Learn everything you need to know about your Smart Liposuction options.
SMART Liposuction is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that uses laser technology to remove unwanted fat from targeted areas of the body. This procedure can provide several benefits, including permanent fat removal, improved body contour, and skin tightening.
SMART Liposuction is a safer and less invasive alternative to traditional liposuction, with a shorter recovery time and less scarring. The procedure can be used to address a wide range of areas, including the chin, neck, arms, abdomen, love handles, thighs, and more.
If you are looking for a safe and effective way to remove unwanted fat and achieve a slimmer, more toned appearance, SMART Liposuction may be the right choice for you.
At Gartner Plastic Surgery, liposuction is a unique and personalized experience. This procedure is designed to remove stubborn fat from areas of your body where it accumulates and doesn’t reduce, regardless of how much dieting and exercise you do. Dr. Gartner administers preemptive anesthesia to make your recovery more comfortable and help you get back to your daily activities sooner. With over a decade of experience, Dr. Gartner offers a variety of techniques to achieve your desired improvement, including laser-assisted liposuction for areas with mild to moderate loose skin, which can improve skin retraction rates and reduce blood loss.
Local or Oral Sedation
SMART Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure that can help you achieve the body you’ve always wanted. Unlike diet and exercise, liposuction can target small pockets of unwanted fat in specific areas of your body, such as the neck, back, upper arms, waist, hips, thighs, knees, calves, and even breasts. With local anesthesia and oral sedation, you won’t feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure, and you can get back to work within just a few days.
Small pockets of unwanted fat can ruin your body contour, making you bulge in areas that you’d like leaner.
Liposuction is designed to sculpt your body, eliminating unwanted fat so you can have the smoother and sleeker silhouette that you deserve—without going “under”!
Although Dr. Gartner follows strict infection protocols, they may still occur. You should follow your post-surgery incision care instructions to help minimize the risk of infection as well as avoid smoking for at least two weeks before and after surgery. Early detection makes resolution easier.
This can be caused by infection or superficial liposuction techniques.
This refers to loosened fat that enters the blood vessels. It can be fatal.
Although this is usually temporary, it can be permanent in rare cases.
This is a risk associated with laser-assisted liposuction.
Sometimes, contour irregularities including depression and wrinkling of the skin, can occur. Treatments are available if these problems occur. Please note that liposuction is not a cellulite treatment, although some patients will notice an improvement in the visibility of cellulite after the procedure.
Recovery from liposuction is relatively quick, but bruising and swelling can remain for a few weeks. You may need to wear a compression garment as you recover for a few weeks. The garment is designed to control swelling and help your skin retract to your leaner body contour, as well as minimize the risk of developing a seroma or hematoma.
You’ll most likely be swollen as you recover, which will make you look larger than you’d like. You may even think that you look worse than you did before your surgery. As the swelling subsides, however, the true results of your surgery will gradually appear and you’ll love your new look.
You’ll probably be able to go back to desk work within three to seven days.
Moderate exercise can be resumed after one week, depending on the size of the area and how many areas are involved.
The changes following liposuction are similar to what you would expect if you lost an equal amount of localized fat through dieting and exercise. You’ll enjoy a leaner body contour that is more proportionate and smoother. It is recommended to maintain a healthy lifestyle after the procedure to ensure long-term results.
It makes sense that patients’ initial concerns are whether or not they would gain weight following liposuction. To put it simply, the fat that is removed will not come back. You can keep the shape you’ve obtained if you maintain a regular weight. But if you lead an unhealthy lifestyle, your body will start to store fat once again and could potentially be restored in those areas.
Not much will probably change even if you gain a little weight. As there are fewer fat cells where it was aspirated, fat will be distributed differently. On the other hand, if you put on a lot of weight, the body starts to produce fat cells everywhere, even in the areas you’ve had surgery. Although the fat cells eliminated by liposuction are irreversibly gone, we advise maintaining a steady weight to prevent fresh fat from accumulating in troubled regions. To aid in obtaining long-lasting benefits, make sure to exercise and maintain a balanced diet.
Liposuction is not a weight-loss or cellulite-reduction method. Its goal is to get rid of lipodystrophy, or fat deposits beneath the skin in certain body parts. The most typical is to aspirate fat from the thighs, hips, waist, and belly. In order to get better results, it may also support other procedures like abdominoplasty.
If you are obese, you may want to speak with a dietician or determine if bariatric surgery is a good option for you. There are cosmetic medical procedures that may be used in conjunction with liposuction to make your skin tighter if you also have cellulite.
Scarring is a problem that is always present in cosmetic surgery. Thankfully, the liposuction methods we utilize now only need millimeter-sized incisions. For them to be fully undetectable, we also carry them out in well-chosen locations. Therefore, liposuction does not leave visible scars, and it will become more difficult to discern signs over time.
Liposuction is often carried out while the patient is sedated and under local anesthetic, keeping them awake and comfortable. The use of general anesthesia is restricted to major procedures involving many body parts.
You need to feel good about yourself inside and out if you want to reach your full potential. If you’re unhappy with some part of your appearance, Dr. Gartner, a plastic surgeon in New Jersey, can help you get the confidence you need to live your life the way you want to. He comes up with unique treatment plans to help his patients look better in a way that looks as natural as possible.
- Spot reduces unwanted fat in the neck, back, upper arms, waist, hips, thighs, knees, and calves. The breasts can also be treated.
- Smaller, rather than larger, areas may be treated.
- *You won’t feel any pain or discomfort at all during your surgery, even though you’ll still be awake.
- *Get back to work within three to seven days.
- See your results sooner than if you had gone under general anesthesia, with less discomfort, bruising, and swelling.
- Resume moderate exercise in a week.
- Buttocks, thighs, and hips
- The stomach and waist
- Neck, arms, and back
- Chest, Chin, and cheeks
- The legs and feet
While exercise and diet are beneficial for your overall health, they can’t be reduce, no matter how strict your lifestyle is. Small pockets of unwanted fat can ruin your body contour, making you bulge in areas that you’d like leaner.
Liposuction is designed to sculpt your body, eliminating unwanted fat so you can have the smoother and sleeker silhouette that you deserve—without going “under”!
Liposuction can be a great way to slim and shape certain parts of the body by removing excess fat and giving the skin time to tighten. This can help you look and feel fit and healthy. Even if you work out and try to live a healthy life, there are often some things you can’t change no matter how hard you try. Also, unbalanced shapes can be caused by localized fat deposits that are linked to genes rather than a lack of weight control or exercise. Some of the most common areas treated are:
- By adequately preparing for your surgery, you’ll feel better about the whole experience and improve your surgical outcome. To make your recovery a more comfortable one, you may also want to get your home ready by doing the following:
- Arrange for childcare.
- Get a good supply of comfortable clothes (jogging pants, loose shirts).
- Do all the laundry.
- Set up the area in your home where you’ll spend the most time, making sure to have towels, tissues, pillows, blankets, books, and anything else required easily accessible.
- Clean your home.
- Stock up on medical supplies, such as bandages, anti-bacterial soap, cold packs, and hot water bottles. You should also fill your prescriptions obtained from Dr. Gartner for pain relief and to help fight infection.
- Prepare some food so you won’t have to cook in the days after your surgery.
A successful outcome from liposuction surgery depends not just on the expertise of your plastic surgeon, but also on what you can do to adequately prepare for your surgery.
- Stop smoking and drinking alcohol two weeks before your surgery. If you don’t, your surgery may need to be rescheduled or canceled.
- Stop taking anything that would promote bleeding, such as Aspirin and Ibuprofen, two weeks before surgery.
- Avoid drinking or eating anything eight hours before your surgery, including water.
- Start taking Arnica tablets, if recommended by Dr. Gartner, about two weeks before surgery to facilitate your recovery.
Make sure to have someone you trust to drive you home from our surgical facility and stay with you for the first 24 hours after your surgery. You won’t be able to go home alone. You may want to bring a bucket or bag to take with you in the car, just in case you feel nauseous after the surgery. This is more of a concern if you have general anesthesia.
On the day of your surgery, take a shower using anti-bacterial soap. You may wear makeup unless the area to be treated is your face.
Ideal Candidate
Liposuction can achieve a fantastic improvement in your appearance. However, it’s important to know that not every patient is a suitable candidate. These are some things that are considered when determining the suitability of the procedure for a patient.
Liposuction can target localized fat deposits that cannot be eliminated with exercise and diet alone. These fat deposits should be located subcutaneously (below the skin). The surgery cannot remove fat that is located around your organs deep in your body. It may also not be able to remove fat that is in sensitive areas of your body due to the risk of complications, such as behind the knees.
Liposuction, like any other cosmetic surgical procedure, is designed for men and women who are generally healthy.
In Liposuction surgery under local anesthesia: limited blood loss and minimal lidocaine absorption[2], the procedure we offer has been proven to be painless and minimizes blood loss, allowing you to reshape your body without the risks associated with general anesthesia. *Your skin in the treated area will also firm back up substantially*, which means you won’t be left with as much loose skin as if another liposuction technique were performed.
Only local anesthesia and oral sedation are required to obtain your desired results, which means you won’t have to endure any of the risks or side effects associated with general anesthesia, such as not being able to wake up, vomiting/nausea, and feeling groggy. Coupled with the administration of pre-emptive anesthesia, you’ll enjoy a faster recovery that won’t be as intense or uncomfortable.

Dr. Gartner uses Smartlipo to perform your procedure. Smartlipo is a leading type of laser-assisted liposuction device that first melts unwanted fat, making it far easier to suction out of your body with a microcannula. The laser energy seals blood vessels in the area so that there’s less bleeding and bruising. *You’ll also experience a significant tightening of the overlying skin in the area as you recover because the gentle heat delivered to the area promotes collagen and elastin production*. In fact, according to the Evaluation of skin tightening after laser-assisted liposuction[3], patients enjoyed a significant average skin retraction three months after their surgery.
You don’t need to come back to get your stitches removed, because Dr. Gartner uses sutures that will simply dissolve while you recover.
The surgery may be an option for you if you’ve tried exercising and dieting but haven’t been able to get rid of your unwanted fat. However, liposuction may not be right for you if you are considering it as a method of weight loss.
Some medications and supplements can make the surgery riskier. You will be asked to refrain from taking these a couple of weeks before and after your surgery. If you can’t stop taking these medications, then liposuction may not be suitable for you.
You’ll be examined to make sure that liposuction can give you the results you want. In some cases, another procedure may be deemed more suitable. For example, if you have a lot of excess skin in your midsection, a tummy tuck would probably be better for you. A successful outcome often relies on if you have good skin elasticity in the target area.
You can expect to bruise in the treatment area after liposuction. While your plastic surgeon will use medication and techniques to help prevent unnecessary bruising, depending on your body and the extent of your treatment, it’s a normal part of healing. Bruises often look worse than they feel. You should expect to see the color fading by 2 weeks after surgery.
Liposuction isn’t usually described as very painful. The discomfort you’ll feel shouldn’t distract you from relaxing, watching T.V., or socializing. You’ll be asked to stick with restful activities and avoid workouts for a few weeks after surgery. Topical medication or light massage may be recommended by your surgeon. Patients may take oral medication as directed throughout the first week. Luckily, pain is often less than expected with this procedure.
It’s often hard to be patient with outcomes after cosmetic surgery. Before you see your new shape revealed after liposuction, the typical inflammation must run its course. You’ll see significant improvements by 2 weeks in most cases, but residual swelling may last a few months. Patients are often provided with a compression garment to wear post-procedure, which helps reduce fluid retention and conform the tissue to its new shape.
No invasive surgery is entirely without scarring. However, New Jersey liposuction patients enjoy some of the smallest possible scars. Your plastic surgeon will place the necessary incisions in discrete areas whenever possible. They usually measure just a few millimeters long, so if well-cared for, your scars can be nearly invisible once healed.
When using liposuction to surgically extract fat cells, they do not return to the treatment area. You may have up to 5 liters of fat suctioned from your body during liposuction.
Patients must take care to manage their weight and not gain fat after surgery. If you put on extra pounds after liposuction, you can expect untreated areas to increase in size visibly. Your plastic surgeon will give you advice to maintain a healthy weight and your ideal results.
For your consultation about liposuction, you’ll talk to Dr. Gartner, a Double Board Certified plastic surgeon and general surgeon. The consultation is designed to give you the vital information you need to make an informed decision about your surgery. Your liposuction consultation will give you:
An overview of the liposuction procedure and how it can help achieve your aesthetic goals
What type of anesthesia is best for you (local or general)
The side effects and risks involved with the surgery
Information about Dr. Gartner and the surgical facility where your liposuction will be performed
Any alternatives that may be able to achieve your goals
Dr. Gartner has been performing liposuction for over a decade. Your consultation is an opportunity to have all of your questions and concerns addressed. Some questions you may want to ask include what method of liposuction would be best for you, how much fat you should have removed, and what kind of recovery period you should expect.
Sometimes, liposuction isn’t the best solution. For example, if the fat you have is located around your vital organs rather than directly under your skin, then liposuction cannot help you. Non-surgical alternatives may also be offered.
The only way you can make an informed decision is to understand the side effects and risks associated with liposuction.
It’s a good idea to write down any questions you have so you won’t forget to ask them during your consultation. You’ll have plenty of time to talk to Dr. Gartner since we want you to feel as comfortable as possible with the surgery and Dr. Gartner.
If you require larger amounts of fat in several areas to be removed, general anesthesia is administered to increase your comfort and safety. Your surgery can be combined with other facial or body contouring procedures, such as blepharoplasty, a tummy tuck, or breast augmentation. You can even use the fat removed from your body and put it back into another area to reshape or resize it, such as your breasts or buttocks.
Get back to work within a week or less with less discomfort, bruising, and swelling compared to other more traditional forms of liposuction. You may be able to have other treatments performed at the same time, so you only have to undergo one surgery and a recovery period. Combining treatments can also be more cost-effective. Experience a dramatic improvement in your body contour.