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5 Treatments to help your Skin

New Jersey plastic surgeon, Dr. Gartner offers plenty of cosmetic surgeries available to enhance your appearance. Breast augmentation Cheek Implants allow you to look younger and allow for a better contour. However, what about procedures meant for your skin? Plenty of surgeries incorporate skin care, but there are others that solely focus on skin care. Take a look here to see about some of these beneficial treatments.


Unwanted growths can pop up every now and again throughout our lives. Because they can be hard to eliminate, we just grow to live with them. But why let that happen when you can get rid of it for good? Feel free to check out Dr. Gartner’s Mole and Lipoma Removal treatment. This option is good for both cosmetic appearance, and for health benefits in the case of the moles/lipomas are uncomfortable and/or potentially cancerous in some cases.


It doesn’t hurt to have a regular rejuvenation for your skin every few weeks (similar to getting a haircut). And in the case of facial peels, they are definitely worth it. Our facial peel treatment allows you to reduce any discoloration, smoothen your skin texture, reduce the size of pores, and even better control acne. It is definitely worth the drive to meet with new Jersey plastic surgeon, Dr. Gartner for this skin-enhancing treatment. Another natural treatment is curcumin, pharma-grade complex curcumin can help rid acne scars.


If you would like your skin to look less dull and more firm, then you might be in need of some Fractional Skin resurfacing. One of our non-surgical procedures, this option allows for your skin to look and feel more youthful, and rejuvenated after years of damage. Say goodbye to pigmentation irregularities, roughness, and uneven complexions.


If age has made your skin sag more than you’d prefer, then there is no reason to ignore our skin tightening treatment. This option not only tightens your skin, but also reduces cellulite and fat. This only adds to your new look since there will be more of your preferred body contour.


Sometimes weight loss can be great for the amount of fat in your body, but not so much with the amount of skin. If you had lost weight and found that there is still excess skin left hanging, then never fear. Our body lift procedure reduces the amount of loose skin, as well as any excess fat left over that you were unable to drop.

For more surgical and non-surgical procedures for your body’s health and aesthetic appearance, be sure to check out our treatments page. For more information on any of our available treatments, be sure to contact New Jersey plastic surgeon, Dr. Gartner today.