery in New Jersey!


A round, firm, and appealing buttocks is a desired physical characteristic – sadly, not everyone is born with a perfectly round, and firm body part. We at Gartner Plastic Surgery have seen an increase in the number of requests for the Brazilian butt lift in New Jersey. We employ the most sophisticated procedures to produce an appealing form and size using your own fat cells, with the outcome being undoubtedly the finest Brazilian Butt Lift New Jersey has to offer. We often get the same question asked from our patients “what is the cost of a BBL in New Jersey?” and we’re here to tell you everything there is to know.


To start off your brazilian butt lift journey, you first need to find out if you’re a candidate. In order to be considered for the procedure, the patient’s BMI must be within normal range. The Body Mass Index (BMI) is calculated by dividing a person’s weight in kilograms by the square of their height in meters. It is possible that a high BMI is an indication of how much fat is contained in the body. The body mass index (BMI) may be used to check for weight categories that may contribute to health concerns and to assess an individual’s general health.


If you have any of the following, a Brazilian butt lift is an excellent option for you.

  • Buttocks that aren’t too big or proportionate to the rest of your body
  • Buttocks that are flat
  • Buttocks that are saggy


In this process, healthy fat cells are harvested from another part of your body where you have an overabundance, such as your belly, thighs, or love handles. The procedure takes around 1-2 hours. Using a mild kind of liposuction, the fat cells are not harmed in any way throughout the removal procedure.

Because the region from which the fat is harvested will be numbed, the operation is not unpleasant, and many patients choose to have intravenous sedation to provide even more comfort throughout the surgery. This stage of the treatment is carried out with great delicacy and care, since the objective is to retain as many healthy cells as possible, so that they may thrive in their new position when the surgery is over.

Once harvested, the fat cells are refined and injected into the upper area of your buttocks to provide volume and lift to your appearance. The following are the stages involved in the procedure:

  • You come to the location for your Brazilian butt lift dressed in loose and comfortable clothing.
  • The area that will be treated will be prepared.
  • In this procedure, fat cells are gently taken from a body location where there is an overabundance, such as the thighs, waist, or upper back.
  • The fat will be refined.
  • Fat cells from the top area of the buttocks are carefully injected in many layers to give the buttocks a rounder and more lifted appearance.
  • You are free to return to your home to relax and recover post-surgery.


When patients choose to undergo butt lift surgery, they are in most cases unaware of how the procedure itself will play-out. You will just lay down on a treatment bed while the fat cells in your thighs, waist, or upper back are gently and slowly removed – this will be a region of your body that will benefit from being thinned and trimmed down. You and Dr. Gartner will have already discussed this during your consultation prior to surgery. In the next step, the fat is purified in order to eliminate anything else other than fat cells. Once this is accomplished, the fat is injected into the upper portion of your buttocks using a sophisticated method in layering in order to get the maximum amount of enlargement.


The recovery process after a brazilian butt lift will differ from one patient to the next, this is depending on the severity of your surgery. You will return home following the procedure, but you should make arrangements for a friend or family member to drive you home since you must avoid putting pressure on the treated region while you are driving. It’s important to take regular, mild walks to keep your blood flowing and to speed up your recuperation time. You will not experience significant discomfort, but you will be prescribed pain medicine to help you through the first several days. Some swelling and numbness are common and will subside within a few hours.


Since the aim is for as many of the transplanted fat cells to become viable in your buttocks as possible, you must avoid applying pressure to the region and must sit in a precise manner to allow them to settle into the new location. Pre-treatment, we will go over all of your aftercare instructions with you so that you are completely prepared for the treatment itself.

Despite the short amount of time it takes to recuperate, the results are definitely worth it: you will finally have the rounded and raised buttocks you’ve always desired, thanks to a procedure that uses cells from your own body and so poses no danger of rejection. The little incisions where the fat was taken will heal rapidly, and we will offer you with detailed instructions on how to care for these areas when they have healed completely.


The fat cells that thrive are normally approximately 60% of the total, and they remain throughout the remainder of the recovery process. Your freshly increased buttocks will retain their rounded, lifted appearance for as long as you keep a healthy lifestyle and maintain an appropriate weight for your height and body type.


Now onto the question that we are often asked by our patients, how much will your butt lift cost you. At Gartner Plastic Surgery, we provide the most sophisticated procedures and surgeries NJ has to offer for our patients, all of which are done in our private, luxurious clinic where you will feel cared for, catered to, and comfortable throughout your procedure. The cost of the improvement varies depending on the requirement, but the typical cost to execute the enhancement is in the range of $10,500 to $14,000 on average.


Because each Brazilian Butt Lift surgery entails a highly-customized treatment plan based on the patient’s specific requirements and objectives, the cost of a Brazilian Butt Lift might vary from one location to another. Dr. Gartner must take into account a number of considerations while evaluating the cost, including the following:

  • The number of locations that have been treated with liposuction.
  • The amount of fat that has to be gathered and then moved to the buttocks.
  • The procedure’s complexity and/or duration.
  • The expense of anesthesia for your surgery.
  • Dressings for the post-operative period.
  • Medication for the post-operative period.
  • Fees for using the facility.

Your session will conclude with you receiving an itemized cost quote that outlines the total cost of your treatment. Dr. Gartner provides cosmetic surgery financing options to those who are interested in making the expense of a Brazilian Butt Lift more affordable. Our friendly and skilled office staff can explain these alternatives in further detail and walk you through the process of applying online.


Looking for a total body transformation? To further improve the contouring results of a Brazilian Butt Lift, it may be simply coupled with a number of treatments. Abdominoplasty, popularly known as a belly tuck, and fat transfer for breast augmentation are two of the most frequent surgeries that patients select. Both of these will improve the patient’s hourglass figure.


Although abdominal liposuction may assist shape and reduce the stomach, it won’t help with extra skin. Patients who have lost a substantial amount of weight or who have recently been pregnant may not have enough natural elasticity in their skin to achieve the desired toned shape. A stomach tuck will be required to remove extra skin and tighten core muscles for a more sculpted abdomen.


In a similar way to the Brazilian Butt Lift, fat grafting may be done to augment the size of the breasts by utilizing natural fat from the body. In this procedure, liposuction is utilized to gather fat from other regions of the body, which is then used to enlarge the breasts. This non-surgical breast augmentation treatment may enhance the size of the breasts by one cup size.


It is critical that you have a consultation as part of your transformation process. You’ll meet with Dr. Gartner to learn more about the many choices available to you to help you attain the appearance you want.

A Brazilian butt lift may not be the best option for you, and an alternative may be more appropriate. You’ll discuss the following topics during your initial consultation:

  • How Brazilian buttlift surgery is performed on the buttocks area.
  • The risks that are associated with this type of surgery.
  • The objectives that you have set for yourself and the surgery.
  • Your medical history will be reviewed.
  • Dr. Gartner’s background and qualifications will be provided to you.
  • Any and all questions you have will also be a priority.

In order to assess if a Brazilian butt lift is right for your cosmetic goals, you must first determine whether the advantages exceed the negatives in order to get the best possible outcomes. In addition, you will be provided with a quote for your surgical procedure that will include a breakdown of the cost.


Dr. Gartner is one of the most experienced and board-certified plastic surgeons in the New Jersey area, with over 20 years of expertise. He has a stellar reputation in the medical world – as well as among his patients.

In addition to having favorable comments and results from his patients in the past, he is one of the most well regarded cosmetic surgeons in the country who specializes in this technique.


Gartner Plastic Surgery and Laser Center is led by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Gartner, who blends creativity, technology, and research to provide the greatest level of service and outcomes.

Our state-of-the-art facility includes a surgical center that is specifically built to provide the highest level of patient safety and comfort. Among the many surgical cosmetic treatments that Dr. Gartner has performed in the past, he continues to strive to provide advanced and unique techniques to his patients.

Your procedure will be individually tailored to match your exact requirements. Having a negative attitude about your buttocks area because of its size or form may have a negative impact on how you feel about your overall body. It also has an influence on the kind of wardrobe you pick as well as the way things fit. At Gartner Plastic Surgery, however, there are a variety of modern buttock augmentation procedures that may help you achieve a more round and proportional look.

If you’re thinking about getting a buttlift, the first step is to contact our New Jersey clinic to set up a consultation with Dr. Gartner.


Despite the fact that a precise estimate of the cost of a buttlift cannot be provided without first meeting with Dr. Gartner, we are convinced that this is a minor price to pay for the results you want.

During your initial consultation with Dr. Gartner, you will discuss your aesthetic objectives, concerns, and ask any questions you may have concerning the treatment. In order to decide if you are a good candidate for buttock augmentation, our expert plastic surgeon will analyze your medical history, assess your physical condition, and do a physical examination.

Find out whether a butt lift is suitable for you. Contact Gartner Plastic Surgery and Laser Center to learn more about buttock augmentation and book your personal butt lift consultation. We look forward to meeting with you and making your dream results come to life.


We can safely assume that if you’re a New Jersey resident who’s considering using Smart Lipo to get rid of persistent, undesirable fat deposits that simply won’t go away with diet and exercise, then you want that fat gone for good! Will the effects of Smart Lipo, on the other hand, be permanent? If you gain weight or become older, would that stubborn fat come back on your body? Read this blog article by Dr. Gartner, a cosmetic surgeon in New Jersey, to discover more about Smart Lipo and how long the benefits persist after the procedure.


The advantages of Smart Lipo go above and beyond those of standard liposuction, and include the following:

  • Sculpts regions of excess fat
  • Extends and improves the outcomes compared to those from standard liposuction treatments
  • Tightening the treated regions by stimulating collagen production
  • Recovery period is less than with standard liposuction
  • Most people are candidates for this type of procedure.

When it comes to the Smart Lipo treatment, someone who is healthy, fit, and at or near their desired body weight is an excellent candidate for Smart Lipo, just as they would for standard liposuction. It is especially beneficial for those who have localized deposits of fat on their thighs, waist, back, and stomach, as well as on sensitive places like the chin, neck, and ankles, to use this liposuction method.


Smart Lipo differs from our other forms of liposuction in that it uses a laser to perform the procedure. Smart Lipo is a minimally invasive procedure that employs a small, laser-tipped cannula to liquefy undesirable fat without hurting nearby tissues. The fat may either be permitted to be eliminated naturally by the body or readily suctioned away using a cannula to remove it. In addition, the laser light closes blood vessels, resulting in less bruising, and stimulates collagen in the surrounding tissues to contract, resulting in enhanced tightness of the treated regions.

A local anesthetic may be used in many circumstances while doing Smart lipo for our New Jersey patients, according to Dr. Gartner experience. Depending on the amount of places being treated, the procedure might take up to an hour to complete.

Smart Lipo produces outstanding results both as a stand-alone procedure and when combined with other liposuction techniques. Following Smart Lipo, you will see recovery and positive results.


Recovery period with Smart Lipo is often shorter than it is following standard liposuction alone. The majority of patients take between one and seven days off work. Strenuous activities should be avoided for approximately a week, although walking and other mild exercises may help you recuperate more rapidly in the short-term. You may need to wear a compression wrap or garment for around 2 weeks in order to reduce swelling and facilitate healing.

Within a week, your smaller appearance will begin to take shape as the regions tighten up and the swelling diminishes. Over the next several weeks, the situation will continue to improve in certain areas.


The outcomes of Smart Lipo are similar to those of regular liposuction in that they may endure for many years to come. This requires continued attention to one’s food and way of living. Many patients who have had a fat-reduction treatment claim that their drive to eat healthier and exercise has increased as a result of their newfound appreciation for their new body shape.

The way your body is contoured by the Smart Lipo laser will stay unchanged, regardless of whether you gain or lose weight in the future or if you experience the natural aging process.


Patients undergoing Smart Lipo are recommended to maintain their post-operative weight in order to achieve the greatest potential cosmetic outcomes. However, cosmetic surgeons like Dr. Gartner of New Jersey are well aware that this is not always achievable. Don’t be concerned if you gain a few pounds following your Smart Lipo Procedure. As long as you don’t gain more than 10 pounds, you’re unlikely to detect a significant change in your physique, particularly in the region that has been sculpted with the Smart Liposuction laser.

Even if you acquire more than 10 pounds as a result of a Smart Lipo surgery, it is improbable that you would recover that weight in the region where you had Smart Lipo performed. Suppose you had Smart Lipo done on your abdomen and gained 10lbs or more. You are more likely to acquire that extra weight in your thighs, breasts, and face than you are to gain it in your stomach.


Many people in New Jersey are curious about whether or not the fat that has been removed by Smart Lipo will ever come back. The answer is most of the time- no! There will be no regrowth of fat after it has been eliminated. Although it is unlikely, if you have residual fat in a treatment location such as your belly, it is conceivable that those fat cells may grow in size if you gain weight. So, although it is possible to gain weight in the region that has had Smart Lipo, you will still have a more contoured physique in that area compared to what you had before having the procedure done.


Many women in New Jersey are anxious that a future pregnancy may undo the effects of their Smart Lipo Procedure, and they are not alone. There is no need to be concerned about this. You will be able to return to your pre-pregnancy body contour as long as you lose the weight, or at least the majority of the weight, that you gained during pregnancy. However, you may experience normal side effects of pregnancy, such as sagging skin or stretch marks, and may require additional plastic surgery procedures to achieve the body you desire.


A patient’s inherent skin elasticity at the time of therapy determines the degree of skin tightening that is attainable with Smart Lipo treatment. By liquefying fat cells before extracting them with a small cannula, laser liposuction utilizing the Smart Lipo technology is intended to make it easier to remove resistant fat deposits from the body. Because of the modest amount of heat emitted by the laser probe, it is possible that collagen may compress somewhat. Patients who have a substantial loss of elasticity will need a supplemental procedure such as abdominoplasty in addition to other lift techniques in order to tighten their skin more.


Smart Lipo and BodyTite have both been authorized by the FDA for fat removal. Both are intended to dissolve fat cells in specific areas while also gently heating dermal tissue for a subtle tightening of the skin. Smart Lipo is a kind of liposuction that uses laser technology. Fat cells that have been liquefied are manually extracted throughout the procedure. The heat created by the Smart Lipo device is modest, and it is unlikely to result in significant skin tightening as a result of it. The results of fat loss, on the other hand, are considerable.

BodyTite is not a liposuction method in the traditional sense. A nonsurgical fat-reduction and skin-tightening procedure, it is best summarized as follows: A minor incision is required for this technique in order to heat the superficial fatty tissue. Over time, as a consequence of this heating, the body flushes out the “damaged” fat cells, resulting in a reduction in the circumference of the treated region. It is possible that the skin tightening effects of BodyTite will be more significant than those of Smart Lipo since radiofrequency radiation is released from two parallel probes during the procedure, one internal and one exterior. If a patient wants greater fat loss, he or she must choose between more skin tightening and more fat reduction.


The majority of patients just need a single Smart Lipo treatment to attain the desired outcomes. This is due to the fact that Smart Lipo eliminates fat in the same way as conventional liposuction, but with the addition of a laser-assisted approach.


Smart Lipo may leave no visible scars in the treated region, depending on the extent of the procedure. In certain cases, a tiny incision is performed right inside the belly button to get the desired result. Lower abdomen therapy may be carried out through incisions that are tucked behind the bikini line to minimize visibility.


We’re often asked if anesthesia is needed for this type of procedure as it is considered a cosmetic treatment at our clinic. An hour is generally all that it takes to perform the Smart Lipo treatment. The use of a local anesthetic is all that is required to keep the patient comfortable unless the fat-reducing treatment is combined with another body-contouring approach, such as abdominoplasty. It is customary for combination treatments to be conducted under general anaesthetic.


The use of laser-assisted liposuction was studied extensively prior to FDA approval, with Smart Lipo displaying a very high success rate in terms of both safety and effectiveness in both clinical and research investigations. Patients had up to a 17 percent reduction in fat in the target region and required very little time to recover after their procedure. There have been no reports of significant injuries.

At Gartner Plastic Surgery in New Jersey, our patients ask us if Smart Lipo can be painful, regardless of it being a safe procedure. When doing Smart Lipo procedures, the anesthetic utilized to keep the patient comfortable is adequate. It is essential, however, that the procedure be carried out by a board-certified cosmetic surgeon for instance, Dr. Gartner who has particular knowledge with the Smart Lipo technology. Dr. Gartner places a high priority on patient comfort in addition to achieving excellent outcomes.


The first step in achieving your aesthetic objectives is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Gartner, who treats patients across the New York and New Jersey region. Our team relishes the opportunity to spend one-on-one time with you to better understand your aims and provide their expert advice on the processes that will be most beneficial to you in the long run.

If you decide to proceed with Smart Lipo therapy or any surgical procedure, the consultation will be your best option to get started in order to determine an appropriate treatment plan specialized for you.


In his practice, Dr. Gartner is a double board-certified plastic surgeon with vast expertise in both cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries. Dr. Gartner stays up to date with the most recent innovations in aesthetic cosmetic surgery, ensuring that he is on the cutting edge of advances not only in the United States, but also in other countries.Smart Lipo is a procedure in which you can anticipate to be handled with exceptional competence and tailored, high-quality care when you come to our facility.


You can reach our Gartner Plastic Surgery and Laser center specialists in New Jersey at (201) 546-1890 if you’re thinking about having a Smart Lipo treatment performed at our clinic.

Our team will gladly answer your questions about the procedure and any additional information that you would like to know about our Smart Lipo treatments. Your transformation is one call away- we can’t wait to hear from you!



Happy patient
I had a breast augmentation and my results are amazing. They look so natural nobody can tell. I am so happy my friend referred him and she is too!
Happy patient
Dr Gartner is amazing!!! I had a mommy makeover and I love my results, its an incredible transformation. Dr Gartner and his staff are extremely professional and he is a true artist.
Happy patient
I am so happy with my new face. I was at my daughter’s wedding and I felt great. I look 15 years younger. I had a face lift 8 months ago. The recovery was quick and the results were instant.
Happy patient
Gartner Plastic Surgery is the best practice you can go to. The team of office staff, nurses and patient care coordinators are the best in the business.
Happy patient
I had a breast lift under local anesthesia and it was amazing. I was comfortable through the procedure and afterwards. Staff is excellent and friendly.
Happy patient
I had a breast augmentation and my results are amazing. They look so natural nobody can tell. I am so happy my friend referred him and she is too!
Happy patient
Dr Gartner is amazing!!! I had a mommy makeover and I love my results, its an incredible transformation. Dr Gartner and his staff are extremely professional and he is a true artist.

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