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Home Procedures Body Thigh Lift

Thigh Lift

Conveniently located to serve the areas of New Jersey

Thigh Lift New Jersey, NY

find out everything about your thigh lift options.

Dr. Gartner will give you a list of instructions outlining how to prepare for your thigh lift. These instructions may include the following:

  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol two weeks before surgery to reduce your risk of bleeding, infection, and delayed healing.
  • Avoid Aspirin, Ibuprofen, vitamin E, and ginkgo balboa two weeks before surgery to reduce your risk of bleeding and bruising.
  • Eat a healthy diet to provide your body the nutrients it will need for a swift recovery. You may also be advised to take a multivitamin.
  • Be mentally prepared by reducing the amount of stress in your life.

the Gartner Plastic Surgery and Laser Center offers a carefully curated selection of aesthetic treatments to suit every need. we invite you to book a consultation and find out which of our facial peel options are best suited to your needs.


Through surgical body lift procedures with your Plastic Surgery expert, Dr. Gartner, you can restore your new body to a slimmer, shapelier contour.


Losing weight is great for your overall health, but your efforts may be hidden by the loose skin that’s left behind. Massive weight loss, as well as aging, can leave you with bulges and rolls in your upper thighs so visible that you may be embarrassed to wear certain clothing. Further exercise and diet can make the problem worse. A thigh lift, also known as thighplasty, can reshape your upper thighs so you can wear the clothes you want. A study in the journal, Plastic, and Reconstructive Surgery[1], reports that thighplasty not only improves the appearance and function of the thighs, but the procedure also improves the quality of life of patients who have experienced massive weight loss.


Reshape your upper thighs for a more proportionate leg contour, *Reduce fat bulges, Smooth away folds caused by loose skin, *Reduce the irritation that is caused by folds and bulges that rub together all the time, and *Reduce sagging skin.


The ability to get back to work in about a week or two, A leaner leg contour, A more proportionate appearance, The ability to move more freely and with more comfort, The ability to wear shorts, skirts, and form-fitting pants without embarrassment and An improved sense of self, because you’ll be more confident in your appearance.


A medial thigh lift, or thighplasty, targets excess skin and fat in the inner and upper thigh. If you want to reduce the circumference of your thighs and have smoother, firmer skin, then a thigh lift may be for you. Candidates for the surgery should be healthy and have realistic expectations regarding results.

A thigh lift is designed to reshape your thighs and is not a method of weight loss, therefore you should be at your ideal weight, or close to it, and have maintained it for several months before the surgery. That way, you’ll have a safer surgical experience, easier recovery, and enjoy better results.


Your initial surgical consultation is with Dr. Gartner, a Double Board Certified plastic surgeon and general surgeon. At the end of your consultation, you’ll be able to decide as to whether a thigh lift is right for you. The purpose of your consultation is the following:

Explore the options that would help you achieve your aesthetic goals, Determine whether a thigh lift, or alternative option, is suitable for you based on your aesthetic goals and medical condition, and Provide you with information regarding your treatment, such as its related risks and the recovery period, Inform you of Dr. Gartner’s credentials and professional reputation as your plastic surgeon, Give you an overview of our surgical facility and Provide you with a quote for your treatment.


Thighplasty is a safe surgery that can reshape your leg contour dramatically. However, you should be aware of the risks associated with this surgery. The following are all considered rare:

Hematoma, Seroma, Accumulated fluid in the legs (prolonged swelling), Infection, Blood clots, Irregular scarring, and Asymmetry.


  • Explore the options that would help you achieve your aesthetic goals
  • Determine whether a thigh lift or alternative option, is suitable for you based on your aesthetic goals and medical condition
  • Provide you with information regarding your treatment, such as its related risks and the recovery period
  • Give you an overview of our surgical facility
  • Provide you with a quote for your treatment

Your initial surgical consultation is with Dr. Gartner, a Double Board Certified plastic surgeon and general surgeon.

At the end of your consultation, you’ll be able to decide as to whether a thigh lift is right for you.

Thigh Lift New Jersey, NY

The Gartner Plastic Surgery and Laser Center offers a carefully curated selection of aesthetic treatments of suit every need. we invite you to book a consultation and find out which of our facial peel options are best suited to your needs.

Depending upon your needs, your body lift may entail either minimally invasive or surgical approaches.

Why Choose Us

  • Dr. Gartner specializes in targeting the upper inner thighs, limiting the incision to a short one in the groin crease. This means that you won’t have any visible scarring when wearing clothes.
  • You’ll receive pre-emptive anesthesia. This allows you to experience a shorter recovery period that is marked by less inflammation and discomfort.
  • Laser-assisted liposuction may be performed at the same time as your thigh lift to eliminate any stubborn fat pockets and enhance your results. A mild degree of skin tightening is also achieved with the liposuction technology we use.
  • Dissolvable sutures are used to close your incisions, which means you won’t have to come back to have them removed.


  • Pre-emptive anesthesia is administered.
  • General anesthesia is administered.
  • An incision is made in the crease where your thigh meets the groin area.
  • Laser-assisted liposuction may be performed to remove any excess fat that is contributing to an uneven contour. An additional benefit of this technique is improved skin tightening.
  • Excess skin and tissue is removed and the remaining skin is redraped to smooth away wrinkles and sagging.
  • The incision is closed with absorbable sutures and dressed. A compression garment may also be placed around the thighs to support incisions and reduce the rate of swelling and bruising.

Your surgery will be performed at our state-of-the-art surgical facility. Our facility is fully accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF). AAAASF medicare certification is considered the gold standard in accreditation and one of the highest certifications any ambulatory center can obtain in the country.



Your body needs to devote its energy to recovering from surgery, so once you get home, you’ll need to spend most of your time resting. Keep your compression garment and wear it for the amount of time recommended by Dr. Gartner, only removing it when you shower. Any discomfort can be alleviated with prescribed medication.

You may notice an immediate improvement in your thigh contour, however swelling will hide the results of your surgery. Sometimes, this swelling can make your thighs look worse than before surgery. Rest assured that in the days and weeks following your surgery, this swelling will gradually subside to reveal your desired improvement. Most of the swelling will be gone in about a month or two.


You’ll be able to shower a day after your surgery. Take off your compression garment and dressings before you get into the shower, and wash your incisions with mild soap. Gently pat dry and apply antibiotic ointment, if necessary. Put your dressings and garment back on once you’re done.


You may be able to return to work in about a week to 10 days after your surgery. You may have to wait a little longer if your job is physical.


You’ll be able to get back to strenuous exercise in four weeks or so.


Once the swelling has disappeared, you’ll love your leaner leg shape. You’ll be able to wear form-fitting clothes that show off your smoother inner thighs, *and you’ll no longer experience the discomfort caused by your thighs rubbing together all the time.*


Happy patient
I had a breast augmentation and my results are amazing. They look so natural nobody can tell. I am so happy my friend referred him and she is too!
Happy patient
Dr Gartner is amazing!!! I had a mommy makeover and I love my results, its an incredible transformation. Dr Gartner and his staff are extremely professional and he is a true artist.
Happy patient
I am so happy with my new face. I was at my daughter’s wedding and I felt great. I look 15 years younger. I had a face lift 8 months ago. The recovery was quick and the results were instant.
Happy patient
Gartner Plastic Surgery is the best practice you can go to. The team of office staff, nurses and patient care coordinators are the best in the business.
Happy patient
I had a breast lift under local anesthesia and it was amazing. I was comfortable through the procedure and afterwards. Staff is excellent and friendly.
Happy patient
I had a breast augmentation and my results are amazing. They look so natural nobody can tell. I am so happy my friend referred him and she is too!
Happy patient
Dr Gartner is amazing!!! I had a mommy makeover and I love my results, its an incredible transformation. Dr Gartner and his staff are extremely professional and he is a true artist.

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