find out everything you need to know about your cysts & lipoma options
Also known as ‘lumps and bumps’, in New Jersey, cysts are commonly removed through simple minor surgical procedures. They are typically non-harmful fluid-filled pockets under the skin containing debris and dead skin cells. Cysts may be found anywhere on the body and can range from small pea size to large grapefruit size. Cysts typically appear solid with a dark spot-like opening and can become tender or red. A cyst may become problematic if fluid leaks out of the cyst onto the surrounding skin, as it may cause discomfort or even become infected.
The Condition
Cysts can form for many different reasons such as when a hair follicle becomes blocked, when skin is damaged or an individual has acne, when surface skin cells that normally shed, move into deeper skin layers and multiply, or when sebum is secreted forming a fluid-filled sac.
Lipomas are also non-harmful mobile masses of soft tissue that can develop under the skin and are commonly found on shoulders, chest, arms, back, bottom, and thighs. These dome-shaped lesions are composed of clumps of mature healthy fat cells. Lipomas are similar in size to cysts and grow fairly slowly.
They appear soft without an opening like cysts have. If lipomas grow big in critical areas such as the back or shoulder, it can interfere with functionality and mobility.
d=Gr. Gartner will discuss how your lipoma removal can help improve your life and determine the best method for you.
Cysts can be treated in various ways, depending on whether they are malignant or not. If a cyst is not cancerous, there may be no immediate treatment necessary. In some cases, a steroid injection may be given to reduce inflammation. Alternatively, surgical drainage may be required to drain any pus and remove the cyst wall. In more severe cases, surgical excision may be necessary to completely remove the entire cyst wall and contents. This procedure is performed by direct excision, and no piece of the surrounding cyst wall must remain, as this can lead to recurring cysts or infection due to the continued secretion of oils from the glands.
During cyst removal surgery, Dr. Gartner will mark an area around the cyst to prepare for removal. The surgery itself typically takes around 15-20 minutes, and patients can typically drive themselves home after the procedure as local anesthesia is used. Local freezing of the cyst site is used to numb the area for 20-30 minutes before the surgery begins.
The surgeon will mark an area around the cyst to prepare for removal. The surgery itself will take approximately 15-20 minutes. The patient will be able to drive after the surgery as anesthetics are administered locally. Local freezing of the cyst site is used to numb (20-30 min allows freezing to set in).
Specimen with skin cells will be removed.
Stitches may be needed and will be removed 5-14 days later.
Redness is normal even after stitches have been taken out.
Scar should be hardly visible, and smooth 4-6 months post surgery.
Learn More
During the initial consultation, Dr. Gartner and his team will evaluate your health, determine the size and location of lipoma, and guide individuals to their optimal removal options.
Dr. Gartner is a fully certified plastic surgeon and general surgeon. Though he has a wide range of experience in the field of aesthetic plastic surgery, he takes pride in using advanced, precision techniques to perform common, minor surgeries such as lipoma and Cyst removal in his New Jersey or NYC offices. A plastic surgeon has the artistic and meticulous touch needed to ensure minimal scarring or visible damage to a treatment area. Dr. Gartner will explain the procedure, type of facility used, and anesthesia, as well as explain the risks involved with each procedure. If appropriate, he will offer any other alternative surgical options and appointments that may apply to each individual. Most insurance plans fully cover the removal of cysts and lipomas.
The vast majority of cysts and lipomas are harmless but can often be unsightly or uncomfortable. Both can be removed through minor excision surgery. Excision of small cysts and lipomas (<5mm) may be performed due to inflammation causing discomfort, or even for aesthetic or cosmetic reasons. Most are small in size and do not require treatment. Removal requires a plastic surgeon’s knowledge and skillset to avoid leaving tissue depressions and obvious scarring
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Surgery Expectations
Removal by direct excision—remove the skin and underlying tissues
Liposuction (minimally invasive)–allows for smaller incisions to vacuum fat cells from underlying skin
If you’re considering surgical removal of a lipoma, Dr. Gartner can help. As an experienced plastic surgeon based in New Jersey, he can provide you with the guidance and care you need throughout the entire process.
During the procedure, Dr. Gartner will use a local anesthetic to numb the area around the lipoma, ensuring a pain-free experience. He will then make a small incision over the lipoma and carefully remove the fatty tissue, closing the incision with sutures.
After the surgery, Dr. Gartner will provide you with detailed instructions on how to care for the incision site and minimize any discomfort. You may experience some mild swelling and bruising, but this should subside within a few days.
Dr. Gartner will also advise you on when you can safely resume normal activities, such as work or exercise. Follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor your progress and ensure that you’re healing properly.
The surgeon will mark the area around the lipoma to prepare for removal. The surgery itself will usually take approximately 30 minutes to perform. The patient will be able to go home once the procedure is completed. The removal procedure is carried out under local anesthetics.
‘Enucleation’ for smaller lipomas. A small incision is made on the skin overlying the lipoma using a thin rod called ‘curette’ (which has a small gouge at one end). The surgeon separates the lipoma and removes it completely from the surrounding normal tissue. The dressing is applied to the wound and wound area.
The surgeon makes a series of incisions on the skin overlying larger tumors. The surgeon applies a pull to skin flaps made by incisions and squeezes to expose the lipoma. The surgeon carefully dissects lipoma fat tissue as well as fibrous capsules from adjacent normal tissue.
The remaining tissue space is closed with dissolving sutures.
The recovery period depends on the size and location of the lipoma. Typically, individuals can return to work and resume light activity 1 week after lipoma removal. Sutures usually can be removed 1-2 weeks after surgery.

Lipomas may pose different restrictions and hindrances for many individuals. Once a lipoma reaches a certain size, it may pose restriction on movement of the affected area, as well as become visually and physically discomfortingSurgical lipoma removal can enhance quality of life, as well as cosmetic appearances for individuals who are hindered by them. Dr. Gartner’s extensive knowledge and skill allow for skin care that treats cysts and lipomas in New Jersey and NYC, leaving minimal tissue depression or visible scarring.
Dr. Gartner will discuss how your lipoma removal can help improve your life and determine the best method for you. The vast majority of lipomas are removed through a minor surgery. That means that individuals can arrive on their own, have a team of professionals guide them through the procedure, and return home unescorted. Most individuals can shower over the area and return to their normal activities right away.
A follow-up appointment with Dr. Gartner is recommended to monitor the healing process and remove any sutures if necessary. You’ll be given detailed instructions when you come to see Dr. Gartner for your New Jersey cyst or lipoma removal.
Dr. Gartner will discuss how your lipoma removal can help improve your life and determine the best method for you.