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What is a Body Lift?

A good way to think about a body lift is like a full tune-up for your body.  It combines all of the most common post-weight-loss procedures–a tummy tuck, thigh lift, and butt lift–into one surgery. 

The surgery works to tighten skin, eliminate cellulite, and keep everything sculpted to look how you want it to.   There are reasons, however, to consider a body lift beyond recent weight loss, and it can do wonders for your self esteem. 

Why Might You Need One?

A body lift eliminates excess skin that may be inconvenient or unsightly.  There is nothing more disappointing than losing a ton of weight and still not being happy with your body.  That is where a body lift can really help.  After large amounts of weight loss, skin can begin to gather and show stretch marks.  However with a body lift, excess skin is taken up and hidden to give you the body you’ve always wanted.  Even if recent weight-loss isn’t your reason for inelastic skin, a body lift could still be right for you.  Age, sun damage, pregnancy, and genetic factors can cause poor skin elasticity that will result in sagging skin.

What About Liposuction?

Many people choose to receive a body lift following liposuction, as the sudden weight loss can cause skin to sag.  Whereas liposuction will get rid of the fat on your body, a body lift is more meant to make you look good after the fat has been eradicated.

The Procedure

As with any surgery, you should know exactly what will be happening to your body before it happens.  For a body lift, you’ll be placed under anesthesia and incisions will be made in a bikini-like pattern around your body to remove skin from your waist, groin, thigh, buttock, and abdomen.  Those incisions will then be closed by deep support sutures that aid in keeping everything together.

A body lift is typically quite expensive, but you’re going to be getting a lot for your money.  Surgical recovery isn’t always easy, and going in for each of these operations individually is going to cost you a lot not only in cash, but in the opportunity cost of missed work and opportunities.  Doing a large number of procedures at once consolidates your recovery time and sets you on the fast track to getting the body that you want.