find out everything you need to know about your chin implant options
Chin implants, also known as genioplasty, are a popular cosmetic surgery procedure designed to enhance the shape and size of the chin. The implants are made from medical-grade materials and come in various shapes and sizes to cater to individual needs and preferences. Chin implants are a great option for those looking to improve their facial profile and achieve a more balanced appearance.
During a chin implant procedure, a small incision is made either underneath the chin or inside the mouth to create a pocket for the implant. The implant is then carefully placed into the pocket, and the incision is closed with sutures. The procedure typically takes around one hour to complete, and most patients can return to their daily activities within a week.
Chin implants work by adding volume and definition to the chin, thereby enhancing the overall facial profile. They can also improve the appearance of a receding chin or a weak jawline, resulting in a more youthful and attractive look. Dr. Gartner also utilizes absorbable sutures which means that you won’t have to deal with the hassle of coming back to get your stitches removed, as they’ll disappear on their own.
Your chin is a crucial component of your facial profile, and an ill-proportioned chin can throw off the balance of your entire face. Luckily, chin implants can redefine your chin contour, giving you a more proportionate and harmonious look. Don’t let your chin hold you back from feeling confident in your appearance – reach out to our team to learn more about how chin implants can help you achieve the perfect profile.
Ideal Candidate
Chin augmentation with facial implants is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to reshape, resize, and enhance your chin for a more aesthetically pleasing improvement. You may be a suitable candidate for the surgery if you say yes to any of the following questions:
If think you’re a suitable candidate for cheek implant surgery, call Dr. Gartner to book your private medical consultation. It’s the only way to find out if the surgery is suitable for you.
Surgery Details
- Local or general anesthesia is administered.
- A small incision is made under the chin or inside the mouth. Through this incision, the chin implant is positioned directly on the bone.
- The implant is attached to your bone if necessary.
- The incision is closed with absorbable sutures and dressed.
- If you’ve had general anesthesia, you’ll be woken up and taken to the recovery room, where you’ll rest for a few hours under the watchful eye of Dr. Gartner and your dedicated recovery room nurses.
Your surgery will take about an hour or less.
Your surgery will be performed at our state-of-the-art surgical facility. Our facility is fully accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of ambulatory surgery facilities (AAAASF). AAAASF medicare certification is considered the gold standard in accreditation and one of the highest certifications any ambulatory center can obtain in the country.
However, the only way to know if you’re a suitable candidate for surgery is by talking to Dr. Gartner during your private medical consultation.
Your chin will have a better definition, giving you an improved profile.
Your consultation with Dr. Gartner is a private medical appointment that will give you the information you need to make an informed decision on your treatment. You’ll talk about your aesthetic goals and medical history to make sure chin augmentation with implants is safe.
- The implant may distort when the pectoral muscles are flexed, particularly if the muscles are highly developed (as is the case for athletes and body builders).
- More discomfort may be experienced because the chest muscle is affected.
- A lengthier recovery may be necessary.
Although you’ll experience some swelling and discomfort after your chin implant surgery, you’ll be thrilled to see an immediate improvement in your chin profile. While you’ll need to wait a couple of months for the swelling to fully subside, the result will be well worth the wait. In the meantime, you’ll need to wear bandages to protect the treated area and allow for proper healing.
You’ll be able to return to desk work in just a week or so after your surgery, but you’ll need to hold off on hitting the gym for about three weeks to ensure minimal bruising and swelling.
Once you’re fully recovered, you’ll love your new, more proportionate profile with a better chin definition. You may even notice that your nose looks more balanced about your new and improved chin.
Chin Augmentation With Implants
Chin augmentation with implants can achieve a harmonious improvement of your facial profile. However, there are some side effects and risks associated with the surgery that you should be aware of.
The most common side effects experienced by patients include bruising, swelling, numbness, and discomfort. These are all temporary and will go away while you recover. You may also feel nauseous as a result of the anesthesia.
Rare Complications
The following is a list of rare complications that may occur. The chance of any of these happening is very low. They may resolve on their own or a suitable medical treatment can be performed.
Nerve Damage
This can occur if the nerves in the area are bruised, stretched, or cut during surgery. It can adversely impact the sensation of your lower lip, chin, and jaw. Numbness may affect your ability to drink or make certain facial expressions.
Hematoma and Seroma
These are collections of fluid under the skin (a hematoma is a collection of blood while a seroma is a fluid). If these occur, you’ll notice dramatic bruising and swelling. While in some instances they will go away on their own, you may need to have them drained or surgically removed.
Infection is always a risk associated with surgery. When treated quickly, it can be effectively addressed with antibiotics alone. In severe cases, the implant may need to be demoed and replaced at a later time. However, Dr. Gartner maintains strict hygiene standards and stringent surgical practices that minimize your risk of infection.
Implant Displacement
When an implant is not properly affixed in place, there is a risk that it will shift and become displaced.
Implant Rejection
Rarely, implants may not “take” and be rejected.
Disappointing Results
Sometimes, the results of surgery are different from what a patient envisions. Revision surgery may be performed to address this. However, Dr. Gartner always talks to you at length about what improvement you’d like to achieve before your surgery to minimize this risk.
Surgery Preparation

The best thing that you can do to help make your surgical experience a more satisfying one is to follow the care instructions that are given to you by Dr. Gartner. The time before your surgery may be stressful, but following these instructions will better prepare your body for surgery, make it a smoother experience, and improve your rate of recovery.
Arrange for childcare since you probably won’t have the energy to take care of young children. Prepare food so you won’t have to cook in the days after surgery. Fill out all prescriptions and have them in a convenient location. Prepare the area in your home where you’ll spend your time recovering. Make sure you have pillows, blankets, comfortable clothing, books, and anything else you need nearby for your convenience. Clean the house since you won’t have the energy to do that as you’re recovering.
You’ll have to stop eating or drinking anything, including water, eight hours before your surgery. Take a shower the night before your surgery, using antibacterial soap. Do not apply any skincare products or makeup.
Arrive at our surgical facility wearing comfortable clothing. A button-up shirt is preferred since it’s easier to put it on or change out of. Make sure you have a trusted family member or friend who can take you home after your surgery is finished.
Right after your surgery, your breasts will appear larger than you may like and will have an odd appearance. They may look flattened out, your nipples may be pointing downward and there won’t be much fullness in the lower portion. This is because of two reasons: swelling and unsettled implants. Swelling (and bruising) is caused by the trauma of surgery and will decrease with time. Your implants will gradually drop into position as well with the force of gravity and natural tissue expansion, which occur to accommodate the additional volume of your implants. This happens over the course of a few months.
You’ll be advised to start wearing a bra two to four weeks after your surgery, depending on how fast your implants settle. During this time, if you dislike the appearance of your nipples through your clothing, silicone disc pasties can be worn to hide them. These are available at Victoria’s Secret, among other stores.
You’ll be able to take a shower the day after your surgery. Remove the ace wrap. Use mild soap on the incisions as well, and wash thoroughly without rubbing the area. Gently pat dry. This will help the incisions remain clean and reduce the risk of infection. Baths cannot be taken until about two weeks after your surgery.
Individual recovery rates can vary; most patients resume a sedentary office job in one week with a gradual resumption of normal activity, although some return much sooner. You will probably have to wait a month or two if your job is physically demanding, particularly if it involves lifting heavy things. Typically, you can expect to recover faster if you receive local rather than general anesthesia.
Strenuous exercise can be resumed in four weeks. Please start slowly and gradually increase intensity.
These guidelines are very general. You will receive specific instructions that are designed for your recovery from Dr. Gartner.
Congratulations, within a few months you’ll be able to see the results of your breast augmentation surgery! You’ll enjoy a more proportionate body contour that makes you feel more feminine and attractive. Our patients love their new look, and so will you!