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Your plastic surgeon will advise you to avoid heavy lifting and strenuous workouts after a breast augmentation in NYC. Many people wonder what exact weight specifications apply to their own restrictions. Most patients are given a strict two-week timeframe to avoid all weight-bearing with their arms. 10 pounds is the limit, but the mechanics of lifting and using your chest and arm muscles matter too. Your plastic surgeon can help you develop modified techniques to safely manage your children and household tasks.


Everyone’s skin elasticity and breast size affect their results after a breast augmentation. Each person also chooses different breast implant volumes. Depending on your skin, and the breast implants you prefer, you can expect some tightness until tissues slowly relax and expand after surgery. Many women experience a temporary loss of sensation following breast augmentation due to pressure and nerves affected by surgery. You can expect significant softening throughout the first two months following surgery and another 6-12 months before all sensation returns to normal.


With breast reduction surgery becoming increasingly popular in New York recent years, many potential candidates are wondering if there is an optimal age for having the surgery.

As with any surgery, breast reduction also comes with potential risks. For those considering plastic surgery in the New York area, it is important to consider these risks when deciding if it is the right time to undergo the procedure.


Generally, risks of breast reduction surgery include decreased sensation or loss of sensation in the nipple, infection, poor wound healing, asymmetry and the death of fat tissue in the breast. Very rarely there may be a complication resulting in death of the skin on the nipple, which results in subsequent removal of the nipple.

However, in general, most complications to be expected with breast reduction are minor and temporary.

There have been reports that found a correlation between a trend of higher infection rate and poor wound healing and women who underwent the procedure in their 40s and 50s. Based on these findings, it appeared that women over age 50 had a higher rate of post-operative complications, when compared to their younger counterparts. It was also noted that women on hormone replacement therapy tended to fare better, whereas those who had a hysterectomy fared worse, suggesting that declining estrogen levels might play a role in poor healing.


For younger women, opting for breast reduction surgery, difficulty in breast feeding is a common concern. The verdict on this is still undecided, because although some studies have indicated a lower rate of breast-feeding success after reduction surgery, others have indicated a rate is similar to that of women in the general population.

Judging by the potential complications, logic may conclude that there is indeed an ideal age for the surgery — after childbearing, to eliminate worries about breast-feeding complications, but before the hormonal decline of menopause. However, medical experts claim that it does not work this way. They state that rather than looking for a cut-off age, instead, women should ask themselves whether they are healthy candidates to begin with.


Typically, breast reduction is designed for women who are in overall good health, both physically and psychologically. Some medical conditions, such as cancer and severe obesity, may make the surgery unsafe. Candidates who are in good health, regardless of their age, should generally be able to enjoy the physical and emotional benefits of breast reduction surgery without serious complications.

In order to minimize risk and complications it is also important to select a well-reputed and reliable surgeon. Dr. Michael Gartner is fully certified as a plastic surgeon by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is also fully certified as a general surgeon by the American Board of Surgery. He is one of the few plastic surgeons in the country who have Double Board Certification.

Breast reduction surgery is routinely performed both in the Manhattan office as well as both of the New Jersey locations.

As one of the most popular plastic surgeons in New York, Dr. Gartner’s practice specializes in breast reduction procedures and it remains one of their most rewarding treatments.


A number of cosmetic treatments are available for women who are interested in enhancing and accentuating their bust line and body contour. These include the popular breast augmentation, (otherwise known as a “boob job”) Mastopexy, (breast lift) procedure, and breast reduction. The technique you choose will depend on the specific aesthetic goals that you have.

All three procedures are offered in the Gartner Plastic Surgery and Laser Center, located in both Manhattan and New Jersey, New York. These specialized procedures can help patients deal with separate concerns. We have briefly outlined the three procedures below.


breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that serves the purpose of increasing breast size with the use of implants or autologous fat tissue. Implants can either be saline or silicone cohesive gel, with saline carrying a slightly lower cost, however, saline implants have a higher risk of leaking and therefore, more women choose the use of silicone gels. There are a number of benefits for a breast augmentation, including:

  • A wide variety of implants and augmentation techniques that can help women achieve the final body contour that they desire
  • Scarring is minimal and often placed in an inconspicuous area
  • Breast sizes increase after the procedure, either dramatically or subtly dependent on the patient’s goals

If a patient seeking a breast augmentation procedure also has an issue with breast ptosis or sagging, the augmentation itself will not correct this problem because it does not reposition the nipples. Rather, in such circumstances, it will be necessary to perform both a breast augmentation and a breast lift. This can be in conjunction during a single operation or in separated surgeries.


A breast lift is a surgical procedure designed to lift and reshape the breasts and nipples for a completely new body contour. It differs from a breast augmentation because a mastopexy alone does not add volume to increase breast size. Instead, a breast lift reshapes, tightens and lifts sagging breasts by removing excess skin and repositioning the nipples. Due to the repositioning of breasts, the breast lift procedure can provide additional cleavage but has not actually enlarged the breasts in any way. There are some clear benefits associated with having a breast lift:

  • Breasts that sag or droop will be corrected to look perkier and firmer
  • Repositioning of nipples can give a more youthful look
  • Firmer breasts will lead to the illusion of a younger body contour

Unfortunately, the increased necessity of incisions and scars associated with mastopexy can be a drawback.

As mentioned above, a breast lift can be done in conjunction with a breast augmentation as a treatment strategy for rejuvenated breasts. However, breast lifts can also go hand-in-hand with breast reduction procedures. This is because a breast lift typically requires the removal of breast skin as seen in breast reduction. The two procedures require the same techniques and incisions.


Another breast enhancing cosmetic procedure is a breast reduction. This is a surgery that decreases the size and weight of one’s breasts, lifts and reshapes the breasts, elevates the nipples and reduces the areola size. It is often done for women who experience physical discomfort caused by large breasts. The contour of the body can be improved after a breast reduction because the breasts are brought into better proportion and balance with the body, leading to increased confidence and comfort.

The surgical procedure uses the same techniques and incisions as a breast lift procedure. Breast tissue, fat and excessive skin are removed. Liposuction may or may not be employed in the area, as well as under the arm to further add definition to the breasts. Then the nipple and areola are placed at a higher position on the breast to create a perkier, yet natural look.

If you are interested in enhancing your body contour by correcting your breasts, we would love to schedule a consultation for you to meet with Dr. Gartner. Together, we can discuss your concerns, answer questions and determine the best plan to achieve your aesthetic goals.


Breast reduction surgery is an increasingly popular procedure among both men and women in the New York area.

One of the most common reasons people, particularly women, elect for the surgery is due to the problems caused by disproportionately large breasts. Large breasts are generally heavy and tend to cause physical discomfort and chronic pain in the lower back, waist or neck. Due to the excess amount of strain on the back caused by enlarged breasts, if they are not corrected, there may be serious long-term implications.


Dr. Gartner, one of the leading plastic surgeons in New York, specializes in breast reduction surgery, for both men and women. For those considering the procedure, it is important to understand the pros and cons associated with it.

To begin, breast reduction surgery is a usually a completely safe and effective procedure. However, choosing a highly qualified surgeon, such as Dr. Gartner, who is a world renowned as an innovator in the field of aesthetic plastic surgery is the best way to ensure the utmost protection and optimal results.


Breast reduction surgery is an effective way to alleviate the chronic back, shoulder and neck pain associated with having large breasts. As a result, patients are able to enjoy not only the physical benefits of the surgery, but the emotional benefits as well.

Another consequence of having larger breasts is that they tend to cause skin irritations where the breasts rub on the upper abdomen as well as irritation that exists in the breast folds (intertrigo). A reduction in breast size tackles the root cause of the skin irritation and alleviates the associated discomfort.

For many, large breasts may also be a source of self-consciousness and lead to body image issues and depression. By reducing breast size, these individuals are able to improve their emotional wellbeing by boosting self-confidence and thereby experience an improvement in their quality of life.

On the flip side, if the breast reduction surgery is not performed correctly and by a reputable plastic surgeon, serious health issues or complications such as infections may result.


It should also be noted that, breast reduction surgery might hinder woman’s ability to breastfeed as it tends to make the nipple numb in some cases.

It is important to note that, again, choosing the right clinic is of utmost importance when undergoing any surgery, particularly breast reduction, in order to minimize risks. In some cases, if the surgery is not performed well, there may be more intense scarring as well as a long and painful recovery period.

Dr. Gartner is known as one of the best plastic surgeons in the New York area and operates one of the top 10 plastic surgery clinics in the region. As a plastic surgeon, he has been able to refine his surgical techniques to provide a less invasive approach, so patients do not have to deal with lengthy, uncomfortable recovery periods and downtime.

Furthermore, the clinic itself is a state-of-the-art facility that houses the most advanced surgical technologies in the medical aesthetic field. Dr. Gartner and his team at Gartner Plastic Surgery and Laser Center, take great measures in providing the utmost level of care during each treatment. Rest assured, breast reduction is one of the most rewarding cosmetic procedures performed at this state-of-the-art surgical facility.


The breasts may naturally sag over time due to factors such as weight changes, pregnancies, skin elasticity changes and gravity. Breast ptosis is a medical term to describe nipples which have descended to, or lower than the inframammary crease. A surgical solution for this issue is a Mastopexy or, breast lift procedure, which allows for repositioning of areolas and removal of excess breast skin to create a perky, new shape.  In New York, the Gartner Plastic Surgery and Laser Center is an excellent choice for body rejuvenation procedures, including breast lift.

Many people ask, how long do the results of a breast lift last?

Some plastic surgeons would suggest that the benefits of a breast lift never fade, however some theories suggest that tissue quality issues which initially caused the breast ptosis can further contribute to sagging of the breast over time. The truth is, the longevity of the breast lift results depends on both patient’s anatomy and surgical factors.

Key patient factors that contribute to a shorter duration of breast lift results include:

Women with poor skin tone due to age, genetics, sun exposure etc. have an increased risk of breast sagging at some point after a breast lift procedure compared to those with good skin tone. Patients who experience fluctuations in weight, as well as future pregnancies, are also likely to see a recurrence of breast ptosis.

  • Individuals with medical conditions that affect skin quality and tone such as diabetes, or those who smoke and have suffered sun-damaged skin, will likely have poor skin tone and reduced elasticity. Therefore, breasts may show signs of drooping.
  • Weight gain and loss can significantly impact the results of any cosmetic procedure because it can cause stretching and shrinking of tissues. Therefore, to maintain the long-lasting results of a breast lift surgery, it is advised to carefully control and monitor calorie intake both post-op and for the long term.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding requires dramatic hormonal changes in a woman’s body, so it can significantly impact the appearance of breast tissue, even after a breast lift surgery. Medical professionals will typically recommend mothers to wait until they are finished expanding their families before undergoing a breast lift procedure in order to maintain the long-lasting results.

Women with larger breast sizes either naturally or due to implants, will also have an increased risk of breast ptosis occurring sooner after a successful breast lift surgery compared to another patient with small breasts. This is due to the natural phenomenon of gravity and lack of proper support.

  • For those who frequently engage in exercise or have ill-fitting bras, a lack of support can cause descent and sagging of breast tissue. Be sure to acquire professional bra-fitting and wear supportive bras to help preserve the appearance of the breast lift.

Aside from patient factors, there are also contributing factors from the surgical procedure itself that affect how long the results from a breast lift will last. These include the breast lift technique used and whether the breasts were reduced in size or enlarged with implants at the time.

  • If the breast lift technique is only reliant on lifting the areolas alone, the results are less likely to last for a long time. Typically, a breast lift surgery that includes reshaping and repositioning of tissue produces much more permanent results.
  • The longevity of a breast lift can also be reduced if a breast implant was placed at the same time because the additional weight leads to increased effects from gravity. If a patient reduced the size of breasts during the surgery, the opposite applies, and the results may be longer-lasting.

In general, the results from a breast lift should last for many years, however, individual results may vary and it should be expected that the breasts will experience the effects of aging and gravity, over long periods of time.


Those who whose breasts are disproportionately large or heavy for their body, often experience a variety of physical and emotional issues, including chronic pain in the base of the neck, back and shoulders. For many women, reducing the size of overly large breasts also serves to increase self-confidence and consequently improve emotional well being. Traditionally, breast reduction surgery has been associated with women, however, in recent years, increasing numbers of men are also turning to breast reduction as a means to achieve a more chiselled and contoured chest.

For those considering breast reduction surgery in the New York area, a good starting point is to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure.

Dr. Gartner is one of the most sought-after plastic surgeons in New York and specializes in breast reduction surgery, which is performed at his Manhattan clinic as well as both of the New Jersey locations.

Regardless of age, a good candidate for breast reduction surgery is typically one who is in overall good health, both physically and psychologically. Some medical conditions, such as cancer and severe obesity, may make the surgery unsafe.

The best results, both physically and emotionally are usually experienced by patients who have struggled with the discomfort of large and heavy breasts throughout their lives. Those who are experiencing back, shoulder or neck pain associated with overly large breasts also usually have difficulty finding clothes that fit well, and are often self-conscious. Such patients tend to find the surgery most rewarding since much of the pain and discomfort are alleviated by the procedure.

The surgery is not recommended for those who are pregnant or breastfeeding as well as planning to have children in the immediate future. A history of irregular mammograms may also be inhibitory when it comes to getting a breast reduction.

A good candidate for the surgery is one who is aware of the potential risks and complications related to the procedure. It is also important to have realistic expectations when it comes to the results and the recovery period. Dr. Gartner is known for his meticulous approach to plastic surgery and ensures that all of the important considerations are discussed with patients during their consultation, in order to allow a fully informed decision.

It should be noted, that someone who is considered a good candidate for a particular type of breast reduction, might not be an ideal candidate for another type.

For example, for patients considering scar-less breast reduction, the breasts must be primarily composed of fatty tissue. This technique is typically used to reduce the breast size by a couple of cup sizes. For patients with a lot of glandular tissue, the vertical breast reduction technique is more suitable, and results in a more drastic reduction.

As one of the most renowned plastic surgeons in the New Jersey area, rest assured, breast reduction is one of the most rewarding cosmetic procedures performed at Dr. Gartner’s state-of-the-art surgical facility. Each patient is individually assessed in a consultation to determine if they are indeed a good candidate for the procedure.


For those who have decided to undergo breast reduction surgery, the transformation will be exciting, but it is extremely important to follow the set of pre-surgery instructions that will be provided.

As one of the most meticulous plastic surgeons in New York, Dr. Gartner provides all his patients with a list of comprehensive instructions, which are designed to help patients prepare for the surgery and make recovery smooth and fast.

Although breast reduction surgery is an extremely safe and common procedure, it is still considered a major surgery. Therefore, it is important to understand how to prepare for it.

For those patients who are smokers, it is advised to stop smoking at least two weeks before surgery, and after. This is because smoking can affect healing by depriving the tissues of essential oxygen, which will in turn increase the recovery time. For those who are unable to follow these guidelines, it is essential that they are at least not smoking up until the day of your operation, to avoid serious complications or postponing the procedure until they are smoke free. It is also advised to stop drinking alcohol a week prior to the procedure.

If patients are taking any prescription medicines, it is recommended to check with either the surgeon or GP directly if the medicine can be continued or should be stopped prior to the procedure, and if so, when it can be resumed. Generally, Aspirin and anti-inflammatories are not permitted, among several other ‘over the counter’ remedies.

As the day of the surgery draws nearer, it is recommended to make a ‘To Do’ list and have certain arrangements in place. For example, pack a bag of things that need to be brought along of the day of the operation as well as post-surgery arrangements.

Generally, one must ensure that they have a family member or friend available to bring them to and from the clinic, as it is unsafe to drive for around 48 hours following anesthesia.

During the recovery period, extra support with daily activities may be required; therefore it is recommended to have a support system in place to help with household chores, children, and pets. It may be helpful to stock up on groceries and have certain housework done prior to the surgery to ease the recovery period.

It is also advisable to stock up on medicines, bandages/dressings, antibacterial soap, ice packs and scar reducing creams. If your surgeon recommends using Arnica Gel and Bromelain then these should also be purchased beforehand

Since reaching down and bending is off limits for at least the first few days, it is suggested to place items that are used on a daily basis at hip level prior to the surgery.

For the day before the surgery, patients must have their last meal no later than midnight, as there is no eating or drinking permitted six hours before surgery.

As one of the leading plastic surgeons in the New Jersey area, Dr. Gartner has refined surgical techniques to make procedures less traumatic for the patient and reduce the length of the recovery period.

For example, it is the standard for general anaesthesia to be administered during such procedures as breast reduction. However, with the advanced techniques Dr. Gartner has designed, suitable patients may choose to have these procedures under local anaesthetic instead. This not only eliminates the risks related to general anaesthesia, it may also lead to far less pain and discomfort during recovery, and optimal results faster.


Breast reduction surgery in New York is a common procedure among both men and women. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), these surgeries have been on the rise in recent years, likely due to the potential health benefits that come from breast reduction, beyond the physical discomfort caused by large breasts.

Breast reduction, or “reduction mammoplasty”, creates better-shaped breasts that are more proportionate with the rest of the body. Dr. Gartner and his team of best in class plastic surgeons perform this surgery in their Manhattan office as well as the New Jersey locations.


Disproportionately large and heavy breasts tend to cause a host of problems due to excess weight on the chest, leading to pain in the neck shoulders and back as well. Breast reduction surgery works to alleviate the immediate discomfort of this excess weight on the chest, which also results in better posture.

For women, larger breasts also tend to cause skin irritations where the breasts rub on the upper abdomen as well as irritation that exists in the breast folds (intertrigo).

Bras are often uncomfortable as the strain of heavy breasts may cause painful indentations in the shoulders. Back pain, poor posture and neck aches are often caused by the added weight of large breasts. Chronic neck pain due to forward strain may cause headaches or migraines. Breast reduction surgery is able to alleviate most of these symptoms, making it an increasingly popular choice for those with large breasts.

There are also a plethora of emotional benefits of breast reduction surgery.


Many women complain of large and heavy breasts hindering their ability to exercise. Aerobic activity can often be uncomfortable and even painful, despite supportive sports bras, which in some cases lead to weight gain and consequent self-consciousness and depression. Additionally, numerous women seek breast reduction as a result of struggling with body image and feeling self conscious of their large breasts.


As a result of the surgery, these women often experience better overall self-esteem, improved mental health, and better quality of life. Another unexpected benefit of the surgery is improved sleep. This is primarily due to the fact that many sleep positions become uncomfortable due to the strain of added weight on the chest on muscles and tendons. When the excess tissue is removed through a breast reduction surgery, one is afforded more freedom to find a comfortable sleep position. The consequent improved quality of sleep leads to improve overall health and mental well being.


Dr. Gartner’s, one of the best plastic surgeons in the New York area, specializes in breast reduction surgery. As one of the few plastic surgeons in the country who has Double Board Certification, Dr. Gartner is world renowned as an innovator in the field of aesthetic plastic surgery. He has been able to refine his surgical techniques to provide a less invasive approach, so patients do not have to deal with lengthy, uncomfortable recovery periods and downtime.

For those considering plastic surgery in the New York area, it is reassuring to know that breast reduction continues to be one of the most rewarding cosmetic procedures performed at Dr. Gartner’s state-of-the-art surgical facility- Gartner Plastic Surgery and Laser Center – due to the immense benefits the surgery brings to patients, both physically and emotionally.


Waiting to see your results and try on new bras is exciting after a breast lift surgery, but it is also a critical time for your body to properly recover from the experience. Following the procedure, you will likely have gone home with a supportive garment for your new breasts. Usually after four to six weeks, the majority of swelling from the surgery has subsided and your breasts will have “dropped and fluffed”, meaning they have settled and obtained a more natural appearance.

At this point, our medical team at the Gartner Plastic Surgery and Laser Center in New York will give you the green light to go bra shopping for your new and improved breasts. Although there may still be some swelling present, it is a negligible amount by 6 weeks post op, and will not affect your new bra size. It is crucial to wait for instructions from your medical provider as wearing a regular bra too soon can cause irritation of sensitive tissues and prevent proper healing of the incisions.

When shopping for a new bra, we encourage our patients to take their time and enjoy the process. It is not uncommon that the size and style of bra needed has changed, so it is the perfect opportunity to try something new!

However, it is important to choose a proper fitting bra because the appropriate level of support for your breasts is imperative to maintaining the results from your breast lift surgery. If the proper support from a fitting bra is lacking, you may eventually experience sagging again along with backaches, shoulder aches, thinning skin and other associated problems.


Many women go through their lives without knowing that they are wearing an ill-fitted bra. A session designated for a professional bra fitting can solve this problem and all women can greatly benefit, especially those who have undergone a breast lift surgery. After a cosmetic procedure that treats the breasts, women will notice a slightly different feel, shape and size to their chest. Thus, a professional with experience can offer expertise in selecting the perfect bra that will provide the most appropriate level of support for you. They will also be able to recommend the styles that work the best for your new body shape.


One of the very first bras that you will likely want to buy after a breast lift is a supportive, soft-cup sports bra. These bras offer the extra support that is needed for your breasts to heal well and provide great comfort compared to a traditional bra.


You now have perkier, lifted breasts to complement your body contour, therefore it is the perfect time to try out something different that you may have shied away from in the past. When shopping for the new bras, play around with some unfamiliar colours and styles to see how they look now. You might be surprised to discover a new style that fits you well.



Happy patient
I had a breast augmentation and my results are amazing. They look so natural nobody can tell. I am so happy my friend referred him and she is too!
Happy patient
Dr Gartner is amazing!!! I had a mommy makeover and I love my results, its an incredible transformation. Dr Gartner and his staff are extremely professional and he is a true artist.
Happy patient
I am so happy with my new face. I was at my daughter’s wedding and I felt great. I look 15 years younger. I had a face lift 8 months ago. The recovery was quick and the results were instant.
Happy patient
Gartner Plastic Surgery is the best practice you can go to. The team of office staff, nurses and patient care coordinators are the best in the business.
Happy patient
I had a breast lift under local anesthesia and it was amazing. I was comfortable through the procedure and afterwards. Staff is excellent and friendly.
Happy patient
I had a breast augmentation and my results are amazing. They look so natural nobody can tell. I am so happy my friend referred him and she is too!
Happy patient
Dr Gartner is amazing!!! I had a mommy makeover and I love my results, its an incredible transformation. Dr Gartner and his staff are extremely professional and he is a true artist.

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