For those who have dreamed of shifting fat from their perceived problem regions to other parts of the body, a brazilian butt lift might be the solution for their problems. The process makes use of fat stored inside your own body to shape your backside into the shape you want. To understand more about the procedure, continue reading this article, or call the brazilian butt lift professionals at Gartner Plastic Surgery in greater central NJ to book a consultation…
A Brief Overview Of The Brazilian Buttlift’s History
Known as a brazilian butt lift, this procedure is a sophisticated fat transfer technique that enhances the size and contour of the buttocks without the use of implants. Liposuction is used to remove excess fat from the hips, abdomen, lower back, or thighs, and a part of this fat is then carefully injected into the buttocks to get the desired results.
With brazilian butt lift surgery, a trained cosmetic surgeon may improve the proportions of the whole lower body, assisting a patient in losing fat in frequent “problem areas” and enhancing the buttocks, with effects that endure for years.
How Brazilian Butt Lifts Are Conducted
There are several different sorts of cosmetic treatments available for the buttocks. In short, fat is displaced from the buttocks during the brazilian buttlift procedure, which may be accomplished by grafting or injection. Liposuction is a procedure in which your surgeon removes fat from other parts of your body, such as your abdomen, hips, or thighs. Once the fat has been prepared, it is transplanted into the desired regions on your buttocks. It differs from traditional butt lift operations, which lower the volume of your behind by removing extra fat and skin – often in patients who have lost a significant amount of weight would opt for that type of procedure.
What Are The Advantages Of A Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure?
Many benefits are available to ladies who prefer a more proportional form as well as increased buttock contours with the use of the brazilian butt lift procedures. When it comes to precise changes, diet and exercise are seldom as effective as personalized liposculpture and brazilian butt lifts are. Most of the time, genetics and obstinate fat distribution make it difficult for women to get the more feminine form and natural-looking curves that they want; this is particularly true in the buttocks. The following are some of the advantages of the brazilian butt lift procedure:
- Using liposculpture, unwanted fat may be removed from specific regions of the body, resulting in smoother, more slender outlines in the places where fat has been collected.
- The proportions of one’s body may be adjusted to a modest or large degree.
- Transferred fat may be used to produce a certain buttock form, size, and projection that the patient wants.
- Long-term benefits are achieved by using modern fat purifying procedures.
- Liposculpture may be used to contour the buttocks prior to the implantation of fresh fat for the best possible outcomes.
- Transferred fat may be used to elevate and fill up parts of the buttocks that have become deficient as a result of age-related changes in body composition.
- The final results are personalized to seem very smooth, soft, symmetrical, and natural in every aspect.
Safety Of Brazilian Buttlifts Procedures In NJ
Butt lifts are considered to be safe, while they do include certain risks, as do any surgical procedures. These are the most often reported adverse effects: bruising, asymmetry, edema, discomfort, and infection in the treated region. It is possible to reduce these risks by working with a trained and experienced surgeon such as Dr. Gartner in NJ and by following your aftercare instructions carefully.
Who Are Candidates For Brazilian Buttlifts
If you’re self-conscious about that part of your body, you could be a good candidate for a brazilian butt lift procedure. Along with being in excellent physical and mental condition, you should also have reasonable expectations for the treatment. If your weight has fluctuated up and down over time, or if you don’t have much extra fat in other regions, you aren’t as good of a candidate for this type of procedure in NJ. Consult with your doctor if you have a chronic health condition such as heart disease, depression, or diabetes, since these conditions might increase your risk of problems from the procedure. Again since every patient is different we always recommend getting a consultation with Dr. Gartner and talking about what kind of options you have regarding your treatment type.
How Is A Brazilian Butt Lift Performed?
The brazilian butt lift procedure at Gartner Plastic Surgery is often done in our approved surgery center on an outpatient basis under local anesthetic and sedation. Liposuction is used to remove excess fat cells from the belly, lower back, inner and outer thighs, and hips before the brazilian Butt Lift surgery may be performed. This enables the technique to be really customized to meet the specific requirements of each person. Before the buttocks region is enhanced, it is shaped using a contouring tool. It is then carefully re-injected into the region of each buttock that has been targeted for therapy after the fat has been extracted and purified. Normally this process is done by eliminating any excess fluid from it. The incisions made during the procedure are exceedingly tiny, and the scarring that results is often scarcely perceptible.
It is vital to note that Dr. Gartner does not just use liposuction to remove the fat away; instead, he employs high-definition liposculpting to get outstanding results. Anatomical contouring is done initially, with the help of the VASER ultrasonic cannulas, in order to define your shape and accentuate your natural features.
Getting Ready For A Brazilian Butt Lift In NJ
Choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon who works in an approved facility and has particular butt augmentation expertise is critical for a successful outcome.
In addition to being qualified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, board-certified Dr. Gartner has received specialized training as well as substantial experience doing brazilian buttlift procedures among other surgical procedures.
Always ask as many questions as you need to in order to feel comfortable with your choice to have a brazilian butt lift performed. You should also be informed of the expenses, recovery time, potential hazards, and other specifics of the surgery before scheduling an appointment.
Before having a brazilian butt lift, you may be requested to refrain from taking certain drugs, particularly blood thinners such as aspirin. Patients should avoid smoking before and after the treatment, since the habit might cause recovery to be slowed and put them at risk for additional issues, such as infection.
Finding The Right Size For You
The brazilian butt lift technique is often misunderstood, with many people believing that its only objective is to increase the buttocks as much as possible. In actuality, concentrating just on obtaining the “largest buttocks” via fat transfer to the buttocks may have the unintended consequence of distorting your total body proportions.
In the case of fat transfer to the buttocks, if you were to look at projected photographs of how you would want to appear after the procedure, you would most likely note that there would be a lovely natural curve of the lower back, around the hip area, and down the buttocks.
The construction of excessively huge buttocks with a brazilian butt lift is not required in order to achieve these delicate features. When it comes to improving the transition between the back and the buttocks, relatively little augmentation is usually necessary to provide a stunning result. It is possible to enhance the look of the buttocks in certain circumstances by lowering the size of the flanks and belly, which may be accomplished by liposuction.
Performing cosmetic surgery on one portion of the body, such as fat transfer to the buttocks, is sure to have an effect on the contours of the rest of the body. This is a benefit that our patients appreciate! The combination of treatments such as liposuction and the brazilian butt lift, which may be performed at the same time, has a fantastic synergistic effect, resulting in an enhanced appearance that seems natural-looking when executed correctly.
Results Of The Brazilian Butt Lift
It is possible that you may feel significant edema after your procedure. Because some of the fat injected dissolves, don’t be concerned if your buttocks seem to be bigger than you expected at first. Your final effects will become more visible when your body recovers and 15-35 percent of the fat melts, depending on your starting point. The results of a brazilian butt lift are often quite natural-looking, and most patients are glad that they chose to have the surgery done.
Variations On The Brazilian Butt Lift
Buttock augmentation is not always a single treatment that is carried out in the same method on every patient in the same way. In addition to fat transfer to the buttocks, there are a variety of other procedures that may be employed to generate stunning, natural-looking results.
A buttock lift may improve the look of drooping skin and tissue in the buttock area. While the brazilian butt lift technique may be used to enhance the buttocks, the lifting procedure is similar to the tummy tuck procedure in that a strip of skin is taken from the lower back region in order to raise the whole buttock.
Lifting may also be done on its own, without the need for fat transfer to the buttocks in order to improve shape.
Buttock contouring may be performed in conjunction with the brazilian buttlift surgery. This procedure includes the removal of excess fat from one or more regions of the buttocks and the transfer of fat to other places in order to improve the buttock’s natural, attractive curvature.
Learn More About Brazilian Butt Lift Procedures In NJ
Fat transfer to the buttocks and liposuction are only two of the procedures offered at Gartner Plastic Surgery as well as we offer plenty more to ensure we can achieve the exact results that you’re looking for.
The ultimate aim of any procedure or combination of procedures—whether a brazilian butt lift or another kind of surgery—is to have a physique that gives you a sense of pride and confidence in yourself.
Our team at Gartner Plastic Surgery understands the importance of feeling and looking your absolute best. If you have any questions or want to learn more about the brazilian butt lift procedure, contact our team and we would be happy to set you up with a one-on-one consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gartner!